IGN Lost Coast Preview


Oct 2, 2003
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IGN has a short piece on their impressions from Valve's E3 Lost Coast showing. It confirms that there is a good chance of the HDR technology being implemented into Half-Life 2 in the near future by Valve, and tells us a little about the kind of hardware that'll be needed to run it.
[br]Check out the article here.
Not only this, but they imply that it will be standard in Aftermath as well.

Hooray for good tidings!
We talked with one of the Valve reps giving the presentation, and he said that although Lost Coast would require a pretty high-end system (3.2GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 6800GT or X800 Pro, et cetera)

Liking that bit. My specs :D
Ah foo, the computer specs are too high for me. Better start saving.
More realistic faces / new combine model / some extra locations? Best info I've heard about Lost Coast.
Upgraded facial animation too, it seems? I'd love to see that!
isnt anyone else bored? E3 is the time for BIG news. Valve seems not to have anything big to show off this time round. pity.
Hey... don't you think that Source is a loser now? Compare how many companies have licensed Source and how many have licensed Unreal 3 up to day? I'm afraid that it won't be as good as Valve wanted it to be.
Cons Himself said:
isnt anyone else bored? E3 is the time for BIG news. Valve seems not to have anything big to show off this time round. pity.

You people whinning aren't doing any better. Be greatful VALVe even went. :frown:
Hey... don't you think that Source is a loser now? Compare how many companies have licensed Source and how many have licensed Unreal 3 up to day? I'm afraid that it won't be as good as Valve wanted it to be.

You should be comparing licences for DOOM and Half-Life tech. The Unreal engine 3 isn't a competitor to Source. UE3 is designed to be a next generation engine.

isnt anyone else bored? E3 is the time for BIG news. Valve seems not to have anything big to show off this time round. pity.

There are far more interesting things happening at E3, like the mystery surrounding the Nintendo Revolution and the other consoles too. Expand your horizons beyond Valve.

What about Alan Wake?! Remedy rock, Max Payne rocks. I can't wait to see what they do with Alan Wake.
HybridMI can't wait to see what they do with Alan Wake.[/QUOTE said:
Me too. Story sounds interesting, graphic is georgeous. I'm only afraid that it won't run on my 5200 :cheese: .
wlodi said:
Hey... don't you think that Source is a loser now? Compare how many companies have licensed Source and how many have licensed Unreal 3 up to day? I'm afraid that it won't be as good as Valve wanted it to be.
As far as I know, nobody has licensed the Unreal 3 engine since it's still being actively developed. Between Doom 3 and Source, however, I think Source has been licensed by more developers.
Delete this message, please. I've got some kind of error :/
U3E has been licensed for e.g. Huxley MMO and Frame City Killer. It's been also licensed by NCsoft, creators of Lineage series, german Acony studio, again by U.S. Army, TimeGate Studios, Microsoft Game Studios, Midway and Bioware. That's quite impressive. Source has been licensed about 3 or 4 times (there is even an MMO, Twilight War: After The Fall) by e.g. Arkane studio.

Hybrid, they're both working on DX9... ok, you're probably right ;)
unreal is the best engine out there.
some people say that doom3's engine will reach its best in licenced games... but
the unreal engine is simply impossible to beat. it has always been the best.
unreal3 isn't an exception. if epic keeps up thier good work, then i say, unreal
may just be the de-facto standard engine.

source and doom3 engine will loose in the licencing as long as unreal is out there.
at least source has a very good game attached to it... unlike what i can say about doom3.
thats cos Epic has a seperate division dedicated to building the Unreal engine, and updating it for licensees. their engine licensing operation is a lot more professional than valve's.

and i am interested in other games, its just that TF2 has been THE game for me, ever since 1997 :) so im kinda overdue an update on TF2's progress....of course im interested in all the other cool stuff - but if Valve came along and showed TF2, i wouldnt care about anything else this year hehe
Good news, look forward to the video if any.
After I buy an X800, my computer will match those specs except for the CPU (I have a P4 3.0ghz and not planning on upgrading it for awhile), but I think my processor will be able to handle it. Weee. :D