Insurgency Teaser


Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
The team behind the highly anticipated mod Insurgency is still sticking to their strategy of keeping all their hard work under wraps for one big showing, but they haven't been able to sustain from throwing out a little teaser every now and then. With the quality of this work it has to be killing them to keep it all to themselves. The interior modeling and texturing of their humvee easily rivals the most professional works in the gaming field. Then again the same can be said about all their work once it's in a completed state.[br]You can see more of their work by visiting their Developer's Showcase Forum, be sure you're registered on their forums to get access. The individual thread on the humvee is located here. [br]

[br]This is definitely a mod to keep tabs on, and you can do that by bookmarking their site.
Info added. That humvee looks so great I didn't really even need to say anything. I should've just posted the render and let you bask in its infinite indescribable glory.
You can't view the thread on the forum if you aren't registred.
Insane said:
You can't view the thread on the forum if you aren't registred.

The register button is at the top left of their forum page. They have a lot more angles and one screen in different lighting. I'd post the images but I kinda think they want to use them to entice people to register on their forums. It'll only take a few seconds and I personally think it's worth it if you hold more than a passing interest in things like this.

Plus they got a lot more than their humvee in there.
I ****ing love the new theme and I ****ing love the Insurgency mod.

I ****ing love everyone.

Pardon my English. I like imus. :imu:
You ****ing like imus?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next media releases of INS!
Imus in the morning?

looks good, but i just don't get it, I mean i get it, I just don't understand what the big deal is.

Is that jsut the cockpit view for when your all mp'd out and playing as a guy riding in the back seats?
It isn't up there with professional stuff (at least not anything major) but it's certainly a whole lot better than any other mod stuff I've seen. :)
Varsity said:
It isn't up there with professional stuff (at least not anything major) but it's certainly a whole lot better than any other mod stuff I've seen. :)

Well it already certainly looks better than Battlefield 2's and Joint Operations' :D
Looking great so far. Can't wait until it comes out.
yus, but bf2 and modern operations makes things that work ingame :D

would really need to see it ingame, looks high poly and high res..

btw, has hl2 gotten laggier for anyone lately? it seems that way for me, and someone else verified?
Thanks for all the feedback guys, positive or otherwise :)

The resolution isn't really that high on the textures, and what you see there will be the first LOD of many. I think you would know what that means polyguns, so I won't go into an explanation. We realize the importance of performance for the majority and won't neglect it.
The quality is good, yes, but I find myself regretting spending the time to register just to see more pictures of the inside of a car.
toekneebullard said:
The quality is good, yes, but I find myself regretting spending the time to register just to see more pictures of the inside of a car.

You don't have to register, but you are just missing out on more media. There is some other shots of the view from the turret etc. And besides, registration takes like 1 min.