Iron Grip Trailer Released


Apr 6, 2006
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The gang over at <a href="">Iron Grip: The Oppression[/url] have released an official trailerfor Iron Grip: The Oppression. This trailer showcases the gameplay and also rendered scenes illustrating the setting of the game. They also state that they are very close to a stable Beta. Also the website has gotten a facelift. So stop on by the <a href="">SITE[/url] and check them out.[br]

Looks cool, but it barely showed the RTS elements.
Very impressive, directing, but the recording on a sucky computer ruined it.
Very nice video. Almost everything in this game looks awesome....except (and I hate to say this) the player models.

Seriosuly, ever since the first shots of Iron Grip came out, its always the player models that have been bringing down the look. The maps look nice....the weapon models look nice (if a little low res), the vehicle models are AWESOME....but the player models STILL look like they were pulled straight from HL1.

IMO, they need a new player modeler STAT!
The gameplay seems a lot like Empires in the beginning: Quite revolutionary (as in, never or hardly done in a game or mod), like the bots incorporated in an FPS/RTS hybrid and real players commanding them top-down or down-to-earth. It's got its quirks, it's got its potential. I'll check it out, but I'll stick to Empires :p
Well the trailer accomplished what it set out to do, which was showcase the elements of the game, just mediocre video editing, like most mod trailers I guess. But the idea definitely intrigued me as I have always liked both RTS and FPS. I will be looking into getting it in the future, but hopefully a demo is released at some point so I can try it all out first.
For a mod, I wouldn't call that mediocre video editing; I kinda like it. Not everything is top notch quality, but I see an enormous amount of work in the vid, especially in the coding, modeling & animating dept. The amount of content in there is impressive. The anims aren't next-gen quality, but again, for a mod, they're more than decent (player anims is about the hardest thing to do, or the hardest to find decent people for).

The real issue I still see in the video is the bot code. My only doubt with their concept lies in the AI, and as you can see several times in the vid often the bots will just run in single file. At two occasions you could see where they'd all shoot at the exact same time repeatedly. Other than that it looks very decent, just hope they improve on that AI a bit. Great job so far IG!
Well the trailer accomplished what it set out to do, which was showcase the elements of the game, just mediocre video editing, like most mod trailers I guess. But the idea definitely intrigued me as I have always liked both RTS and FPS. I will be looking into getting it in the future, but hopefully a demo is released at some point so I can try it all out first.

Wait its not a retail game...... is it?
Actually I’m not sure really. It just seems most source mods are going retail and can be bought via Steam. And even so, it’s nice to have demos released a bit before the game, even if it’s a free mod. Just to try it out and then you can decide if you want to actually download the full game or not.
Actually I’m not sure really. It just seems most source mods are going retail and can be bought via Steam. And even so, it’s nice to have demos released a bit before the game, even if it’s a free mod. Just to try it out and then you can decide if you want to actually download the full game or not.

Garry's Mod 10 and The Ship are not the 'most' of the Source mods. Neither are commercial games using the Source engine; that's not a mod. For HL there's only DoD and CS anyway, so there's a very small amount of mods being bought and bloody blah.
You’re right, I was generalizing too much. It just seems mods I want, or products on Steam I want all cost money. It will be a welcome sight to play this mod, since it will only be a download away with no cost.
Cool trailer, but I have to add that the walking animation for the soldiers looks clunky. Regular walking, not running : they barely seem to move their legs.
I really like it but the models really are too low poly, which is understandable when you see the ammount of units this game has to display at one point.
Saying that Zombie master will be pretty similar and yet their models have a lot more polies.
I like the mod, the atmosphere is great, the idea brilliant, but those models are so so.
Seems like we are going to be spending a lot of time firing a gun whose muzzle fire completely blocks what where can see lol.

Looks nice for a mod nonetheless though. And yea, havent any of those guys get a better PC to run fraps off?
Once the mod is released go ahead and look at our characters in model viewer. You will be surprised to find out that they are pretty high-poly, and look a lot better close up. The RTS AI characters seem low poly partly because they use LOD's seeing as there are so many on screen at a time.
I really like it but the models really are too low poly, which is understandable when you see the ammount of units this game has to display at one point.
Saying that Zombie master will be pretty similar and yet their models have a lot more polies.
I like the mod, the atmosphere is great, the idea brilliant, but those models are so so.

