i was scared when



the start of the game when your being chased by a head crab and theres lasers in the hallway and you dont even have a crowbar yet.

that freaked me out so bad i never played sp for 2 years.

the other parts that freaked me out after i came back to HL were when you're in the round vent above the toxic sludge and then it breaks and you fall into a room, breaking a table and killing the crab under it. i was not expecting that.

another one was when i first saw the marines. i had seen the sentry guns and taken them out, but i figured they were there to just kill anything that moved, couldnt tell between me or an alien. then i see the marines, so i ran out and went to team up and kick some alien ass. but they started yelling orders at me and took me down quick times.

finally, there was something about that tentacle that attacked any noise it heard
The beginning is scary, you have no clue what's going on, no weapons, and that sound.......

remember when you first notice the sound in the air?

Kind of underwatery, kind of alien?...... creeeepy.
The first part kept makin me jump, it was so embarrasing my bro just kept pointing and laughing...lol
Originally posted by simmo2k3
The first part kept makin me jump, it was so embarrasing my bro just kept pointing and laughing...lol

Just figured out how to use this feature.

Beginning was nerve wracking, until I got the first gun.
After the first time it just wasnt the same :(

Just figured out how to use this feature.

How come the use is green?
Scariest moment for me... I'm afraid of heights, so scaling down the cliff edge had me totally freaked out. Give me aliens any day. Strangely, the Xen jumping wasn't freaky at all. I guess I'm only afraid of realistic looking 'Earth' heights.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
After the first time it just wasnt the same :(

Just figured out how to use this feature.

How come the use is green?

How am I supposed to know, I don't even know how to use spell check. No matter nobody does.:cheese: