Killzone 2 demo on thursday :)

Seriously, wtf is up with the controls?!

Play Killzone 2 then load up another console fps (I tried Fallout 3 and Halo) and it becomes immediately obvious how slow and odd the control are. It's so weird - like built in lag combined with the world's slowest turning circle.

That's designed to give the game a more realistic, weighty feel, as if you were an actual person and not a floating gun. Honestly the feel I get from KZ2 in this regard is fairly similar to Mirror's Edge, and in this aspect that's not a bad thing at all.

Notice how when you push the jump button you don't become instantly airborne as in similar games, you actually take a couple crouched steps forward and then leap. The same applies to the guns and I like it quite a bit. The fact that it feels different to other FPS games is a good thing, not a bad one as you seem to be saying.

The reviews I've read all address what your saying and list it as a positive, saying after an hour or so you adjust and the game feels a lot better because of it. From what I've played I've got no problem believing that's true, I've been wanting something similar to this for awhile.
I have the full game. What do you guys want to know?
1. Do you really have the full game? (photographic proof please)
2. I'll play along... Does the full game have an alternate fire mode for some of the guns? Or are the grenade launcher and shotgun attachments on the standard assault rifles just there for show?
Is it much better than the demo? More varied? I really didn't enjoy the point a gun at the bad guys and shoot till they fall over, rinse and repeat gameplay.

Is the aiming still rather odd, or is there an option to turn the 'realism' off (apparently the early beta versions had normal aiming)
I think part of the problem is with the demo--it just is not that great a display of what the game has to offer (from what I gather in other reviews), the big drawback being that it lacks multiplayer and anyone who was in the beta will tell you that the multiplayer was great fun and will be even more fun with the final version.

I will likely get it anyway to serve as a graphical showcase for friends and family and I will love wandering through the environments shooting things and wondering at the gorgeous lighting and such. I would use empty multiplayer maps in the beta to shoot toilets in darkened bathrooms and could never get enough of the lighting and destruction.

I am personally looking forward to Demon's Souls WAAAAYY more than this. My English-enabled Asian copy ships in 2 weeks!!!
heard a rumor of custom soundtracks for the full game, can anyone confirm this??