looong hl2 singleplayer mods


May 22, 2003
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i know hl2 is supposed to take an average of like 30+ hours to complete and thats the longest time for a fps iv seen. but i think it would be really cool if someone made a ridiculasly long sp mod that took 200-400-600+ hours to complete i dont know if its possible it probly is not....maybe it would get boreing but i think it would be cool, everything could take place in real 24hour time, just like LGW is supposed to do (just not that long). id like something like this where it takes like a month or 2 or 3 or more to beat. hehe maybe im just crazy.
Hmm. Good idea, if you've got about fifty GB's to spare on your hard drive :E. That would be an awesome mod though, a 200-hour campaign would kick some serious ass if it was good. I have a mod idea that, with a lot of disk space and a long story to boot, could last upwards of 100 hours. But I'm working on a different SP mod at the moment, so this idea will have to wait.
6000 hours. That would rule. So long as it didnt get stale. it could take place over a few weeks. Although how would they get around the problem of sleep/eating etc? They wouldnt have to do it but without it it would be weird.

EDIT: Hmmm i said 6000 instead of 600, nevermind il leave it like that.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
i know hl2 is supposed to take an average of like 30+ hours to complete and thats the longest time for a fps iv seen. but i think it would be really cool if someone made a ridiculasly long sp mod that took 200-400-600+ hours to complete i dont know if its possible it probly is not....maybe it would get boreing but i think it would be cool, everything could take place in real 24hour time, just like LGW is supposed to do (just not that long). id like something like this where it takes like a month or 2 or 3 or more to beat. hehe maybe im just crazy.

IIRC it is 40+ hours :)

and I think that your idea is possible if a lot of people work on it.
Like 10 differents teams of modders, but who follow a strict base so it seems to be only one mod.
As long as it's not too repetitive, I'll play it. And it better have a kick arse story line to keep me playing for a reason.
probably possible though, sucks for ppl with low hdd;s like was said, though thats not a problem for me, i got about 50gigs free with both of my hdd put together, a 20 and a 60

btw, whats IIRC?
i dont mean to mistake it as a sim mod either, like there is no going to the jon or eating lunch or sleeping, its just implied, you dont actually do it. i think a real life sim would be cool too but if we want that wed have to wait probly like 10+ years because there is nothing besides like a nasa rocket ship that has enough stuff to run a life sim where you can do absolutly anything and everything and go anywhere.

but yea, pretty much just story like hl2/hl style (dosnt have to be THAT stroy, just the same kind of set up, i mean there dosnt have to be aliens) it could be say.....a 101st airborn soldiers life threw the ww2, or whatever. or could be in the future, like ADAM, in a huge ass space station. something that could hold intrest though of course.

if i had to choose i would choose a mod like this to be WW2. it wouldnt be like dod or moh where your in a multiplayer battle for 30min, it would be real time, youd have to be in a certain battle from anywhere up to a few hours to 2-3 days and could save at certain spots cause nobody wants to play for 24 hours strait, now that would be some ****ing realism. that would hold my intrest no doubt.
you've just lost my interest. the storyline would be shit, the gameplay would be completely repetitive after an hour, and noone would want to battle the same battle for 2-3 days despite historic accuracy
well, personnaly I'd like to see at least one game, that didn't take me a day to complete...

And really nasa space shuttles don't really use that much technology... the first one, was launched on something a little less powerfull than a modern calculator?!? :p
Valve have had 5 years to create about 36 hours of gameplay (I know, I know, most of that time was spent building the Source engine, flame away). I think that's probably about right. After a while, you need some 'payoff' otherwise even the most interesting games get stale.

I'm sorry, but the worst aspect of most mods is their story. Have you read the feeble re-hash Tom Clancy tripe most CS maps give as their "story". This is about the quality of amateur mod narrative. So, alas, I don't have much faith that one such group can produce anywhere near 600 hours of engaging gameplay.

