Magnusson is insane?


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May 29, 2007
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After finding the Episode 2 voice files, I listened to some of Magnusson's lines after the rocket is launched. Listen to his voice and you will know what I'm talking about. Do you think Magnusson has gone crazy after so many years of solo research and development of the rocket.

So, do you think Dr.Magnusson does go crazy at the end of Episode 2, or is he just overwealmed with joy that his rocket he has worked on for so many years has finally succeeded. DISCUSS!!

I, personally, think that Magnusson is not insane yet, but he may get very crazy over the course of Episode 3. For a good bit of evidence listen to 'mag_launch_launchsequence09b.wav' and 'mag_launch_launchsequence09c.wav', he sounds very mental in those clips.
Imagine your life's work working perfectly. How would you act?

True yes, but that might have caused him to go insane
If people called you crazy every day of your life, you might go crazy.
Magnusson was under alot of stress, as you see when you first encounter him in the Silo.
So he was probably very very pleased that all this stress got lifted once the rocket was launched perfectly.

Considering he literally had the world on his shoulders.
Don't blame him.
He's a narcissistic with an ego the size of a Citadel. And he just saw something he worked on for god knows how long work perfectley. He's going to be a little...excited.
I'd say he's excited.

If he acted "casual", it would be...lame.
He's a narcissistic with an ego the size of a Citadel. And he just saw something he worked on for god knows how long work perfectley. He's going to be a little...excited.
My thoughts exactly. There is a fine line between insanity and a genius, he's probably the latter. Magnusson devices and the successful rocket launch give the guy the inflated ego he struts around with, so we can't say anything against him...literally ;)
Wait... do you know what the word "literally" means?

Or are you saying that he literally, figuratively had the world on his shoulders?

Well if you knew basic English, you would understand that #2 was the right answer.

I agree with snufferin-rebel. He had a ton of stress on him, and he was grumpy all the time, whereas kleiner was always cheery and happy with his little pet ****in headcrab, probably irritated the shit out of Magnussen, as it would me.
I'd say Kleiner was crazy. The guy was way too happy for all that has happened to him.
He's not insane, he's an asshole.

I'm coming, Slick. I'm coming to kill you.
Did the Fallen One speak of Slick? I am sure I heard nothing. I am sure Doctor Magnusson, the slick fellow he is, heard nothing as well.
He's not insane, he's an asshole.

I'm coming, Slick. I'm coming to kill you.

Darkside your powers have drained dramatically since your last confrontation with you possibly believe that you are able to kill him at your present state? :O
I won't even need powers; the next time we meet I shall turn to SCIENCE! For you see I have crafted a weapon, a weapon to use against the weapon-maker, an anti-Magnusson-Slick-buster device, if you will. It is a remotely detonated timebomb that, using technology reverse-engineered from the gluon gun, rips you apart particle-by-particle from the inside out. And the best part about this little device? I have disguised it as a microwave casserole! Hahahaha!

And in my present state, as Narvi pointed out, I am practically invisible. I'll switch out the pompous fool's casserole and no one will be the wiser! I've won, Magnusson!
I won't even need powers; the next time we meet I shall turn to SCIENCE! For you see I have crafted a weapon, a weapon to use against the weapon-maker, an anti-Magnusson-Slick-buster device, if you will. It is a remotely detonated timebomb that, using technology reverse-engineered from the gluon gun, rips you apart particle-by-particle from the inside out. And the best part about this little device? I have disguised it as a microwave casserole! Hahahaha!

And in my present state, as Narvi pointed out, I am practically invisible. I'll switch out the pompous fool's casserole and no one will be the wiser! I've won, Magnusson!

I think your forgetting about one thing though......the waffles.:p
I won't even need powers; the next time we meet I shall turn to SCIENCE! For you see I have crafted a weapon, a weapon to use against the weapon-maker, an anti-Magnusson-Slick-buster device, if you will. It is a remotely detonated timebomb that, using technology reverse-engineered from the gluon gun, rips you apart particle-by-particle from the inside out. And the best part about this little device? I have disguised it as a microwave casserole! Hahahaha!

And in my present state, as Narvi pointed out, I am practically invisible. I'll switch out the pompous fool's casserole and no one will be the wiser! I've won, Magnusson!

*turns up Microwave*

*turns up Microwave again*

*turns it up once more*


If Magnusson is insane then Gordon is schizophrenic.

I KNEW IT! The aliens invading are all in gordon's head! I CALLED IT! IT WAS ME!

Some day, when the series is over, you will look back on this day when Van Halen (FagBallz_McGoo) solved the whole ending for you.




