Looking for a old HL1 SP map, space prisoner


Jun 30, 2009
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Hello, I am looking for an old Half life 1 map called space prisoner. It used to be on file cloud, but that went offline. The file name is sprisoner.zip or sprisoner_install.exe. Thanks much!
I think I might have it in my archives.
I have to search my archives. I'll update my post when I find it.
If Barnz doesn't have it, you might want to try asking Phillip Marlowe of PlanetPhillip, he's your next best bet.
Actually, since planetphillip uses the filecloud server, with filecloud offline, does that mean all of it is gone? Are there any other archives of HL sp maps?
Sorry, I don't seem to have it.
I've scoured many places where it is available for download but every link is broken. As Ennui said, Phillip hopefully will still have a copy on a drive somewhere deep in his dungeons. I've sent him a message through Steam friends to see if he can find it, fingers crossed.
That was really good, but short (didn't like traps, and vent puzzles). Before you play, open "liblist.gam" (with Notepad), and change this line:

[gamedll "..\prison\dlls\spirit.dll"]


[gamedll "dlls\spirit.dll"]
Hm, I'm having a problem running it - it starts up fine, and when I go to start a new game, it comes up with this error:

Host_Error: EV_Precache: file events/crowbar.sc missing from server

Not sure what to do here.
Please read previous posts before posting.
If you are referring to this:

That was really good, but short (didn't like traps, and vent puzzles). Before you play, open "liblist.gam" (with Notepad), and change this line:

[gamedll "..\prison\dlls\spirit.dll"]


[gamedll "dlls\spirit.dll"]

...I already did this. Thanks for your constructive help.
It is not needed to run the game. You can create a random file, rename it to "crowbar.sc", and put it in "events" folder. Are you using the WON version of Half-Life?
I am running into some framerate problems in the beginning of this map. In Quake, I know that there is a -nomtex command to disable multitextures and speed up the game. Is there some command like that in HL? I tried gl_texsort but it doesn't work. I don't really want to use r_dynamic 0. Is there some other way to get rid of the framerate problems?
Discovered the solution to my own problem. I was using OPENGL and I switched to D3D.
Space Prisoner mod for Half-Life1 HELP!

Hello everybody!
This mod (Space Prisoner)is one of the best for Half-Life (in my opinion, of course). But I have a big problem: I start to play, I play o good part of it and there is a point where my game crash. It is a certain point in the game, always the same: a door when I open and try to go in the game crash. Waht is happening, what can I do?
In the achive Space Prisoner, wich I took from this foum there is an installer - sprisoner_install.exe AND a folder named prison3 . Why? What should I do with this folder?
I tried to replace the original one, after the install of sprisoner_install.exe, but i still have the same problem.
You have to tell me which door is triggering the crash, otherwise I can't help you.
At last one, pointed question :)
So, one easy-to-locate reference point: the Barney cutted by a door. I enter in the next room where i find 4 doors with one broken wall at the left. I kill the few monsters inside the hole (storage room) in the wall and i go forward through the second door on the right wall (considering the entrance position). Futher there is a corridor (with two monsters) and I arrive in a big room with two pieces of pipes suspended from the ceiling and a blocked door on the right wall. I jump through the first piece of pipe to a platform. From there, through the second piece of pipe, around the room on a cornice to a ventilation opening. After few steps inside the ventilation i fall to the other side of the blocked door. There is another corridor whit an exploding wall on the right side. The problem door is on the extremity of this corridor. I open this door and when i want to go in the next room, the game crash.
Thanks for your amability Barnz, even if you will not find the solution to my problem!
first i thought it was missing node files (for prison3.bsp) causing the bug, but i was wrong. here's what i gathered:

there's a "trigger once" in front of the door, when you go through this, it triggers "mmmis" (multi_manager) - this triggers three entities:

mes1, mes2, mes3 (env_message)
ss2 (aiscripted_sequence)
ss2 is triggers maindoor2 (func_door, door on left)

currently i don't know what's causing the bug - you can simply go through the wall to pass door (or wait for me to fix it).
P.S.: And even if I want to pass "through" the wall, I don't know how :)
Sorry, I completely forgot about this. Anyway, I'm working on a patch right now, stay tuned.
found the bug (sorry for the double post), it's an "env_message". i believe there's a text limit for it (possibly on Steam version). when you go over the limit, game/engine crashes. you can see the spoiler box below for details - i had to remove highlighted part in order to make game not crash (not to worry, removed text is still in game, but now part of a new "env_message") :)

