LOST: Destiny Found

so let me get this straight.....at the end in the last episode....
is revealed they where all dead?

*<RJMC> tryes to contain laughter unsusscefully*
No, they weren't dead all along.
They were dead in the alternate reality.

Everything that happened on the Island actually happened.
so let me get this straight.....at the end in the last episode....
is revealed they where all dead?

*<RJMC> tryes to contain laughter unsusscefully*

Oh FFS! They were dead in the "alternate universe". Everything on the island really happened. The "alternate universe" was a sort of purgatory. That being said it's still laughable.

However what really pisses me of is that the writers have the nerve to say: DURR we planed to end it this way all along DURPIDY DURR. Give me a break.
Well, kinda. The Island was real, but the alternate reality was purgatory/going to heaven, where there is no time. Since there is no sense of time there, it doesn't matter 'when' anyone died, they are all there because they all die 'sometime'. In the real world, some people may live to be really old after they escape the island, while jack died right then. Kate, Sawyer, etc live after the island, but are still in purgatory because obviously they die someday.

Thats the way I undertstand it.
So, the island events were real but the sideways was basically a what if they had died on the island after the nuke went off and went to heaven? And then because of the circumstances in which the sideways was created, they all managed to remember their lives on the island in the end?


The island events were real. The sideways was the meeting place inbetween death and heaven. Purgatory if you will.

The Island events happen. A lot of people died during those events. The ones that got off the island, escaped and eventually died. When everyone had died, thats when the "sideways" universe started.

The sideways is a very long epilogue after everyone had died (not from the hydrogen bomb though, that just teleported them back to 2007)
alternate reality?

the time travelling thing?
Am I the only one who both bawled uncontrollably and didn't hate this?
No, I thoroughly enjoyed it and teared up in quite a few places.
Sayid and Sharon seeing eachother again in particular made me cry like a bitch.

Also, to anyone complaining about mysteries being left unsolved... you're forgetting something that also took me awhile to realize.

I didn't like Sayid and Shannon together, so that didn't get me much, but I started when Charlie and Claire had their reunion, and then basically didn't stop until after the end.

It certainly wasn't without flaws or contrivances, but I think it was pretty wonderful.
To each his own, I didn't mind them as a couple since I tolerated Shannon once she stopped being such a whiny prissy bitch.

I thought they ended the series somewhat cheaply but it was quite beautiful too.

So, what are we to make of Ben not going into the church? He has a spot reserved in hell I take it?
OK, how about: Why MIB while in smoke monster mode makes mechanical sounds?

Choose your answer:

"That's silly/stupid"

"Who cares about that"

Well you're pretty much right thats a pretty stupid question and if it's answer is what you needed the most then maybe you are retarded???

Why will the Man in Black destroy the world when he leaves the island if his only motivation is to leave the island?

Since he knows putting out the light will destroy the world (or at least kill all humans, ala Bender) and presumably Jacob's rules (which are also pretty dumb) prohibit him from leaving directly, couldn't he have just waited for the next protector of the island to be chosen (after figuring killing Jacob) and asked nicely to destroy those rules and let him leave, without threatening to destroy the world and pitting everyone on the island against him in an effort to stop him?

Since he uses people as a means to an end and is obviously smart, isn't this the most logical thing he could've done?

For that matter, how does he know that destroying the light will free him?

How is it that the Frozen Donkey Wheel was built if no one (except Desmond) could survive a direct EMP blast like that? Also, How did primitive settlers from thousands of years ago know enough about the light that they figured out how to control it in the first place?

Why will the world end if the light goes out? Since this is basically the whole reason for so many characters doing so many things on the show (since it's Jacob's motivation for everything), it would be nice to have it explained even briefly, even with a ****ing Back To The Future "Rip in the space-time continuum" explanation. Just not this shitty "Light goes out we all die, because I say we do" explanation.

How does Eloise know everything? Including knowing that the afterlife, is the afterlife for f*cks sake. She's practically the Wizard of Oz. This one is just flat-out bad writing.

These are just some questions I have from the last few episodes. A lot of the answers to these questions are presented in the show as being "Because I say so and those are the rules I just made up". The answers to those questions are literally this Eddie Izzard routine:


I don't even need a definitive answer for all these things, just some kind of answer that doesn't seem like shitty writing thrown in to artificially amplify the mystery of it and capitalize on people's curiosity.

