Lag reducing?


Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
I've been experiencing a lot of lag lately in CSS, and it's really gotten me pissed off at the game. I'm already playing with everything on low, but does anyone know how to really stop lag? (I'm talking about real lag, not framedrops, but with the warping and all.)
MTIA, Boogymanx.
Have you checked your rates?
rate (number)
cl_cmdrate (number, def. 30)
Something else I forgot :p
] cl_cmdrate 30
] rate
"rate" = "10000"
Any tips on what 'rate' should be?
If you have a 1mb + connection you should really have them at;

rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 80
cl_updaterate 80

Uuuhm also check your router to see if ports are open. Do a traceroute to the server... Uuuhm....
Do a what now to the server? Also, I'm having HUGE problems with my router atm, but the lag in CS was before that already.
net_graph 3 and then just play with the settings until your loss rate begins to shrink. Usually you get a good feeling try out the ones Dekstar mentioned and just get a feeling of what lowers it.

Check rates first
Make sure nothing is updating or downloading on your network
Scan for Spyware/Adware

also try:

cl_lw 1
cl_lc 1

in console, its for people with lag just compensates for it a bit.
It should do, unless im thinking of 1.6/CZ .... i'll have a look around :)
Ah, keep forgetting that they changed all the console commands in CSS :upstare:
try contacting your ISP, just incase it's something on their end. I know my friend is currently having problems with his (he has comcast AKA horrible customer service).