I saw Obama kissing Hugo Chavez


May 5, 2004
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no really:


RJMC's head explodes

united colors of benetton has just unveiled its new 'unhate' advertising campaign in a handful,
of cities, featuring manipulated images that show unlikely pairings of international religious and
political leaders kissing one another.


here's one for Numbers:


Numberessess' head asplodes
Pretty funny, but I was hoping they would have one of Putin and Saakashvili.
This is rather perverse. Political slashfic, LOL.
This ad has already been pulled:


The Vatican is livid:

Vatican spokesman Federico Lomabardi called the Benetton ad an "absolutely unacceptable use of the image of the Holy Father, manipulated and exploited in a publicity campaign with commercial ends.

"This shows a grave lack of respect for the pope, an offence to the feelings of believers, a clear demonstration of how publicity can violate the basic rules of respect for people by attracting attention with provocation," his statement said.

"We are sorry that the use of an image of the pontiff and the imam should have offended the sensibilities of the faithful in this way," Benetton said in a statement.
Korean Kissing is just so... dispassionate.
They could have at least just done hugging. Though I guess that would get much less publicity than political and religious leaders getting off with each other. So yah, from a publicity standpoint, well done to them, I guess.
Why's that so offensive? I figured the Pope would have been thrilled to be seen making out with Santa.
They could have at least just done hugging. Though I guess that would get much less publicity than political and religious leaders getting off with each other. So yah, from a publicity standpoint, well done to them, I guess.

Looks like it's referencing the Fraternal Kiss.