Is this true?


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I remember beating half life and having to accept a job but you get to pick no or yes if you want to. Well i ended up picking yes but someone told me that if you say no then you will go back to Xen and face aliens but you wont be equiped with any weapons and none will be on the planet. Well is that true?
Aye, if you just stay inside the train car type thing when he offers you the job, after a while if you dont go into the portal he says something (if i remember its something like he is disappointed with you) then you get teleported and you are unarmed, in a large room with like 50 alien grunts, then the screen goes black. Has been awhile since I finished it, but I'm pretty sure that was what happened.
Yes it is. The G-man warps you to Xen without any equipment.

Its a brief scene, you find yourself on Xen with hundreds of aliens in front of you seemingly ready to kill you and then the screen fades out to black. You can pretty much guess that you don't survive.
I find it rather funny, though...If you get impulse 101 going, you can kill those grunts in the front, but you find that there are only 4 grunts in front of you, then the rest is a fairly poorly done backdrop...but I never even noticed the first time around. Anyway, yeah, it's true.

yea it is... :p The type of alien you face is the one you get the alien insect gun thing from! You know the one with the silver armour and the small hand in the middle of its chest??
Originally posted by |MaTT|
yea it is... :p
yup...yup it is.
The type of alien
you face is the one you get the alien insect gun thing from!
Hive hand.
You know the one with the silver armour
and the small hand in the middle of its chest??

P.S. Yeah, this was a stupid post, but hey, I'm bored. On a friday night. Dear god, I'm one sad person.