I'm Making a Mod

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hojo
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I'm gonna make a mod with some guns. I might also include some people/aliens. Anyone wanna help?
nononononononon guns are bad dont have guns.
Have fun and good luck.

Maybe the first step is having a concept.
Oh you have one...
oh yeah the aliens though...

please, no more bland mods , no more ww2 realism mods, no reamkes of the origanals in the new engine, no terrrorists vs. counter terrorists mods, no more Barney mods, no more mods without storylines, no mods trying to be Will Rock in the Source Engine, no Devastation wanna-bes cos frankly that game was poor, and we don't need that agian.

Hate mail comes in 5 ...4...3...2...
way to destroy everyone's creative vibe.... :sniper:

lol i agree with you for the most part :smoking:
You'll never stop Spade badger, the mod's years old and it's roots tie to a once-powerful Commandos website, which them stemmed off into multiple powerful websites:borg:
yeah i mean new 1s that are rips of currently sucessfull mods, stealing creative stuff that others do. I hate people who steal ideas and other things and claim em for their own
Ok, how about a headcrap simulator? I think that would be cool. You could run around as a headcrab and then zombify someone. Then you could run around as a zombie and zombify a bigger creature. You could keep on doing this until nobody wants to mess with you.
imaginative, but bloody hard 2 do! how wud the headcrab jump off heads? how wud the headcrab zombify an elephant?

answers on a postcard please
Originally posted by Hojo
Ok, how about a headcrap simulator? I think that would be cool. You could run around as a headcrab and then zombify someone. Then you could run around as a zombie and zombify a bigger creature. You could keep on doing this until nobody wants to mess with you.

you ever play Silicon Valley on n64?