Women can't have children on the island. Except for Claire, who can have children on the island. The importance of this will never be revealed.

And why wasn't Walt in the last episode? That one right there is the MOST important of ALL the questions.

At first I was going to edit your post in the quote so it read "I am a manchild and need all of my answers spoonfed to me" but I'll bite.

Why will the Man in Black destroy the world when he leaves the island if his only motivation is to leave the island?

If theres one thing that we learned from Across the Sea, is that MiB and Jacob both knew jack shit about the Island. MiB's motivation was always "i just wanna get off this island" whether or not he actually knew or believed it would mean the world ending is doubtful. Remember he's the one who thought his mom was ****ing crazy.

Since he knows putting out the light will destroy the world (or at least kill all humans, ala Bender) and presumably Jacob's rules (which are also pretty dumb) prohibit him from leaving directly, couldn't he have just waited for the next protector of the island to be chosen (after figuring killing Jacob) and asked nicely to destroy those rules and let him leave, without threatening to destroy the world and pitting everyone on the island against him in an effort to stop him?

Since he uses people as a means to an end and is obviously smart, isn't this the most logical thing he could've done?

He'd have a really hard time doing that since MiB is pretty much evil incarnate and murdered a whole bunch of people just so he could get Jacob killed, so asking nicely is kind of out of the question but its cute that you think that.

How does Eloise know everything? Including knowing that the afterlife, is the afterlife for f*cks sake. She's practically the Wizard of Oz. This one is just flat-out bad writing.

Actually this is explained pretty well and you're just kind of dumb. See when were first introduced Eloise in the 70s its pretty apparent shes not the all knowing Eloise we know from older episodes, but then she shot her son who is a gigantic time traveling nerd and had a journal about everything that will happen and how desmond was his constant and how whatever happens happens and really just shut up. I guess you missed the part in Season 5 where she had no idea if Desmond was going to be okay, because faradays journal didn't go that far. Also the afterlife thing can simply be explained as her having her little remembrance flash like the rest of the cast did but I guess like most other Lost viewers last night you just kind of shut your brain off.

Women can't have children on the island. Except for Claire, who can have children on the island. The importance of this will never be revealed.

It seems like women stopped being able to have children on the Island after the incident which makes sense you know because they BLEW UP A ****ING NUUUUKE. Also, it's really easy to just say that Claire didn't die because she was a candidate at the time of Aarons Birth.

Am I the only one who both bawled uncontrollably and didn't hate this?

Nope, and im kind of waiting for someone to give me a concrete reason as to why it sucked beyond telling me that things werent resolved (which were actually resolved)
So, what are we to make of Ben not going into the church? He has a spot reserved in hell I take it?

No, of course not. Don't be silly. It's simply that Ben wasn't ready to move on. Even despite his redemption, and the several years he spent protecting the Island with Hugo, he doesn't feel like it makes up for all the wrong he did in his life.

Actually this is explained pretty well and you're just kind of dumb. See when were first introduced Eloise in the 70s its pretty apparent shes not the all knowing Eloise we know from older episodes, but then she shot her son who is a gigantic time traveling nerd and had a journal about everything that will happen and how desmond was his constant and how whatever happens happens and really just shut up. I guess you missed the part in Season 5 where she had no idea if Desmond was going to be okay, because faradays journal didn't go that far. Also the afterlife thing can simply be explained as her having her little remembrance flash like the rest of the cast did but I guess like most other Lost viewers last night you just kind of shut your brain off.

Whoa there Sally. As far as the Eloise thing goes, I think the question that viewers have isn't about Daniel or the "Sideways", because those were explained. It's about Desmond. When we see Desmond skipping through time, she's the one who seems to know exactly what's happening and what he's trying to do, and she acts as essentially a "Timeline Protector". His consciousness skipping around certainly could be mentioned in Faraday's journal, at least as a possibility, but there's no actual explanation for her to know what he's going to do or when.
Wow, when did Adrik turn into a dick?

Anyways, yeah, I figured that too but I couldn't entirely be sure.
Whoa there Sally. As far as the Eloise thing goes, I think the question that viewers have isn't about Daniel or the "Sideways", because those were explained. It's about Desmond. When we see Desmond skipping through time, she's the one who seems to know exactly what's happening and what he's trying to do, and she acts as essentially a "Timeline Protector". His consciousness skipping around certainly could be mentioned in Faraday's journal, at least as a possibility, but there's no actual explanation for her to know what he's going to do or when.