Does the words 'it's a mod, live with it' mean anything to you?
Garry's Mod 10 and The Ship are not the 'most' of the Source mods. Neither are commercial games using the Source engine; that's not a mod. For HL there's only DoD and CS anyway, so there's a very small amount of mods being bought and bloody blah.
What about Natural Selection: Source and Alien Swarm?
I wonder if the fairly limited-looking player models and weapons are because there have to be so many on screen at once? I mean, you ould see in the trailer how choppy it looked, and I'm sure their recording program contributed to that, but I also don't believe they'd trust something like the trailer to a low-end computer. I'm sure that was agood rig we saw playintg the game, and it was just bogged down by the sheer number of players.
I wonder if the fairly limited-looking player models and weapons are because there have to be so many on screen at once? I mean, you ould see in the trailer how choppy it looked, and I'm sure their recording program contributed to that, but I also don't believe they'd trust something like the trailer to a low-end computer. I'm sure that was agood rig we saw playintg the game, and it was just bogged down by the sheer number of players.

yeah I thought of that too they probably used low poly models to increase the umber of characters you can have on screen.
I thought the video was quite good. I'm a bit uneasy about the bots, they look like they'll be really easy to play against, but the tanks look ace.

I think they need to stick a tripod on the mg (?) model so that when they set themselves up the weapon doesn't clip through the edge they're leaning on. By putting the tripod at the end of the weapon the gun always pivots from the firing end so it will never clip through thin map brushes. It's a minor detail, though.
Extra bit of info:
-player model counts often reach 7k-8k polies, but have alot of LoD models.
-AI has alot of custom work and custom sheduals, and is extremly hard to beat. The hard part was creating the mix between RTS-FPS AI combination, so it would work for both teams working on the player's expectation.

Hope this helps :)
Extra bit of info:
-player model counts often reach 7k-8k polies, but have alot of LoD models.
-AI has alot of custom work and custom sheduals, and is extremly hard to beat. The hard part was creating the mix between RTS-FPS AI combination, so it would work for both teams working on the player's expectation.

Hope this helps :)

Player model counts must not be higher then 3-4K, or else even the most powerfull machnes would struggle.
You also have to remember that the AI bots are wearing body armor wheras the human players do not have that luxury, at least for the time being. Human Resistance players are not nearly as powerful and durable as Gordon Freeman. If a grenadier with an SMG surprises you as you walk through a door, you're very likely to be seriously wounded or killed.
Player model counts must not be higher then 3-4K, or else even the most powerfull machnes would struggle.

Not if you have a sophisticated LoD system in place :)
Currently maximum polycount is achieved only when your like 10cm away.
Did the team ever heared of Normal mapping..
becouse i dont see anything as detailed in this sharacters unless they modeled every folding in their pants.
What about Natural Selection: Source and Alien Swarm?

Afaik Alien Swarm will have two versions, a free one and one that's for sale, though details aren't there so we can't make out the whole scheme and licensing mumbo-jumbo. The same goes for NS:S. I was trying to find some info on Dystopia's plan, but their site is down for the moment.

I'm betting they (Unknown Worlds) will get a Source license for free (or reduced price) if Valve gets a big slice of the pie from the proceeds (steam only download). That wouldn't be a bad deal cosidering previous cooperation with Valve and steam is going to be used anyway. The only problem I see is people not wanting to pay, but noting CS and DoD's succes I wouldn't worry about that.

I also think that if you're going to offer something for sale you better have a product that warrants it, so you can't horse/screw/play around like you can with mod's and essentially become a studio/business/company with the according responsibilities. That's a thing most people playing mods seem to expect (fully polished retail game or a quality coming near it) forgetting that the opposite (producer's unconditional freedom to do what it wants) is the thing that stimulates creativity and adds soul to the project. The succes' of recent mod's teams gone retail have shown that they can equal or better some game companies for free!

It's only natural to see talent move up and away to play with the big boys, and that leaves a void for others to step in and fill the gap. Looking at the stuff that's been popping up it's a massive breeding ground of unique creations and concepts.

That's also why I hate the conceding critisism and so-called "reviews" on mods. Like in this thread
"Iron Grip's models are too low poly", "the textures are bland". Should the dev's give a f what you think (they will take it personally, I would anyway)? They created it with nothing but individual talent, level of skill and made it as good as possible to meet their expectations, not yours, and all of it within any limitations. Comparing is rather petty and pointless because most likely the first to point out flaws is the creators themselves.

I say Iron Grip's got a heap going for it.
Dystopia is completely free. The Devs have said it themselves time and time again. People just got this thought into their head because the mod was getting a lot of hype by Valve and looked professional.
No, they got it into their heads because of the way that the Dystopia team referred to their release as a "demo", and because of some remarks by the Dystopia team about hoping to commercially release it one day (can't recall the exact quote).
Well yes, I didn't say they were charging for it right now, but didn't rule out the possibility of a stand-alone either. I'm pretty sure if offered a license from valve they'd jump.