Is the Gman a good guy or an enemy?



is he good or bad?
he seems like a character that may end up helping Gordon,and he always talks about saving Alyx during the Black Mesa incident
so,good or bad?
In the PS2 version of half-life, the auto-target system targets the Gman as a hostile. I guess that makes him an enemy then?
not much point making this thread, we don't know any more than you do : \
He's neutral. He has no strong feelings one way or the other.

All we know is our guts say maybe.
Well, perhaps the G-Man's mystique overshadows what mankind percieve as good and evil.

He seems sinister, yes. But that doesn't mean he's evil. I believe him to be a "greater good" character. Meaning that his role may require him to place people or even species in danger of severe loss or even extinction, but yet it's all to stop a horrible time for everything else in the HL universe.

or, even better, what Teta said. :D
In the PS2 version of half-life, the auto-target system targets the Gman as a hostile. I guess that makes him an enemy then?

*ahem* The terms "good" and "bad" are a bit oversimplistic when discussing the g-man. I think je's out for himself, but his actions may also benefit humanity, such as his use of Gordon to start the uprising. His uses of Gordon may also not be so good for humanity, such as providing Black Mesa with the xenium crystal.


It doesn't really matter. He's on your side, so he's a good guy as far as you're concerned.

Personally, I think he's neutral to the needs of humanity, only doing things because it benefits the greater good.
The G-Man is a Machiavellian ruler. He walks among the common people and his intentions are ultimately benign, but his methods cannot be questioned even though they are usually questionable.

Basically he's an amoral arsehole working towards a better tommorrow. He's just got to wade through several lakes of shit before he gets there.
He's a self-interested amoral arsehole who cares nothing if the Earth and it's entire population lives or dies. If something good comes out of dealing with him it's merely because it happens to coincide with his interests.

He's neutral. He has no strong feelings one way or the other.

All we know is our guts say maybe.

Futurama! :p
His uses of Gordon may also not be so good for humanity, such as providing Black Mesa with the xenium crystal.

No, he meant to do well, but Gordon Frohman replaced it with a lump of cheese. Really, do you guys know ANYTHING? :dozey:

I'm more inclined to believe that Black Mesa came across the xenium crystal and took it while testing out the portal tech, Rim-Job.

I'm more inclined to believe that Black Mesa came across the xenium crystal and took it while testing out the portal tech, Rim-Job.
Eli tells you directly in EP2 that the g-man gave them the crystal. Dr. Breen did indeed go through some lengths to get it.
Gman appears to have orchestrated the resonance cascade, which ruined earth and has led humanity down a path to extinction. It's kind of a stretch to call him a 'good' character.