impacts from bullets on players/enemy


Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
i swear i see em on the combine soldier at the scene where he closes the door and pushes the table in front and all. the soldier that is down the stairs when he first projects the barrel seems to react to bullets from the pistol. but then the zombie doesnt react from bullets later on delievered from the shotgun. i emailed gaben about this saying:

"Hey, Half-Life 2 looks awesome so far but my one and only concern is about enemy reactions to bullet hits while still alive. In SoF2, you could blow limbs off and such; will the physics system apply to alive characters or will the ragdoll movements only happen when they die? It would be cool to shoot a guy in the chest or arm and have them react realistically like being blown back a bit or something. Thanks for any reply and keep up the awesome work on HL2."

just wondering if there will be physical reactions to bullet impacts on player models.
Wel yea the full vid the Zombie gets cut in half..
There is visible recoil when the weapons are discharged
the engine has this covered.

But not blowing limbs off (an arm here a leg there) i dont think they wanted to go down that route..;)
yeah, i ithing HL2 supports keyframe blending (how bullet impactts are achieved0

It's a feature of havok, but does anyone have confirmaation that it will be in hL2?
I wonder if a scientist will walk into that fan or a barney, or will there AI tell them not to :)
Originally posted by simmo2k3
I wonder if a scientist will walk into that fan or a barney, or will there AI tell them not to :)

or Alyx :p