Jesus Christ did not exist. Period.


Apr 17, 2007
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Look, I'm not here to offend anyone, but hopefully wake somebody up like I was.
Watch this documentary
. This is part 1 of 3, the rest contains info on the 911 conspiracy, and a lot more important historical conspiracies. I don't expect everyone to take this information and see it the same way, but I really suggest researching these things for yourself if you don't believe it. Realize that the world isn't what we were told to believe.

I just saw this recently, and it blew my mind. This documentary claims that The Bible, and the whole story of Jesus Christ is basically a rip off of past mythological gods and ultimately the sun and constellations. Please watch the whole thing before responding.

You can click the link in my signature for the complete 'official release'
The videos get way too wrapped up in a lot of conspiracy theories going beyond religion. That damages its credibility a fair amount.

That said, I personally find the historical existence of Jesus Christ to be contentious. It's quite possible he was a mythological fabrication. It could certainly be argued that Jesus as he is recognized today is a derivation of an historical figure, but if so much of his life as we know it was a lie, then the point is moot.
I agree with Dev, and it's only really controversial because we are told to believe something else. I find it funny really in the case of 911, because the offical theory is a conspiracey theory anyway, and one that has insufficient evidence to convict Bin Laden in a court of law, according to the FBI themselves.

Even if there was a Jesus, his life story is an obvious myth, especially when you look at the origins of modern religions in Egyptian mythology. Then some clever arseholes figured out that by giving people purpose in belief in fiction and having them depend on those who saw fit, saying they could only reach god through the church gave them the ability to systematically control large groups of people.
How can Jesus not have existed when his life and influence was such an important chapter in Roman history?
I would argue Jesus was alive, but he was not "god".
He was probably insane due to malnutrition and dehydration. And a lot of his followers probably were too. Stupid desert.
How can Jesus not have existed when his life and influence was such an important chapter in Roman history?

That's at the end of the documentary, the Romans could of based it on a man named Jesus, but the point is the Romans used Egyptian mythology and Paegan values to fabricate a personified religion in order to control people. So basically Christianity is a Roman design based on an ancient myth.
Already a thread on this.

Agreed that Christianity is just bastardized paganism with a cult leader.

Disagreed on the rest of the bullshit.
How can Jesus not have existed when his life and influence was such an important chapter in Roman history?

I don't know, people were led to believe even crazier shit (the world is flat? Duct tape to sheild you from terror? WMDs in Iraq?).

On a side note it is absolute fact that the Romans made up Jesus so Bush could bring the towers down on 9/11 using missles that looked like planes through the use of holograms. Its all a huge plan to control our minds, if you haven't ordered your tin foil hat yet you better do it quick. I gotta go clean out my bong, I'll brb.
A man claiming to be the son of God may have indeed existed.

The lack of historical records on him is questionable, but it doesn't conclude he didn't exist.

What is clear, though, is the beliefs surrounding the religion of Christianity is clearly a cop-off of previous religions.

Its just as likely that people began believing in alternative versions of previous religions and then some guy named Jesus stepped in and took things from there, claiming to be a savior in proper accordance to the religion.
That's at the end of the documentary, the Romans could of based it on a man named Jesus, but the point is the Romans used Egyptian mythology and Paegan values to fabricate a personified religion in order to control people. So basically Christianity is a Roman design based on an ancient myth.

But Christians were the untouchables of Roman society for hundreds of years. That doesn't make any sense in terms of Christianity being an invention of the state.
I don't know, I'm not familiar on all the specifics of whether Jesus existed or not, but I thought that evidence of his existence has been independently verified by non-Christian historians?

To me, it seems unlikely that the Romans invented Jesus (although it's certainly possible someone else did?).
If you research Horus, you'll find a lot of the stuff that video claims to be facts, are false.

(Like Hour, 12 disciples, born on the 25th ... all false)
Think about it though, being the dictators that Romans were if you were clever about it you would anticipate people would rebel in some form or other and persue something away of the standard Roman rule.

So if I was a ruthless intelligent dictator Roman or modern, id want to secure my rule by continuing to sow the seeds of class over people, by making them feel content, and it's much easier to control people by making them believe they have a free choice. You think a step ahead and create that alternate persuit (Christian Religion) as a back door net to keep people content and in line with your agenda into the future.
Think about it though, being the dictators that Romans were if you were clever about it you would anticipate people would rebel in some form or other and persue something away of the standard Roman rule.

