M249, Good or bad?

Bug-eyed Earl

Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
I think this might be one of my best guns other than the p-90 (thank you all that gave me advice on that). No matter how far away the target is or whether I'm on the move or not, I can still get a kill in seconds.

I hear a lot of people dislike this gun, why? Is there going to be some draw back later on thats I don't see right now?
If you are certain that you can sneak to the enemies' back, buy this gun.
I dislike for its accuracy,if I must shoot at multiple targets and have almost no accuracy,I don't get as many kills as I could with a sniper rifle
Thats really weird, It seems to be one of the most accurate guns other than the M4 in my hands. Of course I'm only firing one or two shots if I'm going to be shooting someone more than 40ft away from me, and when they are closer than that I just let it rip.
Hmm, the m249 has a better chance of hitting me playing HL2DM than hitting anyone in game. I advise that you do NOT use this.
Use it like the pistol(one or two bullets at a time), and accuracy wont be a problem anymore.
Thats really weird, It seems to be one of the most accurate guns other than the M4 in my hands. Of course I'm only firing one or two shots if I'm going to be shooting someone more than 40ft away from me, and when they are closer than that I just let it rip.
I shoot everything from long range,which renders the M249 useless
it's good at long range if you get them in one or two shots after that it geos everywhere. also it takes a bit longer to fire quickly from when you click, it's only half a second but it makes a difference when someone jumps in front of you.
It's fantastic in a few situations (rushing in Office, for example) but otherwise it's unnecessary and kind of stupid, especially considering the cost.
Best for long-range-lucky-insta headshots
It's fun when you're bored, like I am, having played CS for years now.
^Yup that is primary function of that weapon :D