Well as far as what he was trying to do which was to stay with penny and in the process end up changing time (by never going to the island), im sure she had an idea of what he was doing because im sure Daniel's journal (atleast the first half of it) was just chock full of :Whatever happened, happened. As for knowing exactly where he was going to be, well technically she is Penny's step-mother, i'll go ahead and give you knowing when and where he was going to be is a bit of a stretch, but im pretty sure she knew what he was SUPPOSED to do because of Daniel's journal. So when she found him all "gunna live with penny foreva brutha" she was like "Not yet your not"

- My remaining question is why, in the "sideways world", did the Island sink in the 70's?
- And why was it "important" that Claire be the one to raise Aaron?

The first one? It was pretty much there to throw us off. I mean just watching that first episode its obvious the writers knew it was the after life what with Rose telling jack to "Let go". So just like all the other miscellaneous characters in the epilogue it was just details that were created by the Losties in that world. (But really it was just to throw us off)

Also thinking back on the Claire thing, I think it was just kind of going back to the Across the Sea thing, because look how ****ed up Jacob and MiB turned out when they were raised by someone who wasn't there mother. I think the same thing kind of applies here.
My remaining questions are:

- Why it was so important for Claire to be the one to raise Aaron?

- The sickness, what does it mean, where does it come from, how does it work? To avoid repeating myself, see this post

- Who said "Help me" in the Cabin? It was never Jacob's Cabin. And what was the line of ash around it for? How could Jacob be seen running around the island as a child after his death? Why Jacob was permitted to leave the Island but the Man in Black wasn't.

- Why, in the "sideways world", did the Island sink in the 70's?
Answered the first two in my post above, but as for the others:

The sickness? Well aside from Sayid, I think the sickness that Rousseau referring to was just paranoia on her and her teams part. We didn't see the entire aftermath of there friend getting killed by smokey, but im sure when smokey showed up as (this is speculation btw) as their dead friend they went a littttlle crazy.

As for Sayid, I wanna say it was related to the fact that the temple water (which looked a lot like the water from the "heart of the island") was all black and dark, and it simply revived Sayid, but not really? This one I will give you as the first time we REALLY see the sickness is with Sayid, except its not really a sickness and its just whatever. A wizard did it? :(

- Who said "Help me" in the Cabin? It was never Jacob's Cabin. And what was the line of ash around it for? How could Jacob be seen running around the island as a child after his death? Why Jacob was permitted to leave the Island but the Man in Black wasn't.

The Help Me Im pretty sure was the MiB. He spent a good amount of time manipulating Locke into thinking he was the "chosen one" and hearing an other worldy voice say "HELP ME" will go a long way in doing that.

As for Jacob running around as a ghost child. The same reason Michael walks around as a Ghost, the island is weird like that. Well actually it seems ghosts on the island have to stay there for "unfinished business" as corny as that ****ing is, so Jacob's unfinished business was "I need to find a new me, now."

With MiB leaving the island, I think BEFORE he came smokey it wouldn't have mattered if he left or not, his mom just really wanted him to be the new Protector and he was kind of ruining that for her. After he became smokey though, whatever happened to him down there literally made him evil incarnate so getting off the island at that point became a very serious threat.
As for Jacob running around as a ghost child. The same reason Michael walks around as a Ghost, the island is weird like that. Well actually it seems ghosts on the island have to stay there for "unfinished business" as corny as that ****ing is, so Jacob's unfinished business was "I need to find a new me, now."

Jacob running around as a man, appearing to Hurley, and later, everyone, was unfinished business. He also appeared, as a child, that could be seen by MIB, as well as others, such as Sawyer. It doesn't make any sense why that would be.
Real Answer: Jacob is kind of a dick.

Lost Answer: He only appeared as a Kid to Smokey in the beginning and I feel like this was to scare the shit out of him. As for when he appeared to hurley as a kid, I think it was just a reason to get hurley to follow him to the campfire. Why he didn't just appear as his adult self and say "Hey can I get my ashes hugo?" is related to the Real Answer. Jacob is a dick.
No, i am not confused. Just utterly disappointed. I get it. The Island is real, the "sideways universe" is a sort of purgatory/collective consciousness and they are all awaiting their entrance into heaven. That's all fine and dandy but how is that relevant to any of the stuff that happened over the past six years? This finale basically shat all over every aspect of the show. What a cop out.

