lots of "official" mods

Jun 13, 2003
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what exaclty make people say their mod is official? i'm curious because it's not really official if Valve isn't behind it in some way or another.
i guess it means they already have a dedicated team working on it and maybe even a website
i used to call rd official until i understood wht i t meant .
basically these people want to say that they have made things and they are trying to say that its not a "die in 2 days mod"
um, i think it means they claimed the idea of the mod first.
so, i'll take my mod example.

the Official Gangwarfare mod, cuz i thought of a gangwarfare mod before any mods for HL2 did i call it official. it's kinda ignorant to call your mod Official so i suggest no teams actually do it.

It could also mean the name, lets say another mod comes out called Downtown Dispute, I'll tag mine as The OPficial Downtown Dispute mod, cuz i thought of the name first. i dunno, just my thoughts :-/