Lamar=Half-Life's Kenny?


May 6, 2009
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Lamar has made a mysterious return after a disappearance once...will she make an unexplained comeback a second time after being launched into space towards the end of Episode 2?

I know that Valve is working hard for a slightly more gritzy realistic feeling rather than the absurd, but I think part of the magic of Lamar, not to mention a great running joke could be how "she" continuously returns from amazingly improbable situations.

Maybe in Episode: Three Lamar could be thrown down a dark energy reactor, accidentally teleported to the Combine Home World, and encased in a block of ice somewhere near the Borealis, with absolutely no explanation as to how she keeps coming back. Each Lamar encounter should be increasingly more difficult to find though.

Lets brainstorm ideas; it would probably never be implemented, but what do you think should happen to Lamar?


-She should never be explicitly killed in front of the no stepping on her/shooting her/vaporizing/lighting on fire.
-Her final fate should ideally be left very vague through each one.
1 thing I do not get is how she did not get shot by a member of the resistance while at White forest. Does she have some sort of easily recognisable mark or something? If I was walking along and I saw lamar crawling down the corridor, I would empty a magazine into it.
When did she make an unexplained comeback? At the start of Half-Life 2 she was teleported with you, but she must have got teleported back with you aswell as you see her later on. Dr Kleiner was looking for Lammar when Alyx wanted to evacuate him from the lab and took her to White Forest with him.
I like to think that every time Lamarr dies - which is pretty often - Alyx sneaks out, captures and de-beaks yet another headcrab for her Unky Kleiner, as she knows his beloved crab-pet is the only thing keeping him going :')

LOL that's probably it.
I'd like the idea of it being the same Lamar, but the Alyx idea does make sense.

Then again, I like the idea of it being the same Lamar.

Also, what is the correct spelling? In this one thread alone it's been spelled Lamar, Lamarr and Lammar.
I believe Lamarr is the correct spelling.

The Alyx idea, while probably more far-fetched, is humorous.
And Eli is Chef. Not to mention the two were brutally killed off. The question is, who would I play as?!
lol if Eli was Chef, he wouldn't just hint about Alyx and Gordon being together. He'd belt out songs about "makin' LOVE"
I guess that makes Gordon and Alyx Stan and Wendy. :)

And Barney is Kyle.

As for Lamarr... well, the only way to seal her fate was if you actually closed the door on the rocket. Otherwise it just stays open, then Magnusson makes you leave, and during that time she could have left.

The eight-pound anomaly was... uh, something else.