
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
hmmm do you think you can pick up living beings?

I don't think so....'cause it would be hard balance and make properly...just wondering...would be kind of cool if they could make it right...
There's been a discussion about this already and the conclusion was: 'no, you can't pick up living beings.'

Go play JK2 if you want to pull/push living beings ;).
I always go down to the club on 'Skool disco' night if i want pull living biengs of the feminine variety. :afro:
im pretty sure u wont be able to but it makes u wonder when in the tech demo he picks up the dead body and throws him into the water.
It would be difficult to program but amazing if you could send a combine flying into another Combine soldier and make them attack one another.
if you could it would be fun, i love doing such things in JK2 and was having fun on OF using the barnicle on people ofcause u lose alot of health u'rself in doing it but its a fun way to kill the aliens and type
the funnest part of JK2 is pushing people off edges w/ force push.
But can you pick up a dead object something living is standing on?
That would be hilarious, luring a combine soldier to step onto a mattress or something and then lift it up...

Alternate: You can obviously grab something and throw it at enemies, thus pushing them over edges.
NEW: valve decided to remove the physics and switch back to the half life engine. :D
If I remember correctly that "gravity gun" isn't going to be in the game? I think I read that in one of the early previews.

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 2
If I remember correctly that "gravity gun" isn't going to be in the game? I think I read that in one of the early previews.

Hmmm not so sure about that m8 Got a Link to the Interview.?:dozey:
I havent heard about that one before Sraylight. can you show us the source?
if it isn't in there then its a bit poor, and what would be the point in showing us the gun if its not going to be in the game???

btw, some of the best bits of jk2 are also, using force grip then bashing the people into a nearby wall, or lifting em really high up then letting go and, using mind trick on a few storm troopers (best if they have the missile launcher or repeater) in a room full of storm troopers whilst hiding back and watching them run about killing each other
Even if the Grav-Gun wasn't in the game it would take no time at all before someone added it to the game as a mod
i'm sure that person would be king for the day if it only came out as a mod, oooh i feel some evil jk2 moves coming on, mwha ha ha ha ha! 8me runs off to play jk2 for a min just to throw storm troopers about with force push, pull and grip... he he he i do love that :devil:
if it isn't in there then its a bit poor, and what would be the point in showing us the gun if its not going to be in the game???

The point would be to show us the physics engine in a tech demo like the one with the matresses, the dead body and the barrels.

Still, as the thing is used a lot in the e3 videos, it is likely that they'll leave it implemented, just maybe not in the form we saw at e3. You have to admit it's a pretty powerful weapon if used correctly...
the thing that would anoy me is the way they showed it in the house sequence where he is chased into the house and uses it there as a weapon, if it was only to show of the physics then to use it there is either unneccisary or they are evil gits and want to taunt us with it "this is a cool gun but you can't have it as we're not gonna put it in the game"
I totally agree with you... all I'm saying is, that with VALVe, you never know...
curse those valve people! u'r right i forgot who we were dealing with... nevermind, as The Mullinator said, even if valve don't do it someone else will, u got to love such people
Why the hell would they leave out the Grav Gun? That would make no sense. Valve already have a functional grav gun for the game as shown in the demos so there is no reason to leave it out.

The only possible reason Valve would leave it out is if they couldn't get it to work properly which is obviously not the case here because I saw with my own eyes it was working perfectly in the demo! Jeez people use some common sense already.
it wasn't us who said it it was this guy,

Originally posted by Straylight
If I remember correctly that "gravity gun" isn't going to be in the game? I think I read that in one of the early previews.

we're just speculating on why its stupid for it to be left out or what if it was left out just to spite us
it's going to be in the game ... Straylight is just an idiot.
Originally posted by worldspawn
it's going to be in the game ... Straylight is just an idiot.
ok thats settled then, lets get back to throwing people through the air with it then :thumbs:
Originally posted by mr fried
ok thats settled then, lets get back to throwing people through the air with it then :thumbs:
i'm not sure about it.. but if it's not in the game originally... i'm sure after an undertiminable (hopefully short) amount of time... people will most likely be able to develop this.. even for multiplayer perhaps.
ah a gun to throw people about with, just think of the posibilities, instead of throwing the FU signs on that building u pick up a combine trooper and throw him and the strider, that would be hours of fun in itself, just finding what silly things u can do with it
Originally posted by mr fried
ah a gun to throw people about with, just think of the posibilities, instead of throwing the FU signs on that building u pick up a combine trooper and throw him and the strider, that would be hours of fun in itself, just finding what silly things u can do with it
i agree.. and also think.. we'll be able to have hours of fun with the physics shown regardless if you can throw people or not... imagine launching a propane tank at a zombie.. watching as the tank explodes, blowing the zombie in half.. then maybe dragging a mattress on top of the upper body of the zombie which is by now crawling towards you due to it's legs being blown off.. then perhaps finishing the entire thing off by flinging a grenade underneath the mattress.. watch as the half-zombie gibs perfectly.. body parts flying.. and the mattress realistically flipping off and shedding down from the explosion.
that would be worth the entire price of upgrading and purchasing of HL2, i love games where u can have fun and do silly things, it makes em last sooo much longer, or picking up the head of one of the combine troopers and chasing a scentist or alyx with it, he he he
You could challenge people to a multplayer game of soccer with the combine's head, Half-Life style. Use the manipulator to fling the head into the goal. :cheese:
lol, and already before the game is out we're thinking up new half-life 2 mods, but seriously, a half-life2 footbal mod would be fun, where the main aim is to score but it doesn't matter if u kill the other team too, but u get blasted and lose points if u kill the ref (not that many people would complian, they would be lining up to kill the ref...)
scihunt 2 ... hundreds of gibbing scientists in the hl2 engine.. HURRAY FOR OVERHEATING!
It will almost assuredly be in the game because they showed it in a part of City 17 ( if you remember back to the striders). if i understand correctly that was the actual part of the level and not just a demo.
Woah. Note the question mark in my previous post. I intentionally worded it as a question because I wasn't sure about it myself.

I think I read that the manipulator wouldn't be in game was in one of those scans of print previews that were briefly out on the web and then got pulled off major sites. It was sort of an offhand mention about a "gravity gun" that was used to throw some boxes around in a tech demo but wasn't going to be in the game. The guy writing the preview then said something about how it would be a shame because it was too cool to leave out.

I'll admit I might be mistaken and yes I did see it in the in-game parts of the e3 footage, but I clearly remember reading this somewhere but I cannot remeber where which leads me to believe one of the following four things:

1) I'm going crazy.

2) I read it on some lame website that didn't know what they were talking about.

3) The weapon we saw will not be in the game. It was simply included (even in the in-game movies) to show off HL2's physics capabilities. You will use your hands like everyone else to hold objects in front of you as a shield or throw them at enemies.

4) The term was actually "gravity gun" so it could be a different gun from the one we saw. For example they might have had at some point gun that just pushed objects you pointed it at forward instead of picking them up like the gun we saw did.

Anyway, that's the whole story. In any event it was from before e3 and I can't remember where I heard it now (and like I said the press scans that I saw are taken down now.)

While I'm pretty sure it'll be in the final build of HL2, I think I remember hearing something like that myself. I'm pretty sure if you look through the PlanetHalflife news archives, you'd find something mentioning something about how it 'may not be in the final version of Half-Life 2'. I think it was in reference to how cool the Gravity Gun was...course that might've been IGN...or Gamespot...heh. Damn my final exams messing with my mind!

Originally posted by Razorwolf
There's been a discussion about this already and the conclusion was: 'no, you can't pick up living beings.'

Well the story better hell explain that. why you can pick up a dead body but not a living one.
Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
Well the story better hell explain that. why you can pick up a dead body but not a living one.

Unbalanced gameplay?
bonanzaguy - pushing over the edge was the single lamest tactic in JKII, for people with no skill. learn to sabre.
i never said i didnt saber. i only push bots because they run past the same point every time and its funny to see how many you can get down the same hole. i always enjoy sabering people though. except those jews who run straight at you and do the force pull crap right before you hit them. ugh, they're so gay
Jedi Knight II. and yeah its pretty fun if you're into star wars, and even if you're not