Installing a retail game



I bought a retail version of Episode 1 and I'm having problems with Steam during the installation. The servers are always too busy and the connection just times out.
Is there a way to install the game offline?

- Noir
Nope. Just wait for the servers to unclog.

Is your internet set up to handle Steam?
Yeah. everything's set up. I don't think the servers are really clogged, it's like it's connected but not really transferring any data.
Exit Steam and make a backup of the files ClientRegistry.blob (main Steam folder) and Platform.gcf (Steamapps folder). Then delete the files and restart Steam. You'll have to re-enter your password and Steam will search for a new Content Server.
Thanks, but the problem somehow fixed itself. Your suggestions were much appreciated.
Twas the amount of people downloading TF2 XD

I'll be one of them soon >: D