Left4dead 3

I'm totally welcome to L4D2, but **** this. Where's my EP3, Valve?
I think they're taking quite a risk when they want to continue the series like that. I mean, the original L4D was a huge surprise (and, for me, eagerly anticipated), because, well, the zombie apocalypse taken to a Valve level! What more would you want?

And now we have L4D2, said to be pre-purchased many more times than the original (which, frankly, I don't believe). However, the demo got several negative reactions as well. So I think it's safe to assume that expectations will continue to rise, up to a level where Valve itself won't be able to live up to.

So let's speculate a bit. What'll be easier to do, after L4D2? Release more levels? Some new weapons, maybe the occasional new SI? Or yet again 4 new persons, multiple new SI, and a truckload of new levels, taking place in (? what original area could one come up with at this point?). At a certain point, I think even creating EP3 from scratch will be an easier task!

That said, what if EP3 will take place during the Zombie Apocalypse? ;)
The L4D and Ep3 teams are separate. The reason Ep3 is taking so long is not because of focus on L4D (at least not primarily).
If they actually made a third L4D I would probably lose all respect for VALVe.
RL zombie shooting? I'd pay Valve thousands for that.
it doesn't say anything about l4d3 except for that first page. He doesn't ever really ask him that question. They'll do DLC anyways