Imagine Portal Deathmatch


Mar 1, 2008
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I was thinking about it today. Not sure how easily it could be made, but the portal gun would be a really quirky and creative weapon in a deathmatch.

Just think: You'd only be able to use the Portal gun, so no-one could complain about n00b weapons. You could use portals to drop the companion cube onto enemies, killing them, or putting a portal beneath an opponent, with the other over a pit of toxic waste.

There'd be so many cool ways to kill people, come on modders! :p
Worst post... Evar! award?

You'll find that many of us on would like to see such a thing.

Yeah, i want it too.. but it can't be made done :rolleyes:

Portal is VERY non-linear, and thats for a reason :stare:
What does linear have to do with deathmatch at all?
This is the worst idea... Evar!

This was possibly one of the worst, most unhelpful, pointless posts ever written. Thank you for contributing to our forum. Now get out.

Yeah, i want it too.. but it can't be made done :rolleyes:

Portal is VERY non-linear, and thats for a reason :stare:

Go watch Gametrailer TV's interview and come back. Or not, whichever
Don't mind postal, he's one of those russians with an amazingly low IQ.
That would be....

quite insane...
Yeah, sounds like something quite insane.. insanely fun!
Complex, but fun.
That would be boring and irritating.

Do it.
I can see it would take some mastering. And lots of luck.

I guess there'd be a whole new level of anger when someone portals below your feet and drops you into a pit though. Maybe other game modes would work well. Team CTF might work well, someone could have the flag and other team members could create portals for you to go through. Although, the map would probably need plenty of obstacles to make the game easier, otherwise once one team gets the flag, I doubt the other team would be able to catch up!
lol it would be interesting. hmmmmm how would you do it? like dropping saw bladees on people?
They would need to have some real clever gameplay types to make it work. I'm all for it though :)
Most people would spend the whole time putting portals under respawn points, it wouldn't work.
Don't mind postal, he's one of those russians with an amazingly low IQ.

Actually, he's from Denmark.

I suspect "deathmatch with portals" isn't going to work too good, especially since you'll have to keep swapping weapons between portals and shooty guns. If you don't have shooty guns, then that means you have to keep one portal at the energy ball shooter (or under an anvil, or whatever), and you lose mobility.
If you can make it work though I'm all for it, but I'm not going to waste download quota on a portal deathmatch if it's poor. Maybe.
I think all I'd do is be cheap by making infinite loops on everybody. when they gain enough momentum, I would just move one of the portals into a floor or wall. Instant kill.
It would work better as a supplement to a regular multiplayer game, where one player on each team (or one team, depending on circumstances) had access to it and used it primarily for quickly moving the team around or goal oriented activities such as moving game-winning objects or traversing impossible gaps. Of course you could occasionally portal an enemy into a disadvantageous situation but that would be more of a rare skill move than something the entire game is based around.

If you want to make a deathmatch out of squishing people with physics objects then the portal gun is just a far more frustrating and ineffective version of the gravity gun.
I like the idea but anyway doubt it will ever come out. Portal gameplay is, IMO, suited for puzzle games, not so much for multiplayer action games.
...but a VIP-like usage a la CS like the one smwScott suggests might work... or maybe not.
I like the idea but anyway doubt it will ever come out. Portal gameplay is, IMO, suited for puzzle games, not so much for multiplayer action games.


I've been thinking about this ever since I saw the first trailer. I can't come up with a scenerio where multi-player DM style Portal could work.

I have thought about a co-op game though where you work on a team of 2, with one of you having the Portal gun. One person responsible for keeping your team alive and defended, the other responsible for getting your team from place to place. But I also see HUGE holes with that (like if the person manning either weapon set is less than good)
Portal co-op? Oh yes.
Portal DM? Not so much.
I think there's a lot more to a Portal Deathmatch than people think. It would be incredibly hard to master, of course, but it would be a whole new level of play. People opening portals under you and you trying to stop yourself dying. Things like that. It would need to involve some more than that, though.
But I also see HUGE holes with that (like if the person manning either weapon set is less than good)

That's bound to happen in any Co-Op situation, specially if you just got your team together. Players have different skill levels and different thinking patterns, so even if I REALLY doubt any (official) multiplayer Portal will come out ever, your idea is very appealing to me and don't see this particular point as a hole but as a part of the whole package.

I've been thinking about this ever since I saw the first trailer. I can't come up with a scenerio where multi-player DM style Portal could work.

I have thought about a co-op game though where you work on a team of 2, with one of you having the Portal gun. One person responsible for keeping your team alive and defended, the other responsible for getting your team from place to place. But I also see HUGE holes with that (like if the person manning either weapon set is less than good)
How about one person controls the blue portal, one the orange?
I think there's a lot more to a Portal Deathmatch than people think. It would be incredibly hard to master, of course, but it would be a whole new level of play. People opening portals under you and you trying to stop yourself dying. Things like that. It would need to involve some more than that, though.

