Its all good.


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Even though the delay has happended its all good. In 2 weeks on 10/14 I get to play Max Payne 2. 2 weeks after that, I get to play Far Cry.
max payne 2 comes out in 2 weeks? THATS AWESOME! i thot it was coming in like december... dang man im pumped
Optimist: The glass is half-full.
Pessimist: The glass is half-empty.
HL2.Net Forumist: Why can't the glass be half-LIFE?! I want it! Now! *smashes glass over forehead
Come on, it's not "all good". Really, you guys can proclaim yourself "mature" and say everyone else is a little impatient kid, but face it, the day it comes out all of us are going to rush for it like a pack of rabid wolves. Sure it's stupid to go insulting Valve and making fat jokes about Gabe, but don't pretend you weren't pissed off to the point that you thought it.
hl2 delayed ----> gabe is fat.

actually, no, that isn't how my mind works.
woohooo Max payne2. Far Cry. and x2 the threat. all in october.
Originally posted by Typhon
Optimist: The glass is half-full.
Pessimist: The glass is half-empty.
HL2.Net Forumist: Why can't the glass be half-LIFE?! I want it! Now! *smashes glass over forehead

Originally posted by janonol
woohooo Max payne2. Far Cry. and x2 the threat. all in october.

Far Cry comes out in early November. Max Payne 2 gonna be fun for sure. Maybe now I'll get to play that more than I would have if HL2 came out.

Lots of cool stuff coming out soon (ie Matrix Reloaded dvd and above games,) but I would trade them all being delayed 4 more months if I could have HL2 now!

Damn it Valve, you didn't have to lie to kick it.
no. the miscommunication was not necessary nor helpful to their image.
Originally posted by Typhon
hl2 delayed ----> gabe is fat.

actually, no, that isn't how my mind works.

ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneoneone (ty alb) thats the funniest thing i ever heard. kinda mean, but great none the less. i love it, im adding this to my favorites.
Originally posted by Amsterdam
Even though the delay has happended its all good. In 2 weeks on 10/14 I get to play Max Payne 2. 2 weeks after that, I get to play Far Cry.

and who says max payne 2 wont be delayed?
Originally posted by janonol
woohooo Max payne2. Far Cry. and x2 the threat. all in october.

X2 looks coooooooooool :)

and thus, i added no value whatsoever to this thread
Yeah, its like Freelancer but coooooooooooooooool.

Erm, am I one of the few who really couldn't care less about whether HL2 is delayed or not.... as long as it comes out.... I've pre-ordered it now, along with the Mod-makers guide.... so I'm happy, it's gonna come to me sometime or other :D

anyway... yeah, theres other good games out there... and it's delay has given me more time to complete Medal of Honour and The Frozen Throne ;)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Erm, am I one of the few who really couldn't care less about whether HL2 is delayed or not.... as long as it comes out.... I've pre-ordered it now, along with the Mod-makers guide.... so I'm happy, it's gonna come to me sometime or other :D

anyway... yeah, theres other good games out there... and it's delay has given me more time to complete Medal of Honour and The Frozen Throne ;)

and you call yourself a hl2 fan :(
Yeah :D , but I realise that bitching and crying ain't gonna make it arrive any faster... I love HL2.... and the day I hear it's coming out, I will await it arriving on my doorstep, and then call in sick from school, but until that day, I've put my love of HL2 on hold :)
Is "school" an american word for college??

Here it is a place for little people,
but your name makes you sound all grown-up.
Originally posted by mrBadger
yeah, theres other good games out there... and it's delay has given me more time to complete Medal of Honour and The Frozen Throne ;)

Not to get too off-topic, but how is the SP in Frozen Throne. I loved the SP in War3, but didn't think that the expansion would do much to further the storyline. Is it worth picking up now, or should I wait to find it in the bargain bin?
And then it occurs to me that you may not be American.

Hmm, school is a place for big little people too.