"It's about the characters." Ah, **** off!
Real Answer: Jacob is kind of a dick.

Lost Answer: He only appeared as a Kid to Smokey in the beginning and I feel like this was to scare the shit out of him. As for when he appeared to hurley as a kid, I think it was just a reason to get hurley to follow him to the campfire. Why he didn't just appear as his adult self and say "Hey can I get my ashes hugo?" is related to the Real Answer. Jacob is a dick.

That seems like a total cop out on your part, as on the writers part. So you probably shouldn't be calling the people that are disappointed by inconsistencies such as this one dumb or retarded, makes you look like a total dick.
The mysteries are important and keep you entertained, but this show has and always was about the people on it. Everyone associated with the show said it was about the people. The mysteries are important so you can see how the people react and adapt to them. How they grow and face different situations. The show would not have worked without the people or the mysteries, they worked together in a perfect way.

That being said it was either going to end with some gigantic information dump (Which im sure you would have hated too) or it was going to end with the characters. thank god it was the latter.

That seems like a total cop out on your part, as on the writers part. So you probably shouldn't be calling the people that are disappointed by inconsistencies such as this one dumb or retarded, makes you look like a total dick.

Its obvious that Adult and Kid Ghost Jacob were one in the same seeing as kid jacob led hurley right to the camp fire, so Jacob just being a dick is kind of a good answer, but once again if you felt the entire show was ruined because you didn't get an answer about why Jacob was running around as a kid then I guess maybe you are dumb???

You know I expected a lot of complaints about "WHAT IS THE ISLAND WHAT IS THE LIGHT" but instead some of you people are concerned about the most retarded things. Why did any of you keep watching?
The mystery could also be revealed in a follow up show who knows. they could totally make another spin off of Lost and I'd totally watch it. Some people felt like they wasted their time with this show but I don't. I stopped watching a few weeks in a row because I was busy, but after I got caught up the show kept getting more entertaining. Season 1 was my fave though
If there are things that you felt weren't answered well enough chances are because it wasn't important and you are just sperging out.

(Walt, Dharma Supply Drop, Little Kid Jacob, the list goes on)

Anyway I'll just leave this here:
Jimmy kimmel said there might be a few answers on the season six DVD that the writers wanted to get around too but simply couldn't do to time constraints. Also to those of you disappointed with the ending.

The show is all about: (please circle one)

A) How a group of lost and confused characters respond to an adversity-laden situation and (eventually) a monumental responsibility that the world depends on
B) The precise scientific details of the the mystical MacGuffin they're tasked with
The mysteries are important and keep you entertained, but this show has and always was about the people on it. Everyone associated with the show said it was about the people. The mysteries are important so you can see how the people react and adapt to them. How they grow and face different situations. The show would not have worked without the people or the mysteries, they worked together in a perfect way.

This is the greatest fan-boy response I have read so far.

Who cares about every part of the show that went unresolved or unexplained, the characters were so awesome!!!!!!!

If there are things that you felt weren't answered well enough chances are because it wasn't important and you are just sperging out.

(Walt, Dharma Supply Drop, Little Kid Jacob, the list goes on)

Anyway I'll just leave this here:

How are these things not important? It sounds like you are a LOST cheerleader/fanboy. Your logic is that the writers share absolutely no responsibility and that we are all just too stupid to understand it all while you can't actually explain any of this stuff.
Once again here we go:

The show is all about: (please circle one)

A) How a group of lost and confused characters respond to an adversity-laden situation and (eventually) a monumental responsibility that the world depends on
B) The precise scientific details of the the mystical MacGuffin they're tasked with

Also No Limit I feel I explained pretty well most of the "unresolved" questions Sparta presented me with, and if it's the really minor shit that you're really worried about then I have no idea what to tell you.

Heres an easy one: WHY WASNT WALT IN THE FINALE?

He got old. This happens in TV. It didnt happen because the writers didn't answer it, it wasn't answered because he got old. Shit happens. Go home.
The show is all about: (please circle one)

A) How a group of lost and confused characters respond to an adversity-laden situation and (eventually) a monumental responsibility that the world depends on
Right because in any story the why isn't important, jsut the who. WHY does the world depend on them?
Right because in any story the why isn't important, jsut the who. WHY does the world depend on them?

