Left 4 Dead Bits n Pieces


May 6, 2005
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I assume everyone has been playing the hell out of the Left 4 Dead Demo? Yes, good. I have a handful of bits and pieces for you regarding the game and the demo, I shall keep it short and sweet, that is surely the best way.[br]Those four great chaps on Rock, Paper, Shotgun have a couple of Left 4 Dead screenshot galleries for your viewing pleasure. Screens come from the first two campaigns, and I assume were taken during their visit to Valve earlier this week.[br]Again those guys from Rock, Paper, Shotgun have worked their magic and have cobbled together some console menu commands and various links which will allow you to play as the infected and get split screen gaming on the PC. worth a read.[br]I have some very brief and rapid thoughts on the demo right here. You can also find Tom Francis briefly arguing why the Left 4 Demo isn't the best way to show off the game, find that here.[br]Left 4 Dead 411 have a small selection of videos from the Demo. Firstly the No Mercy Apartments done in just 40 seconds. A video showing off how a fun way to kill the Tank on expert mode is over here and finally a video showing off 1200 zombies running wild.[br]That is just a brief digest of the latest Left 4 Dead bits n pieces, hope you enjoyed them all.
Just been playing for about 2 hours on a server with AciD, The Brick, Druckles, Shamrock, Taviow and maybe some more with the infected classes. Really good fun. The tank is a little boring just smashing everything up, but the tactical pouncing of the hunter and smoker add great depth. The boomer is hilarious in close quarter combat and we gave the survivors a real hard time.

When the full game comes along and you can play them properly the experience is going to be so much better...
I didn't get a chance to play hunter properly due to a sudden influx of survivors with "god mode", but it does make me look forward to playing versus properly with the final release.
lol at the tank video. Infected play only makes me more impatient.
Odd question. What is the track during the Apartments 40 Seconds video?
What track? The only real music used in L4D so far was Elbow's "Grounds for Divorce" in the TV trailer Valve made, is that what you meant? (It's 40 seconds though, I believe)
Honestly Evo, whats with you and Rock, Paper, Shotgun? They must be paying you for this promoting :p.

Nice screens
He has a friend who works there, Steve I believe ;)
RPS is awesome, though. I've been reading them since just a few months after they put their site up.
Just got back from a trip and downloading the Left 4 Dead demo now, will post thoughts later!
After playing as the infected I can't help but think how much harder the game will be for the humans :p

I'd say that's good.
I may rethink the game after reading that. I recently said that the single player was a put off.
I assume everyone has been playing the hell out of the Left 4 Dead Demo? Yes, good.
Oh, don't mind me. I'll just be over here, stewing in jealousy. :hmph:
I've tried Left 4 Dead and quickly got addicted to the beta. However the problems for me, are that the demo is too long and that the game isn't challenging enough unless you play on the hardest setting "Expert"!
I've tried Left 4 Dead and quickly got addicted to the beta. However the problems for me, are that the demo is too long and that the game isn't challenging enough unless you play on the hardest setting "Expert"!

There will be an "Impossible" level, released with the full game.
The 40 second speedrun is BS! He should have brought the entire team for it to be legitimate!
I've tried Left 4 Dead and quickly got addicted to the beta. However the problems for me, are that the demo is too long and that the game isn't challenging enough unless you play on the hardest setting "Expert"!

Not only there will be a IMPOSSIBLE difficulty level in the final version, but also, you just played through 2/5 of the No Mercy Campaign. Keep in mind that after every map, your going to get weaker and weaker.. I'm not sure if EXPERT is going to be so easy after 5 maps of zombie rampage.
Not only there will be a IMPOSSIBLE difficulty level in the final version, but also, you just played through 2/5 of the No Mercy Campaign. Keep in mind that after every map, your going to get weaker and weaker.. I'm not sure if EXPERT is going to be so easy after 5 maps of zombie rampage.

This is true. Not only that, but the last map, and the last sections in the last maps are waay harder, it's gonna be fun :)
Smoker is probably my favorite, it's just a shame his cool down is so long.
I've tried Left 4 Dead and quickly got addicted to the beta. However the problems for me, are that the demo is too long and that the game isn't challenging enough unless you play on the hardest setting "Expert"!

Poor judgment FTL
Not worthy of its own thread, but heads up for UK users: Left 4 Dead is 19.97GBP on Amazon at the moment. That's just shy of a 10GBP saving over the Steam version. Boxes are Back?
That Tank video is bs. That's not how you beat a Tank, its AI just glitched. With every encounter that I've had with the Tank in that section he has smashed through that door.
He rips through that door from the other side.

We figured out yesterday you could run back to the Safe room and shoot it from behind the door.

Today he ripped it down every time.
i think i might just buy it. Multiplayer seems fun enough, and I trust there's more to the single player than the demo has deemed.
He rips through that door from the other side.

We figured out yesterday you could run back to the Safe room and shoot it from behind the door.

Today he ripped it down every time.

I've ran back to the Safe room twice to do that.

The AI director can be a bitch at times.
It almost felt like Valve had ninja updated it...