Left4Dead Demerits


Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score

They need to bring these back (unless the full version IS going to have them, and they were never 'gone').

Too often am I playing with assholes who shoot me for the fun of it (or for my medkit).

Very irritable.
As long as there's a vote option to disable them during a game.

Can be fun just to arse around TKing good friends occasionally.
Mind you, I could be wrong, but I'm assuming those stats will be in the full game, along with the achievements. The demo doesn't track anything because it's, well, a demo.
They'll be in the full game, they were never in the demo.

Very good idea, I think.
Well, perhaps they've done away with merit/demerit system, but I am almost positive there will be stat tracking, ala TF2.
Nah, they just made all the achievements for.......NOTHING \:D/
*random player shoots me on the ground*

*keeps shooting me while im on the ground until im dead*

me: wtf man...

guy: sorry i accidentally kept shooting

yes i want demerits
Was it BF2 where you could choose to punish someone or not for team-killing? That seems the best idea.

Sometimes when I'm playing with my friend, he encourages me to chuck a molotov at him if it would actually be more beneficial to the campaign to have him die along with all the zombies around him rather than for me to wade in and try and save him with both of us on 1HP a few seconds later.

And as Eejit said, sometimes the funniest thing is just messing about, molotoving people when they least expect it. Or when things go wrong and you end up in a heap of laughter because the one person who is still on his feet you just mistook for a zombie and killed him. And how about when players purposefully run in front of you? How is that going to be handled?

Better without demerits if you ask me.
i agree, the punish system from bf2 should be implemented. though it should be more detailed, because more can go on.
The Vote Kick system seems to work pretty well thus far.
Nothing more frustrating than sucessfully killing a witch by yourself on expert and then having some noob come in and accidentely shoot you down.

Perhaps if the game recognizes somebody as being an asshole (repeatedly downing team mates and killing them, things like that) the demerit can come up as a vote, just like kicking people out.

So in accidental or purely comical situations, the team mates would choose not to punish the player by tarnishing their record.

On a side note I just realized you can have Steam Friend only rooms. That helps.