In a typical DM scenerio, you have the ability to dodge an attack (provided you aren't headshotted), in this (Portal DM), you couldn't do anything to block, dodge or defend against a portal placed under you. You would fall.. period. You would also have the displeasure of not knowing where the other side was. In the game of portal, you either place both ends (so you know what to expect) or you can look through the portal before you pass through it. With a DM scenerio, 1 player places an orange portal above a pit of lava or toxic water. Runs around dropping players through to their doom until someone drops him. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.

A co-op puzzle/mission based game makes total sense, DM does not.
That's bound to happen in any Co-Op situation, specially if you just got your team together. Players have different skill levels and different thinking patterns, so even if I REALLY doubt any (official) multiplayer Portal will come out ever, your idea is very appealing to me and don't see this particular point as a hole but as a part of the whole package.

Agreed, this is the typical negative point of Co-op games (team games in general). However, I mention it because in co-op games even if your team-mate is horrible, you can still progress through the game (even if his aim is bad, you can still shoot). With this scenerio, he could effectively halt your forward progress in the game due to his incompetence. He fires the portals, you need to get to a high ledge, he doesn't fire the needed portals, neither of you progress.
With a DM scenerio, 1 player places an orange portal above a pit of lava or toxic water. Runs around dropping players through to their doom until someone drops him. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.

Um... you're thinking very narrow-mindedly. Who said anything about pits of lava? There'd be other ways of "killing"/"fragging" your opponent.
Um... you're thinking very narrow-mindedly. Who said anything about pits of lava? There's be other ways of "killing"/"fragging" your opponent.

Like? That was the only 'death' I could see.. Dropping props on people's heads would also be tremendously un-fun I think..
That doesn't sound that bad, actually.

But if you think back to Portal, an example might be using the rockets from the turrets to shoot each other.
That doesn't sound that bad, actually.

But if you think back to Portal, an example might be using the rockets from the turrets to shoot each other.

I think on this one we'll have to agree to disagree sir :)
Portal is VERY non-linear, and thats for a reason :stare:

It's linear.

Hmm, this post is missing something. Wait. Here we go.


That sounds like a brilliant idea. I think it would be good but there will probibaly be lots of lllaaaggg, and hard to make. Unless they limit the players for each server.
In a typical DM scenerio, you have the ability to dodge an attack (provided you aren't headshotted), in this (Portal DM), you couldn't do anything to block, dodge or defend against a portal placed under you. You would fall.. period. You would also have the displeasure of not knowing where the other side was. In the game of portal, you either place both ends (so you know what to expect) or you can look through the portal before you pass through it. With a DM scenerio, 1 player places an orange portal above a pit of lava or toxic water. Runs around dropping players through to their doom until someone drops him. Doesn't sound like much fun to me.

A co-op puzzle/mission based game makes total sense, DM does not.

Your argument is reasonable, but you are overlooking one fact: portal proof floors.
The puzzles of Portal are linear but the solutions are not. :stare:
mmm... I'm thinking if there were a portal deathmatch, a few cooky camping spots would quickly develope, and people would fight to sit in those and wait for people to come by. either that, or there would be a bunch of exit portals hovering over one inescapable death area. This is just me, but I think it's probably one of those ideas that sounds better on paper.
Like I've said before I have my doubts about Portal Deathmatch, instead of Deathmatch it needs to be a gamemode where your position on the map matters.

For example picture a simple gamemode, say a base on each team that need to be protected then throw in portals (perhaps with portal gun ammo to prevent portal spam and give the position of a portal a chance to have an effect on the game).
It adds a whole new dimension of tactics and teamplay, suddenly your base under attack from behind by a enemy sniper in his base shooting through a portal, your team responds by rushing men through the portal overwhelming him and moving on to the base. Having secured the portal on both ends the sniper shuts his down but your teammates have already placed several portals in tactically advantageous positions, allies are swarming through quickly destroying the enemy base, everyone calls the sniper a noob and the next rounds starts.

In other words don't think Portal Deathmatch, think something like Portal CS or Portal TF.
Ha, I just got done making a post about Portal deathmatch in the Episode 3 forum. Guess I get to expand on it a bit more here.

Had a dream about this two nights ago. Portal, crossed with Half-Life 2 deathmatch. Let me just say it was the most amazing game-related dream I've ever had. So much so that when I woke up and realized it was a dream, it broke my heart.

There's nothing as awesome as seeing people set up portals around the map, flinging their opponents through them, trying to steer them into pits and vantage points only to have them exit the portal at high speed and place a portal of their own, flinging them yet again.

And setting up portals to close the gap between you and your opponent, being able to shoot someone in the back through a portal when you're half-way across the map, it's beautiful.

The whole thing seemed like one of those rare games where you can have fun just sitting by and watching, and even in dying you'd laugh because you'd be getting killed in these ludicrous ways.