ITT: RT Finds Himself In Uncomfortable Agreement With Howard Dean

Yes, but you'd agree with anyone accusing someone you vaguely dislike, of being an anti-Semite. So what's your beef with the Iraqi PM? I've not been following the situation but my guess is he's not the golden boy the US would prefer to be in charge?

Reading the article: OMG an Arab nation doesn't condemn an incredibly bloody and disproportionate attack against another Arab nation by a non-Arab nation. What a fuken' shock that is! The guy should be hanged! Just because the country is occupied by US forces doesn't mean they have to carry the 'party line', such as it is. It's healthy that the Iraqi government should disagree with the governments of the occupying forces, just be glad he isn't in a position to go as far as expressing Iraqis' resentment against the occupiers.

Disagreeing with something Israel (that's a country, remember, not a faith itself) does is not automatically anti-Semitism. You need to learn this, Rakurai, before you continue to accuse people of being anti-Semetic. The same goes for criticism of the US government, reflecting on what you posted the other day in the thread about neo-conservatives. That bit of spin is a disgusting, cheap lie.
I am Jewish and a lot of what the govt of Israel does is abhorrent, unneccessary and certainly not helpful.
Howard Dean has once again proved his ignorance to us all. Calling a SEMITE and anti-semite is one of the stupidest things people seem to do these days. Anti-semitism has come to mean strictly against Jews, but it actually means against anyone of a Semitic descent. What a dumb-ass.
oh enough with "you're with us or are anti-semetic" idiocy already ..not everyone's objections of the war revolves around hating jews

listen to the rest of the pm's speach ..he has his nose planted firmly up the US/bush's ass