"origin" "-403 -1569 -32"
"message" "Hi there, I heard your heading down to the generator room. The door systems aren't working well though,"
"messagesound" "buttons/bell1.wav"
"targetname" "mes1"
"messagevolume" "10"
"classname" "env_message"

here's the fixed version - put this in your "steamapps\your_username_here\half-life\prison\maps\" (you must replace original "prison3.bsp"):

Hello again Barnz! Thank you for your kindness! I don't have steam version - I dont find a "steamapps" neither "my user name". The pah in my computer is: C:\Sierra\Half-Life\prison\maps. I replaced the original prison3.bsp - but is working!!!
Thank you X 1.000.000 !
Do you have other suggestions with mods for HL 1? I found the site "tenfourmaps" but all their downloads are from "fileplanet" (pay site)...
Thanks in advance and if i will not respond here for two weeks is because i am going in my holliday :D
All the best!
no problemo. ten four maps used to be a great site - they no longer write reviews. you can visit city17***, they have a big archive
Or perhaps PlanetPhillip.com, which has the largest collection of SP maps for all HL games on the Net.

Shamless plug.
Hi all!

im the creator of Space prisoner :p

Thanks Barnz for fixing the issues in my Episode. When I did it steam was not used (or i think it was not even created)
Anyway that env_message issue it was from before and never cared to fix it haha :p

if you want a little story, when i released the pack at first I got critics about spelling mistakes in the messages, and when fixing that I ran into another issue (writing more than the limit for env_messages), but i didnt know that in that time and i never TEST the change.
Please people, if you do maps or something similar and change something TEST IT before delivering it :p

Im very glad that someone still wants to play my mod so many years later and that people still find it fun and like it :D
Hello Barnz! Even two weeks of holliday are never enough :D Thanks for suggestion!
EDUSAN, even with that error (eliminated by Barnz - congratulation for speed&efficientcy) your mod is excelent. It reminds me that jewel (unfinished unfortunately) named "U.S.S.Darkstar"...

Havent Played U.S.S. Darkstar,
Actually i didnt play too many mods for hl1 at that time. I only remember playing Poke 646 (i think that was the name) and it was good.

Thanks for your comments. I really enjoyed doing the pack and several times i thought about a sequel but hl2 came out and by that time i started working (paid) as a level designer and didnt have the time to learn hl2 mapping and work on the sequel. It was going to be on a deserted planet after the aliens attacked the spaceship and made it crash. The Slaves were going to be the native of the planet and going to be allies (but hl2 stole that idea from me lol)

but well... maybe for hl3 haha

oh, btw... its a really nice feeling to see that people really liked the art done with so much effort... and so many years later! :D
Hello again EDUSAN!

From all the mods for HL1 only three are long enough and so much well done that could be considerated as idependent games:
1.(Absolute) Redemption - by Maverick Development
2.U.S.S.Darkstar - by Neil Manke
3.Poke 646 & Poke 646:Vendetta - by Poke 646 Team
In my opinion, the best was U.S.S.Darkstar with three big "+" and one big "-" :
+ you play again with Gordon Freeman
+ the action is on a space ship and logically there are no soldiers
+ the action seems to be before Half Life 1
- at the end there is a "to be continued" which... was never continued...
If you can find few hours, try it even after so many years and after HL2.
All the best!
They Hunger is still my favourite SP mod to date. Neil Manke's work is simply awesome. I also recommend DAV's levels, he's one of my favourite level designers.
Hello again!

Merry Christmass and Happy New Year everybody :cheers: