It Freakin' Works!!!



Yeah I know... I've been here (anonymously) for the last couple of days trying to figure out what was wrong my machine or HL2. And I've read most of your posts and frankly speaking I was very frustrated myself.

As it turned out... nothing was wrong my system. It was just that I was using a bad copy. BTW I would like to mention here that I use pirated DVDs...

I was having the same "memory could not be read" errors and sound stuttering and god knows what. But thanks to the new pirated version, its all gone now.

So... for all of you who think there is something wrong with your system... chill dude.

I can send all of you guys copies of this DVD (as it is already cracked) but you'll have to bear the delivery expenses. The DVD will cost me around $2, but the delivery via FedEx will kill me.

So, if you're willing and able... lemme know :)
BTW... I forgot to mention... it only contains HL2, not CS or any other MOD.
And... I've saved the game and closed it to write to you guys :)
correct me if im wrong, but you are offering pirated versions of HL2???!!

Are you stupid or something, no offense?!
This is probably the most ignorant thing I've ever seen anyone post on this forum! Do you need attention or are you serious? Either way, you are about to get flamed beyond your wildest dreams.:thumbs: