Joining Army/Air Force

To quell aborigine uprisings.

Actually, back in 2007, the Northern Territory National Emergency Response program was set up by the government. 600 soldiers and detachments from the Australian defence force was sent to Aboriginal communities address claims of rampant child sexual abuse and neglect in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities. Also for law enforcement

Wait, Australia HAS an army?

Yep, Australia has a defence force, 53,000 strong.

In a recent white paper published by our defense department, Australias defense force will get over 100 billion dollars in new equipment and upgrades. It was also noted in the white paper that in the next decade there will be tensions in the pacific region with the rise of china as a major military power. Australia needs to be ready.
No offense, but if China comes for you you're ****ed anyway.
In case of Chinese invasion Australia is just going to disappear overnight.

The entire nation will sink into the ocean and you'll never see us again.

We'll still have internet though.
They have Kangaroo Slugs. Like these Camel Slugs:


but with kangaroos instead.
No offense, but if China comes for you you're ****ed anyway.

Yeh, but we won't go down without a fight. If im going to die by them, ill strap explosives to me chest and take out as many of them as i can before i die.