Is there any way to tell?



Everyone in my flat had bought DOD:S and most of us are just starting out on FPS games...

However my other flatmate has been playing them for a couple of years, but still seems to be RIDICULOUSLY good compared to us (understandable) but far far better than everyone else in the servers we play in...

Is there any way to tell if he is hacking? I can easily check his computer, but are there any specific files or anything I can look for?

I wouldn't usually do something like this, but it seems like he MUST be hacking to us; using a support weapon he is sure enough of his aim that he fires a single shot from across the friggin' map, hits someone in the head with that single (supposedly inaccurate) bullet and just keeps running somewhere else.

Its infuriating! Any tips would be appreciated (I realise I can play more and get better, but geez at the moment I'm just too frustrated to continue if he is naturally this perfect at the game).

- Fletcher
Well maybe he's just naturally good.

Not to brag, but i got kicked from a server last night just because i used 4 shots to kill 4 guys as they were running around me near the US spawn point on Flash...and no, i dont use hacks.

And its perfectly possible to get a headshot with the support weapons from a long distance. If you dont keep moving, it makes his shot that much easier.
Yeah, after watching him play its beginning to seem that he isn't hacking, but is some kind of superhuman.

I guess I just haven't developed the twitch reflexes and knowledge of the guns and their limitations and ranges that he seems to have yet.

It just surprised me that even on servers with guys that seem to be on there all day, he just plays occasionally and mops the floor with them. Perhaps its the years of social CS weekends working to his advantage >_<

Ah well. Guess I'll just have to man up and stop whining about his skills then. I'm not going to like it though :angry:
Aimbots LOCK ON to heads. If his crosshair doesn't 100% follow on his head, he's not aimbotting. I've been banned from countless server on CS:S for aimbotting/wallhacking. Makes my epenis grow.
have him play on your pc

for the support u just have to control the recoil and u can hit anything