Insurgency Media Release


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
After a protracted period of relative silence, the team behind Insurgency, a highly-anticipated modern infantry combat modification, have some beautiful work to share with us as they make slow but steady progress towards release.[br]

As you know It's been a while since our last media release, but be assured that work on Insurgency is progressing very smoothly, albeit behind closed doors. As a show of good faith for all your waiting, I've compiled together some footage from the mod featuring several weapons from both the US Marine and Insurgent sides. These are the M249, M4, Makarov and RPG7 respectively.
We're also looking for a few talented people to help us out. Read on for more information!
Please keep in mind that this is just a teaser, we're aware you're desperate to see the game in action, but gameplay won't be featured
until we feel it's ready to show.

To see all four teaser videos and the breathtaking panorama shots, visit the update on their forums, where you can also read details on their call for new members.
Oh wow that's awesome stuff. I really like the ironsights from what I can see, and the mapping is excellent!

The firing sounds could use some work.
The reason they sound bad to me is that every single shot is the exact same and when it's going full auto, the gunshots don't flow nicely and actually sound kind of irritating.

I think this happens because:
A - The sounds don't naturally flow well in their in-game loop, they get cut off weird and it doesn't sound right. HL2 gunshots loop nicely and sound more natural because of that...
B - I think source has an effect that makes every shot sound a little different, which makes it less irritating to listen to while firing a gun full-auto, but that doesn't seem to be used in the videos. I can hear the effect in HL2 and I think DODS/CSS.

I hope that the sound designer(s) have recognized this and plan to fix the firing sounds up...of course I'd enjoy making my own anyway :D
God this looks awesome, I mean the 360 views - so simple but they work well.

I just hope it gets the spotlight, without people saying its a 'CS Killer', cause it looks like it will have the playability.

Cheers for covering this Ennui, needed to rush to dinner.
Looks great, curious to see how the iron sites work out. From the videos they all look like they are done very well except the m4. Realistic or not I dont know having never fired that gun, but it looks to me like the iron site on the m4 could be improved upon as it seems to block alot of the players view compared to the rest. Just nitpicking, fantastic media :)
Wow, now thats level design.
Looks amazing, I can't wait to play it. :)

Just a nitpick, but it seems that for a game that implements iron sights, everything's far too accurate when they're not being used. I don't think it should be as bad as Red Orchestra made it (your shots could go anywhere, even if you're prone or crouching), but look at the other end of the spectrum: DOD:S. I don't know any experienced player who uses the iron sights on the rifles more than 5% of the time on a normal map. I don't want to see a "realism" mod like this turn into something where nobody aims.
Looking great. They sure are taking their time with working on the mod, though.
Looks like they're doing well in accordance to those lines :p
Everything looks blurry and black&white when I click the panorama views. Any ideas what to install/unistall to fix this.

And everything looks great on this mod!
That's looking really good !! pro, simply pro.

Everything looks blurry and black&white when I click the panorama views. Any ideas what to install/unistall to fix this.

And everything looks great on this mod!

It hasn't loaded yet :p
this is gone be the next cs in terms of popularity / gameplay
this is gone be the next cs in terms of popularity / gameplay

Are you meaning to say it will grow more popular than CS?
I doubt that will happen...ever D:

But it does look like it could have more interesting gameplay...cant wait to see some.
Can we play something please?

Looks really pretty but I want to shoot things
Looks amazing, great work INS team! This is looking like a totally pro game, more polish than your average TC mod