Level of Violence?

Private Snafu

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pre-Script: My apologies if this has been brought up.

Ok, I'm just curious about the level of violence. I liked the level of violence in HL1, mainly because i felt it added to the whole realism factor, ie. I was in a situation where people were being shot and killed, and the level of violence seemed to reflect that. I was wondering what kind of violence there will be in HL2? For example, will i be able to blow a character's arm off? What about his legs? I noticed in the E3 video that the zombie had it's lower half blown out and began to crawl. Was this a dynamic type deal? Will i see brains splatter, entrails gush out, etc?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you play the zombie-gets-blown-in-half part frame by frame, you notice when Gordon shoots the barrel the half of the zombie floats in the air, then drops down and crawls, you can tell it's a different model. I hope they fix this.
I wonder how many psycho's out there want to check out Alyx's insides. Buy yeah, I their doing realistic everything else, then realistic violence should be in too.
you will probably be able to ajust violence levels like in hl1, so the moms of younger players wont tweek.
Half-Life 1 didn't pull any punches in the gore department and it was rated M. Didn't seem to hurt it's sales at all so I don't see why Valve would tone it down just to get a better ESRB raiting. That said I'm not expecting them to put in any gore just for the sake of being gory but if a laser cuts through a corpse, expect to see guts.

Do ESRB ratings actually matter? I dont think it's like buying booze or anything. I could be wrong, of course ...
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Do ESRB ratings actually matter? I dont think it's like buying booze or anything. I could be wrong, of course ...
only to parents and to places like walmart that have banned games rated m.
I hired an R movie the other day (in australia, R means you have to be 18 or you can't see/hire, but R is a much less used rating) so anyways i did that at the video shop, guy didn't ask me for my ID or anything... and i'm not 18, oh well.

But then, the guy at EB asks for my ID when i buy black and white (about a year ago, and yes i'm not happy with that purchase), because it was MA (wtf, why was it MA)

So what's more violent etc? Fight Club (the movie i hired, for an english assignment, and yes it's an awesome movie) or Black and White (was there even any violence???)

Stupid rating systems, games are rated way harsher, and enforced more strictly.
I don't mean that Valve would tone down the level of violence/gore in the game, just that they would include an option to reduce the gore (as they did in HL1) from the config menu.
Hmm, wouldn't it be kinda.. " off game " if you beat down a Combine and then take the crowbar and slice up hes stomach and see hes.. Things inside.. It must be a very nice woking of the VALVe guys if they have all parts in the body and just not skellation :p But it wouls be cool thou, shooting at the gun and he drops it.. etc :D

AND the multiplayer would be very leggy if everyone playing " Dr Phil " and plaing with someones balls :S
Originally posted by geeK
Hmm, wouldn't it be kinda.. " off game " if you beat down a Combine and then take the crowbar and slice up hes stomach and see hes.. Things inside.. It must be a very nice woking of the VALVe guys if they have all parts in the body and just not skellation :p But it wouls be cool thou, shooting at the gun and he drops it.. etc :D

AND the multiplayer would be very leggy if everyone playing " Dr Phil " and plaing with someones balls :S
I think gibbing should always be adjustable, so that queasy souls like me don't get grossed out.
I'm hoping for EXTREME! realism myself. I want to be able to hack off a zombie's limbs at different lengths and see the bone and muscle tissue. I want to be able to blow up a combine soldier and see his insides fly everywhere. I want to see holes and green blood run down where the buck shot hit that head crab. Thinks of that nature.
Im not sure if its going to be quite that advanced. It could well be but i dont want to get to hyped over the game and end up with an anit-climax.
i want to slice open a zombies belly and see the guts fall out realisticly. i want to hit somwones neck vain and see the blood gush out.
Well if we are going to get into this. I want to jump out and scare a scientist so bad that he wets himself, adn that you see the urine make a pool on the floor.
I want Alyx in a shower scene, I mean people do shower don't they?. That would be way realistic.
Originally posted by EVIL
i want to slice open a zombies belly and see the guts fall out realisticly. i want to hit somwones neck vain and see the blood gush out.

Want all you like, I doubt it'll be in.
Want all you like, I doubt it'll be in.

Want all you like, Valve doesn't deliver ;( . So you make the shower scene yourself using a nude Alyx mod when it gets released. Problem solved. :cheers: