Looks like somebody just shit in the X360's cereal... BONGGGG!!

You act as though cross platform play is something to be desired - this is good news for the 360. However, if I was to get UT3 it would be on the PS3 as twitch shooters like this are more suited to mouse and keyboard support. Not that this matters, though, UT3 is so far down on the list of exciting games on the horizon that I couldn't give a toss :)
Remember, with the PS3 you have the option to play against PC users, it's not mandatory, so you get the best of both worlds, plus official mouse and keyboard support, ohh and mods too... this is nothing but good news for PS3 users...
Remember, with the PS3 you have the option to play against PC users, it's not mandatory, so you get the best of both worlds, plus official mouse and keyboard support, ohh and mods too... this is nothing but good news for PS3 users...

Cam't you get mods for 360 version?
Cam't you get mods for 360 version?
No. IIRC Epic is working with MS to change that, but as it stands right now they cannot get user-created mods. They are readily available on the PS3, though, after someone makes them on a PC and uploads them.
Hmm, great news really. Now I just need that PS3 keyboard and mouse (and more games that support them)!!!
No. IIRC Epic is working with MS to change that, but as it stands right now they cannot get user-created mods. They are readily available on the PS3, though, after someone makes them on a PC and uploads them.
Yeah but they're vary about it for valid reasons, they're afraid that mods can be used to 'hack/crack' into XBLive and procure stuff such as passwords, userids, and even CC numbers, so I can understand this.

Last time I played a console game with people on PC(Quake 3 for Dreamcast) it was awful, PC players usually had around 20 kills per 1 kill per console player, so I really dont see how this is shitting in 360s cereal.. Maybe it is if you're a PS3 fanboy and have to 'enlrage' everything to massive sizes.:D
You act as though cross platform play is something to be desired - this is good news for the 360. However, if I was to get UT3 it would be on the PS3 as twitch shooters like this are more suited to mouse and keyboard support. Not that this matters, though, UT3 is so far down on the list of exciting games on the horizon that I couldn't give a toss :)

You need to play more team games. Smashing people in UT is fun!

Last time I played a console game with people on PC(Quake 3 for Dreamcast) it was awful, PC players usually had around 20 kills per 1 kill per console player, so I really dont see how this is shitting in 360s cereal.. Maybe it is if you're a PS3 fanboy and have to 'enlrage' everything to massive sizes.:D
It comes with keyboard and mouse support, so it's not like PS3 users will be restricted by the controller. Should help level the field.
It comes with keyboard and mouse support, so it's not like PS3 users will be restricted by the controller. Should help level the field.

Yeah, that's huge.

I think this is great. It only heightens the experience with more players. It's a shame the XBox360 will not be cross-platform...obviously a selling point for the PS3 version. Who knows...maybe with time it's something that can be unlocked.

I'll be getting it for the PC also.

In other news...20 DAYS UNTIL METROID PRIME 3....WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
The 360 version isn't even going to be released this year and they haven't finalized or gone into much detail about any decisions they've made regarding it. So I fail to see how anybody is shitting in anybody's cereal.

Your little "smackdown" would have made sense if the PS3 version was flagrantly superior in a neck-and-neck release timeframe. But I can see you really wanted to rail against M$, so you can have your fun. :)
Au contraire - team games are my bread and butter. I've just never been a UT fan. It's all down hill after rtcw :/

But rtcw is bad, the game play and map design is average. Community is fall of elitist ******s. I know a bunch of people on my lan forums who stroke ET every time it's mentioned but never actually play it at the bloody lans. They'd rather play COD which imo is only slightly better. It's one thing to say a game is good it's another to show you don't actually bother playing it.

Classes do not equal team play. Team play can only be achieved if there is sufficient reason for a group to work together. The game itself does not have to be this reason.

But I can see you really wanted to rail against M$, so you can have your fun. :)

And that's a bad thing because? People would never create threads to bash a company, oh wait all the Sony ones come to mind.
I might get this on PS3 you can use keyboard and mouse!
But rtcw is bad, the game play and map design is average.

Crazy talk!

RTCW the very best teambased fps and clan game i've had the pleasure to play. CoD doesn't come close, neither does CS, DoD etc. The most popular maps (Beach, Base, Village) were also genius, and easily amoungst the best i've played in all the years. ET was certainly more average with a poorer selction of maps (Oasis and Gold Rush were still good tournament maps), but still better than most.

Let's not go here :) my Halo rants will seem tiny compared to the whirlwind that will be unleashed against any criticism of rtcw.

To get back on topic - how is cross platform play desired on the 360?. You'll find that many people (myself included) would be more put off the 360 version if this feature was included.
I wouldn`t be so happy about cross-platform. You have to pay 2 play with PSTriple users (Vista Live) if you`re on a PC. With other PC users it`s the same old good stuff.

I`ll prolly get the golden just to trash PSTriple players though. :D
To get back on topic - how is cross platform play desired on the 360?. You'll find that many people (myself included) would be more put off the 360 version if this feature was included.

It's not forced on you, you can still play with only console owners your not making any sense.

P.S. ET sucks. Example AU GameArena ladder. CSS: 232 teams, BF2 10v10: 89 teams, COD2: 81 teams, CS 1.6: 68 teams, BF2142: 64 teams and ET: 44 teams.
To get back on topic - how is cross platform play desired on the 360?. You'll find that many people (myself included) would be more put off the 360 version if this feature was included.

This is multiplayer, though. The more the merrier, right? This about playing UT3 with other UT3 players, not about playing PS3 or XBOX with other XBOX360 and PS3 players, right? If I only owned a 360, I'd think this sucks quite frankly.
I wouldn`t be so happy about cross-platform. You have to pay 2 play with PSTriple users (Vista Live) if you`re on a PC. With other PC users it`s the same old good stuff.

I`ll prolly get the golden just to trash PSTriple players though. :D
IIRC Epic said they were supporting Windows Live, but that doesn;t mean you'll need a Gold account to play against PS3 users. Clarification is definitely needed on that. Besides, they may have a regular multiplayer matchmaking setup that isn't Live that would work for PC-PC, PS3-PC, and PS3-PS3.
I just don't think mixing joypad and mouse users works online. While the PS3 and PC give the option for m&k, the 360 doesn't. I suppose 360 users could have the option to play PS3 users that have opted to not use a mouse, but that's hardly big news. For the sake of making sure everyone has comms and to make the creating and setting up of maches nice and simple, i'd prefer 360 vs 360.
So they are making the console game be more like the PC version?

Then why not just buy the PC version?
Because the pc doesn't have teh blooray!!!
Aww YEAH! I get to kill some PS3 fanboys
So they are making the console game be more like the PC version?

Then why not just buy the PC version?

Maybe because they have a obsolete computer that vomit blood once it sniff the engine that is Unreal 3.0?
What's the deal here? PS3 users get to play PC users, so what? If both are using mouse and keyboard, what's the difference between that and PC users playing PC users? Aside from graphics, natch. And for the people that don't want to get the mouse and keyboard plug in's, they're just going to get destroyed by PC controls as already stated by people in this thread, including OP.

Don't sound like fun to me. :| Sounds more backwards then forwards.

EDIT: That said, I don't approve of Games for Windows and the compatability between 360 and PC players either, so I'm not just being petty here.
What's the deal here? PS3 users get to play PC users, so what? If both are using mouse and keyboard, what's the difference between that and PC users playing PC users? Aside from graphics, natch. And for the people that don't want to get the mouse and keyboard plug in's, they're just going to get destroyed by PC controls as already stated by people in this thread, including OP.

Don't sound like fun to me. :| Sounds more backwards then forwards.

EDIT: That said, I don't approve of Games for Windows and the compatability between 360 and PC players either, so I'm not just being petty here.
The idea is that some people don't have uber amounts of cash to upgrade their machines to be able to play UT3 on them, but they do have enough for a PS3. The idea is to offer the same experience in a much cheaper alternative.
Well yeah, that part makes sense, but that also applies to 360 users, whereas the theme of this thread appears to be ''haha, PS3 users get to play against PC users, in your face 360 for not having this option'', and for that I refer to my post.

Then again, the 360 version is coming out a year later. Perhaps something else is being planned on that front... We'll see. Not that I'm fussed anyway as I don't like the Unreal games.
Maybe because they have a obsolete computer that vomit blood once it sniff the engine that is Unreal 3.0?

Well if you have a bad computer, then it's understandable... But if you have a good computer, it's silly to get the console version. You will get better graphics on the PC version (higher screen res and higher res textures and more effects, etc), no doubt about it. Even Mark Rein says the same thing that you will always get a better experience graphically on the PC because you don't have the constraints of the console.
If you think about it it's silly to release something exclusively for the PC these days, it's just financial suicide. In case you haven't noticed nearly every AAA title that's labeled as "next-gen" has seen a Xbox360 version. It makes more and more sense these days especially for developers who are independently funded, and simply can't afford to have their first major game pirated and reach such a limited audience and pirated to no end.
I find it really surprising that the PS3 version will allow you to play mods. That's one of the largest aspects of the Unreal games - the huge creative community and the developer-quality maps, modes and modifications it spawns.

I certainly wouldn't bother buying the Xbox 360 version of UT3 if it meant that I was restricted to playing the default maps and modes with, worst of all, a controller. I'm not even that fond of Unreal gameplay anyway - sure, UT3 will have amazing visuals, but once the thrill of blinding bloom and 3,000-polygon noses has worn off I'd be unlikely to play it for long.
The PS3 vids seemed to run much slower than the PC vids, Frames Per second wise. Still might be uneven.
I find it really surprising that the PS3 version will allow you to play mods. That's one of the largest aspects of the Unreal games - the huge creative community and the developer-quality maps, modes and modifications it spawns.

I certainly wouldn't bother buying the Xbox 360 version of UT3 if it meant that I was restricted to playing the default maps and modes with, worst of all, a controller. I'm not even that fond of Unreal gameplay anyway - sure, UT3 will have amazing visuals, but once the thrill of blinding bloom and 3,000-polygon noses has worn off I'd be unlikely to play it for long.

It's things like that that make PS3 seem more and more a worthwhile purchase. Of course I'll be buying UT3 for PC because that's were the the strongest community connections are, but I'm not ruling out buying a PS3 copy of it as well if I can pull 800$ out of thin air at some point. UT / UT2k3/4 mods are really what got me so interested in mods and mod communities.
ami the only one taht thinks the downloadable content angle is alot more interesting than the cross platform stuff?
you will always get a better experience graphically on the PC because you don't have the constraints of the console.

Depending on hardware, of course. I imagine you'll need a pretty cutting edge pc to run UT3 at the same frame rate and gfx settings as the PS3 version simply because consoles are so much more efficient at running games. One of my biggst frustrations with pc gaming is we never get to see what the expensive hardware we buy can really do.
who cares?

i mean, realistically, how many people are actually going to be using a keyboard and mouse on their PS3? not many.
so that leaves the majority of people playing with a controller, getting slaughtered by PC opponents, and not having very much fun

we'll have to wait and see but i don't think the FPS genre is meant for cross platforming (console+PC that is)
Didn't read anything beyond first post. This is old news that the PS3 has the POSSIBILITY of playing vs PC. Yes, it says the word possibility in that article, it hasn't not been confirmed that it will definitely happen.