My, I'm in a pissy mood. :hmph:
Originally posted by guinny
you've just lost my interest. the storyline would be shit, the gameplay would be completely repetitive after an hour, and noone would want to battle the same battle for 2-3 days despite historic accuracy

no not really, if u mean repetitive by shooting people then yes......but the locations objectives and scenarios and the characters you fight with would change and change. that was just an idea dont get mad or anything.
Yes, I am too, It ain't been my day...

Singular maps are ahrd to write a story to, and so are mods, the trick is to get a story writer to write it, and then the people work around it...

and who says there has to be only one group working on a mod, I reckon if all members of this forum gathered their skills together into a group, then a decent and long mod would be perfectly possible. This forum, certainly has the talent, the inovation and the passion for the game, to not only make the thing, but to make it damn good too...
Yes, I've got Morrowind and the expansion, the expansion took me a day to do and Morrowind took me about 2 days but pfft...
Sorry, any other sugestions of long games?
yea a freakin 400 hour sp mod thats whaT!!!

o btw if anyone has heard of the sp mod ADAM then u should try it, its pretty fun. your an assasin kind of guy and have to kill enstien or whatever. but its meant for older audiences it contains nudity and sexuality....odd eh
Yes, Hunter, we read that, and we (well I backed up the theory that it's possible) but I'm on about a retail game that'd take me longer than a weekend to complete...
Any game that would even HOPE to be that long would definatly have to be a cross between an FPS and an RPG, that is probably the only way it would remain fun and NOT repetitive for 400 hours. If you have ever played some older games made by Squaresoft (Chrono trigger, final fantasy) then you could probably have an idea of how a really good very LONG game might feel. Morrowind was simply too much of the same thing to be 400 hours of pure story (not doing other side quests and beating guilds and such).

A fun 400 hour game is definatly a possibility that I would love to see, but I don't think it will come from the mod community.
If someone somehow got permission from an existing author - bypassing the lawyers and considering that s/he is a nice guy/girl, it would be possible to base a story off of an existing series. Furthermore, if the books are still being written, that could make for a longer story. But then, as much as I hate it, whoever undertook such a grand project would most likely be sued like mad. Or told to stop. Most likely by the lawyers. Authors tend to be cool, egotistical people, and someone worshipping their work in such a fashion would appeal. But the lawyers like money.

Good god, I've got to sleep.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
probably possible though, sucks for ppl with low hdd;s like was said, though thats not a problem for me, i got about 50gigs free with both of my hdd put together, a 20 and a 60

btw, whats IIRC?

IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
i know hl2 is supposed to take an average of like 30+ hours to complete and thats the longest time for a fps iv seen. but i think it would be really cool if someone made a ridiculasly long sp mod that took 200-400-600+ hours to complete i dont know if its possible it probly is not....maybe it would get boreing but i think it would be cool, everything could take place in real 24hour time, just like LGW is supposed to do (just not that long). id like something like this where it takes like a month or 2 or 3 or more to beat. hehe maybe im just crazy.

yea that would be cool


if you put all 3 of the half life''s together you will get prolly 100 hours? (since their will be a 3rd half life)
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
yea a freakin 400 hour sp mod thats whaT!!!

o btw if anyone has heard of the sp mod ADAM then u should try it, its pretty fun. your an assasin kind of guy and have to kill enstien or whatever. but its meant for older audiences it contains nudity and sexuality....odd eh

Where can you get this mod?

BTT: I'd like such a SP modification...but how long would this take to d/l? How long would the queues at Fileplanet (i hate this service :-/) be? And how much traffic would this cause?:cheese:
Dracten the word =boring= it not a option

Well I have heard all your comments - Especially talking about RPG and games having crappy story's or being too the same.

I totally agree - thats why I don't play RPG games anymore - they seem to have lost that cool factor especially now with Final Fantasy series.

Dracten is unlike any other game or mod things change unlike any other game - you loose a mission the game continues and different things happen. (don't want to give any ideas away at this point)

Guys what do you think I've been working on for 9 years by myself?

