Job Section for Modders


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
I was just thinking.

Highly unusual.

Anyways, since there are so many "I'm a coder/modeller/etc. looking for a team", how about having a resume/profile area where modders post their skills, previous projects, and experience? Mod teams would have an easier time finding partners, and those who want a piece of the mod-community could get into a team.
Originally posted by Draklyne
I was just thinking.

Highly unusual.

Anyways, since there are so many "I'm a coder/modeller/etc. looking for a team", how about having a resume/profile area where modders post their skills, previous projects, and experience? Mod teams would have an easier time finding partners, and those who want a piece of the mod-community could get into a team. have a Dev site coming up. We are in middle of the development now. A site for developing and profiles with portfolios and so on will be there, be sure about it :)
well, i did have my portfolio on my website, but Freeserve have stopped allowing me to update, so it's gone... :(

when i get a new web-address I intend to re-upload my portfolio...

And I believe that this would be a great addition to the forums, so people have a solid background to the people they are recruting and you don't end up with the classic, send us some pictures of your work, everytime that you want to look at someone...
That would be pretty awsome. Well Darklyne im a very well experienced mapper, so if you need any body, give me a private message of what you want, or expect from me. And I'll do it. Because I've been looking everywhere for a HL2 Mod Team. :)

:sniper: :eek: