Lion attacks man, get whats coming

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I'm just messing with you man, I dug your rap the first time.

Besides, don't be silly. Serial killing abortion clinic bombers are pile C, and past experiments have shown an overwhelming resilience against lions.
Also, Xune's got my respect for not being a whiny, bleeding heart word-I-can't-say-without-it-being-filtered. Grow some balls or turn the video off and leave the thread if you don't like it. "WHY DID THE OP DO THAT TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?"

Cry some more.

There are still rules and regulations laid down by this board and by governments around the world which disallow content like this to be published to anyone.

Sure, someone commiting suicide or being torn to bits might be real life, but it's not appropriate for children for reasons which escape me currently. We shelter children for a reason, and there are some pretty young members on this board.

No-one has reported the thread as of yet (as far as I know, I'm assuming it would have been closed if it had), so I don't think anyone takes much offense from it, but it's not to say it shouldn't be here.
I'm just messing with you man, I dug your rap the first time.

Besides, don't be silly. Serial killing abortion clinic bombers are pile C, and past experiments have shown an overwhelming resilience against lions.

on the contrary, christians make excellent playthings for lions ..we should revive that ancient tradition


disclaimer: not all christians are abortion clinic bombers ..but all abortion clinic bombers are christian
If you're already on a message board for a game where you've got limbs and heads being blow off, y'know, I wouldn't expect that a lion mauling a guy would really be a big deal. It is nothing, after all, that you wouldn't see on "When Animals Attack," on broadcast TV.

Edit: Man, that lion looks so regal. All the Christians are huddled at one end, and the lion's like, "BEHOLD MY MAJESTY." And then the tiger's like, "What's it like up there?"
If you're already on a message board for a game where you've got limbs and heads being blow off, y'know, I wouldn't expect that a lion mauling a guy would really be a big deal. It is nothing, after all, that you wouldn't see on "When Animals Attack," on broadcast TV.

The nearest I could get to it was:

Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information

It's not particularly obscene or indecent.

And yes, that's the first time I've ever read the rules :angry:
well it is in their mythology; the lion and the sheep ..guess who's the sheep?
If you're already on a message board for a game where you've got limbs and heads being blow off, y'know, I wouldn't expect that a lion mauling a guy would really be a big deal. It is nothing, after all, that you wouldn't see on "When Animals Attack," on broadcast TV.

this is hardly the same thing's like saying getting an abortion and watching an afteschool special on abortion is the same thing ..pixels do not bleed real blood
The OP should've stated that the movie is graphic for those that do not wish to see such material.

But if you view the movie, realise it's graphic and you find it inappropriate for yourself - turn it off. Don't watch till the end and demand compensation.
So who got what was coming? The man or the lion? Or both?

While I can't ally myself with those complaining about the video, the OP really should have put up a disclaimer for graphic content. I don't want to stumble into this shit when I'm high.
Stern said:
pixels do not bleed real blood

That's a very callous thing to say. If you prick a pixel it still bleeds; its blood may be jagged and distorted around the edges, but it is blood nonetheless. To say that the blood of a pixel man or beast is any less real than the blood of you or I, well, sir, I find that a contemptable thought.

If you pile up the pixel men, will they not still fear the pixel lion?
That's a very callous thing to say. If you prick a pixel it still bleeds; its blood may be jagged and distorted around the edges, but it is blood nonetheless. To say that the blood of a pixel man or beast is any less real than the blood of you or I, well, sir, I find that a contemptable thought.

If you pile up the pixel men, will they not still fear the pixel lion?

no, unless the programmer programs fear into them it aint gonna happen ..this is pretty basic computer stuff darkside, it was on the test, which I see you received an "-F" on ...sigh just rest your head on your desk for the rest of the class so the rest of us can move on

"Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a viking!"
That's a very callous thing to say. If you prick a pixel it still bleeds; its blood may be jagged and distorted around the edges, but it is blood nonetheless. To say that the blood of a pixel man or beast is any less real than the blood of you or I, well, sir, I find that a contemptable thought.

If you pile up the pixel men, will they not still fear the pixel lion?

Oh god, I lol'ed. :D

I don't think the video is that violent though. It's not like you see guts being torn out or people mutilated to the extent of Starship Troopers.
sigh, Numbers let me explain a very basic flaw in your argument

Starship Troopers is not real
But what's the difference? If you make it seem real enough, who's to say what real blood and gore is?

All things are virtual to an artificial mind; might not the opposite be true?
There are times when I absolutely love you.

Others, not so much.

if starship troopers is real then humans are fundamentally stupid and should be overrun by insects

I mean does it take a genius to figure out that if you're firing clip after clip into a giant insect and it still doesnt go down it's time to get a ****ing bigger gun? we're doomed as a species

..and I for one welcome our new insect overlords
But what's the difference? If you make it seem real enough, who's to say what real blood and gore is?

All things are virtual to an artificial mind; might not the opposite be true?

I think the knowledge that something is real makes it far worse. Seeing someone comitting suicide really isn't quite as bad as if you know it's staged.
Hmmm... try posting something a little more 'family friendly' next time please :O It's not really appropiate for here.
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