Left 4 Dead 2 stories


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Any previous threads seem to have dropped off the section so I thought I'd share some tank-related experiences I thought were funny:

I was playing singleplayer off my brother's laptop. I loaded up the finale for Swamp Fever and all was going well. Holding off the horde, kill a tank, more horde. It's all going well and the bots have my back when I hear the tank music again. I search around for the tank but I can't see it running around outside. I then hear it (and gunfire) behind me and I realise it's already in the house. I go down the stairs and see a tank punching Ellis into a room and then running after him. I ready my molotov and give chase.

I run into the room to find the tank has cornered Ellis, when another tank drops out of a hole in the ceiling! I wasn't playing with cheats on or a modded server. I was offline. Where the hell did the second tank come from? Anyway I set them on fire and run out of the room. One flaming tank comes after me and the other at Rochelle. We dispatch them without too much further trouble. Soon enough the gates blow open and I run straight to the dock.

As I pass by the gate another tank flanks me! I manage to avoid getting hit, took an adrenalin shot and just ran to the boat. The tank comes right up to the boat and tries to throw rocks at me but just keeps hitting the side of the boat. I hadn't realised you were unattackable once you were in the rescue boat. I just sat there and shot at stuff with my pistols. The bots all died but I got away (it's revenge for that time the bots left without me in Death Toll. I didn't even think that could happen).

Second story: I was playing Hard Rain for the first time (it was with a couple of guys from this site, game was organised in Steam chat). We got the diesel and had just made it back through the field. We got on the elevator and were just chatting to each other as it rose. The doors opened and we were in pretty good spirits. Someone stepped out and immediately got blown across the room by a tank that was standing just to the left of the elevator door. There wasn't even any tank music. Goddamed ninja tank.

He also managed to incapacitate one of us and punched another across the hole in the floor and he was stuck hanging on to a ledge for the whole fight. None of us died though.

Last story that I just remembered: Playing Dark Carnival for the first time two of us died just at the end of the rollercoaster. I was carrying defib pads. They took the pads and used them to revive the other guy! ARGLE BARGLE!

Any amusing stories out there from the zombie apocalypse?
Yeah, I've experienced the ninja tank incident too, it knocked me over the ledge and killed me.
The first map, don't remember the name. I tried to pounce The monkey but missed and jumped out the smallest ****ing window and died. Don't know if anyone saw it but I laughed out loud.
I had a Ninja Tank incident in Death Toll a while ago. Opened the door to a shed, SUDDENLY TANK. Scared me shitless before I laughed.
Had an intervarsity game with another college a while ago. I was one of only two people (out of eight) on our teams who had finished every campaign. The other teams on the other hand are in a clan. Needless to say we got hammered. We didn't reach the saferoom once. The other team didn't always reach the saferoom either, which was some consultation.

While we're playing as infected my friend spawns as a charger and tried to charge one of the enemies out the window near the start of Dead Center. He picks him up and gets within about ten feet of the window and stops and drops the survivor. He doesn't hit the wall, he just stops. He doesn't start pounding Nick, he just drops him and Nick shoots him in the face and kills him. We had no idea what happened.

We were doing pretty badly as infected in the finale when a tank and sudden burst of teamwork got us to kill three of the survivors very quickly, after they had just managed to fill the car. The last survivor gets away and every player gets the full 100% score fore level progress because they survived up to the point of the car being fully fueled. Rather annoying.

Our worst moment was definitely the Dark Carnival finale, where we all got killed by one tank within thirty feet of the safe room. I don't even want to describe that one.
I once managed to drive over an incapped player with the car in the Dead Center finale.
:sniper::sniper::sniper:i dont know who you guys are, but anyways, i have a story too about l4d2. so i was in the dead center finale, and although i didnt realize it, a charger was after me since i started the finale, so when i took the blue car from the spot it was at, i started the car and ran like hell with it and out of nowhere theres this wooden ramp so i go over itt.... and to make a long story short, when i jumped the ramp i ran over a charger and killed it....it scared the shit out of me but then i laughed like hell because after pausing the game to go take a shit, i continued playing and realized that while i was in this hotel playing the game, a charger flew out the window in story mode, so i thought that comes to show people how stupid chargers are! and how they also masteurbate all day.... thats why they have the huge muscly hand..... lol:sniper::sniper: