Lowest price for a Radeon 9500 Pro?

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hi guys,

please don't think I'm just being lazy and asking where to find the best deal is. I've narrowed it down to allstarshop.com, abstechnologies, and newegg.com, ive looked on pricewatch for the cheapest prices and the lowest i can find it at from a reliable online vendor is $199 at allstarshop.com


does anyone else own this card that they purchased online and does anyone know if this is a good deal ($199 for a Radeon 9500 Pro). thanks for your time
i found it for 168 including shippin on pricewatch.com but that ws for US i dont know if they do euro for sme pice or at all if your not in US that is. another great place to find a card is newegg.com
go to pricewatch or newegg...

Dont go for a ATI made card, its not worth it and will save you money. Sapphire 9500s are around $140 now and as low as 120...

You dont need to get a 9500pro..You can get a 9500 and mod it to a 9500pro with a downloadable patch and save even more $$
I'm confused why would you buy a 9500 now? ATI considers it legacy/end of life. For $200 I wouldn't be buying end of life products.

The 9600 Pro is part of their current models and it is $180 at buy.com. The 9600 should be about $30 less where you find it.
I was trying to figure out if that was the case but ATI publishes their specs only when they feel like it. Half the card publish fill rate some publish vpu and mmeory speeds, others nothing.

I imagine that is a mixture of incompetence and obfuscation(sp?)

Found an article on Anandtech that showed 9500Pro beating 9600 pro on some of its benchmarks.
yeah, even though the 9600 has a higher core speed and memory speed, ati cut the rendering pipelines in half (from 8 on the radeon 9500 to 4 now) and made it more "cost-effective" by not using the R300 core like the Radeon 9500/9700 has.

*note* i am not referring to any of the pro cards

anyways, now that i think about it, if i wait until around september when ati releases their new card, do u guys think the price for the radeon 9700 will drop to the current price of a radeon 9500?
do u guys think the price for the radeon 9700 will drop to the current price of a radeon 9500?

Prices always drop with this stuff. If you dont already do so you should monitor sharkyextreme.com and anandtech.com. On both os these sites (as well as some other similar sites) you can see the price of all the similar hardware in a single table which also shows how much its changed from last week. Its cool to see high end processors drop as mauch as $250.00 or more in a single week!

The Punisher
Video cards in general are expected to drop in price because its realized the prices are getting outa controll..

A 9700pro at the end of september will probably go for around $160..by that time the 9900pro will be just coming out..The NV45(FX7000 series) will be out by then also probably..
Good god, no! Please don't buy that horrible disgrace of a card that is the FX line. Other than the 5900, of course. They're noisy, slow, expensive, and take up two slots (though it's not like anybody ever has use for that spare PCI slot...). I'd say unless you're going for absolutely top of the line, stick with the Radeons. The FX 5900 is good, but right now it's too expensive. Other than that one card, stick with ATI for now. Seems like the competition will be picking up pretty heavily again this summer/fall...with processors, too (what with AMD being SSE2 Compatible as of this fall with their AMD-64 Hammer core, supposedly).

Where is a good site that compares graphics cards? I cant find any..
The store next to me has a Radeon 9500 Pro for $188 to bad they dont ship =(. The store is in Portland, Oregon if you live around here.
The store next to me has a Radeon 9500 Pro for $188 to bad they dont ship =(. The store is in Portland, Oregon if you live around here.

Hey SpuD,
Salem OR here, what store is that?

The Punisher