Because they are the heroes of our story.


Also fun fact: when Jacob revealed the wall didn't mean jack shit and kate could've been Jacob if she wanted the Job. See it could've been anyone really, these just happen to be the people we got to see it through with.
I want to know why the hell those people that checked out Claire when she was pregnant got all scared of the baby (season 2 or something, cant remember). It gave us the impression that the Aron was evil or something, but they never explained that.
Because they are the heroes of our story.


Also fun fact: when Jacob revealed the wall didn't mean jack shit and kate could've been Jacob if she wanted the Job. See it could've been anyone really, these just happen to be the people we got to see it through with.

A story with no why. Did these people have english classes in middle school?
I want to know why the hell those people that checked out Claire when she was pregnant got all scared of the baby (season 2 or something, cant remember).

They werent scared they had just been dealing with fertility issues with mothers dying. Claire was basically a big "oh god shes pregnant is she gonna die is she gonna have the baby what does this mean for us aaaahhhh"

A story with no why. Did these people have english classes in middle school?

What why? is it that you're looking for here?

Why they were brought to the island? Jacob did it. Why were they chosen? they were broken or LOST HEH. Why not someone else? Jacob probably could've picked any number of broken people, but these are the people he happened to choose at that point in time.

Like what is it that you're getting at here because you just keep going why why why why why and you just sound like a baby.
nono i dont mean on the island, this was back before they even crashed. My memory is bad but she was visiting someone in a house. ahh **** my memory is so bad i cant remember who what or where, but there was a woman or priest or something that touched her belly, and then got all freaked out and kicked her out of the house, as if the baby gave her some visions of something.


Also, was the big bird explained? They promised to explain that...
What why? is it that you're looking for here?

Why they were brought to the island? Jacob did it. Why were they chosen? they were broken or LOST HEH. Why not someone else? Jacob probably could've picked any number of broken people, but these are the people he happened to choose at that point in time.

Like what is it that you're getting at here because you just keep going why why why why why and you just sound like a baby.

Why was the island so important to life everywhere? Why was the light important? Why did a simple stone turn off the light then turn it back on? Why did the world depend on them protecting this light?

Yes, it's all about why, why, why. That's not being a baby, that's what you should expect when reading or watching a story, any story.

They built up this island as the source of all life and all good and evil. Yet they never explained why. And you come in here with your idiotic fanboy attitude calling anyone that questions this retarded or too stupid for the show. Give me a break.
Why was the island so important to life everywhere?

Because of the light.

Why was the light important?

From the description that jacobs fakemom gave us, its the little bit in all of us, it's literally creation itself, good and evil, all of that.

Why did a simple stone turn off the light then turn it back on?

Remember when Jacob said the island was a cork keeping all of the evil out of the world. Well the finale made me realize that wasn't a metaphor. It was literally a ****ing cork.

Yes, it's all about why, why, why. That's not being a baby, that's what you should expect when reading or watching a story, any story.

Except there was a why, and it sounds like you just wanted season 6 to be some kind of big information dump, which would have been a horrible ending and you probably wouldn't have been happy with that either.

They built up this island as the source of all life and all good and evil. Yet they never explained why.

Because the show is about good and evil you know you remember that scene in Season 1 with Locke you know Two sides, one dark one white. yeah haha I remember it too wow it's almost like that was a part of the shows theme haha thats so crazy

And you come in here with your idiotic fanboy attitude calling anyone that questions this retarded or too stupid for the show.

I cant help it when these questions are so retarded
The light was important because it was a bit in all of us? Why? Why was it in all of us? When did it get there? Why was it there?

I can't help it when the fanboy explainations you are coming up with are so retarded.
Because Jacobs mom said it is. Also you pretty much answered your own question when you said the Island built itself up to be Good and Evil and everything in between.

See this is the thing, you want answers to the exact details of the island something we were told early on that we never going to get. Damon and Carlton specifically said they were not going to outright say what the Island was, you're saying that the entire finale was a cop out because you didn't get the most insignificant explanation. This is a show about the characters. What the light was or who created it was not as important as you think it was.

I always thought the idea of the chubby kid awkwardly adjusting his glasses smugly pointing out small errors or unanswered questions was an invention of cartoons, but I was wrong.