I know why Halo fans claim H2 is the best FPS!

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Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Because they just can't afford a good PC :naughty:

XBOX = $150


It explains everything.

But Halo 2 fanboys would love to play Far Cry or UT2004, but they just can't afford it. I feel so sorry for them! :(
What I want to post here will just get me warned or banned...so I will say this:

Not true and you're not funny.
I'm a PC Fanboy as big as they come. I haven't played Halo 2 yet, but I guarantee that Halo 2 is probably better than UT2K4 or Far Cry.
the difference between starving people and not so starving people is that one group has food while the other doesnt

the best thing about rabies is that it's not cancer

if a spoon and a fork is a spork, does that mean that a stork is a "st" and an "ork"?
wilka91 said:
Because they just can't afford a good PC :naughty:

XBOX = $150


It explains everything.

But Halo 2 fanboys would love to play Far Cry or UT2004, but they just can't afford it. I feel so sorry for them! :(

Explain those who have a good pc and still like Halo ;)
I have an expensive PC ready for any next-gen game + xbox.

I also happen to love Halo 2 (MP, of course)

Does that make me a bad person?
yes, bordering on "evil" ;)

I have a 2 pc's, an xbox and 2 macs ..but I rarely play xbox cuz the games are simplistic compared to pc games
Wow, dude. You're just so superior. And rich, too. Please, can I lick your boots?
yes please, and do a good job this time, last time you left your spittle :E

I only have one gaming rig, the rest are mediocre work pcs
That post was actually directed to the thread starter.

But hey, I'll lick your boots any way.
um no, I have a fairly high end PC (320064 1gbram 9800XT Audigy 2zs and a WD 10,000rpm 74gb drive) and guess what? I love halo 2!

maybe PC gamers dont like Halo 2, because a $200 xbox has a game that is awesomly fun to play and is not on their $1000 machine
lans said:
I have an expensive PC ready for any next-gen game + xbox.

I also happen to love Halo 2 (MP, of course)

Does that make me a bad person?

In his world, where he creates the laws of nature, it does make you a bad person. Of the category mime from hell.
=Coy0te= said:
maybe PC gamers dont like Halo 2, because a $200 xbox has a game that is awesomly fun to play and is not on their $1000 machine

That's just crazy talk ;)
i remember all this talk about Halo when it first came out. few months later people realising it really isnt that amazing as its blown up by microsoft to be
TheGGMan said:
i remember all this talk about Halo when it first came out. few months later people realising it really isnt that amazing as its blown up by microsoft to be

Which people?? :)

My best friends neighbours wifes cousin said HL2 is rubbish!!
dont you people have anyhting better to talk about yet?
I know why Half-Life 2 fanboys claim HL2 is the best FPS!

...because they have'nt played it yet!


I have a good rig, and I still play Halo 2 and have tons of fun with it. You cant get that kind of replayability with Half-Life, or fun with Half-Life's original multiplayer.

CS, CS Source, DoD, DoD Source, maybe. TFC, possibly.

But this is the first time, the original game, itself, has had a powerful multiplayer game to sport along with its singleplayer.
threads posted to merely start a flame war are bad. they will be locked. you have been warned. If you do it again, you may be banned.
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