This is no simple RPG or FPS ;) This game is a single player experience and a Coop Experience and a vs multiplayer experience. (imagine of counter strike wasn't created?)

Check out Dracten - on those forums and the forums here:

Has Further information.
Originally posted by Stone
Yes, I've got Morrowind and the expansion, the expansion took me a day to do and Morrowind took me about 2 days but pfft...
Sorry, any other sugestions of long games?
Oh, so you're one of those gamers. The kind that blows through a game as quickly as possible and misses out on 95% of what the game has to offer. (This is of course ignoring the fact that it's impossible to complete Morrowind's main quest in two days without cheating. And seeing as the game is openended, you never actually "finish" it.)

Speaking of Morrowind, check out The Tameriel Rebuilt Project for a terrific example of how to make a massive mod. They have an excellent system whereby anybody can create content for the project, allowing participants to "bid" on different aspects, such as designing the terrain for an area, or decorating the interiors, or placing NPC's. They also have a rigerious quality control system in place to ensure the different elements maintain high standards of quality. It might inspire somebody to take on a similiar project for Half-Life 2. Just imagine a massive mod set in modern New York City!
Originally posted by Stone
well, personnaly I'd like to see at least one game, that didn't take me a day to complete...

And really nasa space shuttles don't really use that much technology... the first one, was launched on something a little less powerfull than a modern calculator?!? :p

About any RPG...

and if you actually play through the game and do everything instead of trying to find the fastest possible way to get rhough the story... some of them could give you 100+ hours of gameplay, so I don't know what you're smoking.
Originally posted by Stone
And really nasa space shuttles don't really use that much technology... the first one, was launched on something a little less powerfull than a modern calculator?!? :p

lol, I was gonna say that!
If DeusEx would have been 200 hours long, it would have been the ****ing greatest game ever made ! Oh wait, it actually IS the greatest game ever...

Well, I think 200h is too a little bit too much, but a 100h single player campaign could be cool, if it's not to boring, of course
A that long singleplayer game would get booring I think... Unless it was REALLY good. But I'd think you have to use the same base map several times with different enemies to reduce size. And then it gets repetetive instead. Not to mention if its even possible with source. With a system like BF1942 you could make "new" maps with a 100kb file.
If HL2 can have one file for the map and one that use that map plus its own contents, one could easily just make an extra 10 hour sequence by returning to base after each mission and really adding contents there, like Elite Force 2 did (well not 10 hours there, but still added ALOT of play time) :)

Either that or I suggest real time sleeping in the mod, and it will take a week to complete (note, the player gets tired after 1 hour of killing, then have to sleep 23 hours)! :D
i'd love it if some developers would join forces and release a double-dvd package including one major game that's kinda like opposing force, blue shift + half-life tied together, only with the HL2 engine.
So like... you have 1 basic storyline... and every few levels you switch to another character (like, from Gordon Freeman, to Sgt Calhoun, to Cpl. Shephard), and so you'd get about 100hrs + worth of gameplay, an amazing level of detail and probably a kickass game :cool:

btw i don't think GB's will be a problem for ppl wanting to play Half-life² and Doom³..... got the point? :dozey: besides i have metal gear solid 2 on dvd here (sad sad conversion), and it's about 8 gig allready so we're getting there :D
I dunno, I think Half-Life 2 wil look pretty good in five years. It probably won't look as good as some new games, but I think it'll still look ok.
Grey City will take ESTIMATED by how many missions we're lining up, not to mention completely non-linear GTA-style gameplay, GC will be about 70 hours of gameplay, not including all the non-linear GTA-style gameplay (estimated about a 2 years worth of fun :E)
Yeah, Grey City does look pretty fun. I poked around the site and forums a while back, and it does look like a rather ambitious (sp?) mod. Hopefully most of the stuff you guys wannna do will turn out ok.