Actually, Magnusson is slick, because if he was another type of scientist, after 20 years, the rest would have died of old age, but slick was the youngest of all of them, and magnusson only looks to be in his 50's, while I'd guess kleiner & Eli are in their early 60's.
Is it 10 years or 20? Kleiner doesn't seem to have aged much.
So Kleiner's really a zombie... He looked older than Slick in Half-Life.
Magnusson ain't the ****ing Slick. Stop it.
He is so Slick. Honestly, how can you even dispute this? Even before that casserole in-joke, there's no one else he could have been. From the very moment the news dropped that Episode Two would feature another scientist survivor of Black Mesa and word was that he was going to be a pompous, arrogant jerk, who else was it going to be? I never met any Einsteins who were jerks. I never met a Luther who was an asshole. I've met a couple obstinate Walters, but never one who was so abrasive that I wanted to punch him in the face. No, sir! The only scientist I ever met like that was Slick.

Then the news that it would be one of the scientists outside the test chamber that day, well, who else was in there besides an Einstein and a Slick? And what did the Slick say? He was negative and derisive! The Einstein stood up for Gordon, citing that I was--am--a "trained professional." So it wouldn't be Einstein. There was only one man, then, and that is Slick.

Then the casserole. Even if all other evidence pointed away--which it most certainly does not, but let us be hypothetical--whose casserole was it? It was Slick's. A Slick owned that casserole. If it was his casserole, and Magnusson is angered over the casserole, how can Magnusson not be Slick?! HOW CAN YOU SAY OTHERWISE, GOOD SIR? Where is your PROOF TO THE CONTRARY?

No, my feline friend, you are wrong. He is Slick, and even beyond all that I have proof. It isn't proof you or anyone else would know, only I, and that is simply that I know Slick. We have a connection, a mutual loathing that transcends time and space and video game sequels. I know Slick. I know him when I see him, and the first time I looked at Magnusson my face was grim and my eyes narrowed in abject hate. And then he started speaking and I knew it was him beyond any shadow of a doubt.

And I'm going to kill him. I'll kill him a thousand times over until I have vengeance, until I have satisfaction. Magnusson is Slick.

And he will die.
But it was a Walter who complained about the casserole incident...
He says, "My God, what are you doing?" He doesn't say, "My God, what are you doing to my casserole?" The casserole isn't his, he's just watching it. Watching it for the Slick wandering around outside.

Why, I just played that scene to go check, and everyone's like, "Good morning, Freeman!" and then I passed a Slick and he was like, "I'm very busy, Gordon."

Haha. I got the impression it was his, but yeah, he didn't say it was :p
So, we are no longer talking about if Magnusson is insane is not, we are now talking about how slick the three scientist are...

So, I'll join in with a stupid comment...

Magnusson = FIT!!
I don't think you understand what we mean by slick. The original HL had four models for the scientists.

1: Black/Luthor model
This one, obviously, is the basis for Eli.

2: Glasses/Walter model
The one is the base for Kleiner.

3: Slick model
So called because of his slick haircut. Has black hair and a widow's peak haircut. He's the youngest of the models.

4: Einstien model
The one that looks like Albert Eintstein. Possibly the oldest of the models.

We're arguing whether Magnusson is based off of Einstein or Slick. (He's slick, BTW)
I wonder if Einstein will ever make a reappearance. I'm sure that, through all the facility and all the scientists who might have survived, one of them would be an Einstein.

An Einstein who was perhaps not moved to City 17, but relocated somewhere else, or is living out on the fringe somewhere. Out on the fringe telling anyone who will listen about how he tried to warn them.

But they just would. Not. Listen.

Nah, he aint crazy, just overjoyed. Magnussun, I believe is the real driving force behind "get the combine" technology. He is dedicated, no nonsense, get the job done. We need more of those kind of people. There is plenty of time for "chit chat" when the mission is completed. He is the best of the best. Most whussy pansy "he ain't nice" people will not like him. Its Ok though, he saves their asses, they are just too dumb to realize it. :naughty:
I know that's you posting, Magnusson. You think I'm fooled, but I'm not. Nobody would ever praise you but yourself, you pompous, arrogant ass. You're going down. YOU'RE GOING DOWN!

*tackles Fido with a chair*
I wonder if Einstein will ever make a reappearance. I'm sure that, through all the facility and all the scientists who might have survived, one of them would be an Einstein.

An Einstein who was perhaps not moved to City 17, but relocated somewhere else, or is living out on the fringe somewhere. Out on the fringe telling anyone who will listen about how he tried to warn them.

But they just would. Not. Listen.
Einstein was stranded on Xen. His last words echoing in one of Nihilanth's death-chambers with nothing but an ichthyosaur and gargantua for company.
He died. Along with Barney. And moustache guy. And lamarr. And vortigaunt #32. And generic rebel #03.

They all died.

Every last one...