So if I was a ruthless intelligent dictator Roman or modern, id want to secure my rule by continuing to sow the seeds of class over people, by making them feel content, and it's much easier to control people by making them believe they have a free choice. You think a step ahead and create that alternate persuit (Christian Religion) as a back door net to keep people content and in line with your agenda into the future.

I suppose so - in the same vein that if I was the head of the CIA, I'd want to create sentient black helicopters made out of cows...and then invent BSE as a cover story.
To quote a person who confronted Jesus, whose actions were later recorded in the book On the True Doctrine by the Roman philosopher Celsus (translated from Latin, obviously):

"Is it not true, good sir, that you fabricated the story of your birth from a virgin to quiet rumors about the true and unsavory circumstances of your origins? Is it not the case that far from being born in royal David's city of Bethlehem, you were born in a poor country town, and of a woman who earned her living by spinning? Is it not the case that when her deceit was discovered, to wit, that she was pregnant by a Roman soldier named Panthera she was driven away by her husband--the carpenter--and convicted of adultery? Indeed, is it not so that in her disgrace, wandering far from home, she gave birth to a male child in silence and humiliation?"

This is one of the only parts of the book not destroyed by the Church. I assume the other parts were even more damning.
Jesus cripes, is there any reason for thsi thread to really exist?

FFS, people can make their own decisions. Half the people here are already religiously devoted, or entirely against religion. They've already decided for themselves, and I really doubt this thread will "wake" anybody else up.

I see this thread as nothing more than tinder waiting for a flame.
Jesus did exist, he was a carpenter and made cool benches....

Edit: why is this in politics, separation of church and state!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus did not die for humanity. I killed him. My pride killed him.
I see this thread as nothing more than tinder waiting for a flame.

It's the coolest kind of fire though.

Personally, I'm all for slamming religion ad nauseum. If there is one person who "wakes up" for every ten who don't, it's worth every ounce of energy.
It's the coolest kind of fire though.

Personally, I'm all for slamming religion ad nauseum. If there is one person who "wakes up" for every ten who don't, it's worth every ounce of energy.

Yeah, but I'd rather people be given good information than this garbage. What he says is stunning but almost none of it is backed up by evidence. He misquotes people, completely misdescribes gods, makes up evidence.
jesus existied is just that he move to las vegas
Jesus was my favourite carpenter and lover.
salama all the jesus haters....
Then how do you explain over 2000 years of recorded history..hmm?
Then how do you explain over 2000 years of recorded history..hmm?

I'm curious as to what this "recorded history" is that you're referring to.

Jesus may have indeed existed (in some historical iteration or another), but it's not like there's been an accumulation of mounds upon mounds of evidence over the past few thousand years. In fact, there are very few references to him outside of the Gospels, and most are pretty vague and even debatable (issues with translations, grammar, misnomers, etc).
jesus has been refered to in both the holy quran and holy books before the bible.

the thing with these kind of threads is that i could just make one and say there is no god, and even if thousands of people try to prove me that i'm wrong, in the end, i could just say **** you, there's no god, end of the story.

EDIT: i don't know about the mods but i don't see any relation between this thread and politics.
jesus has been refered to in both the holy quran and holy books before the bible.

the thing with these kind of threads is that i could just make one and say there is no god, and even if thousands of people try to prove me that i'm wrong, in the end, i could just say **** you, there's no god, end of the story.

EDIT: i don't know about the mods but i don't see any relation between this thread and politics.

ummm the quran came 700 years after jesus and jesus isn't referred to any holy books before he supposedly existed.

I dont think any one on these forums have said **** you God doesn't exist, but it has happened the other way around

And religion topics usually go in politics, by the way.
Man, who cares if he existed. It's supremely unlikely he had any divine powers so it's a bit like arguing Joe Bloggs of 66 Fleet Street never existed in Shakespeare's time.

In any case I was under the impression his existence was generally known anyway.

Like it's implausible that some demagogue religious reformer rose to prominence on a cult of personality.
I doubt he didn't exsit, there are over 5000 records of him, its just if he's the son of god thats debatable.
Some things in the bible may actually be a rip off as you mentioned Dev. I was surprised to hear that the story of the flood is actually something that was in the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is the oldest story ever written. An ark was built and everything.