Maybe ... Half-Life 3?


Feb 27, 2011
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So whats i think ... And i know that not only me ...
Maybe Valve want to make not Episode 3? Maybe they're making Half-Life 3.
After EP2 ending thats could be real.
And looking at the graphics of modern games, it would be cool if they created their own modern engine.

And yeah. I know that this is just my assumptions without facts.
Just ... What do you think about this?

P.S. Forgive me for my mistakes - I'm from Russia and my knowledge of english is not perfect.
I'd like it to be called Ep3. I just love the way the episodes go. And if they have to implement a new engine for it they don't have to change the name of it. I think they'll release HL3 but not any time soon. I believe they'll give us a clue in Portal 2. But they won't release the game until DOTA 2 releases. Maybe 2012, but who knows right?

Plus: they said it would be called Half-Life 2: Episode Three. As far as I know nobody from Valve said anything different.
Did you put any thought in your name HL2EpThree? What's gonna happen when HL3 gets released?
You guys must have been drinking water, you shouldn't do that.
P.S. Forgive me for my mistakes - I'm from Russia and my knowledge of english is not perfect.

I wouldn't worry too much, translations into another language is never perfect, especially when rules and syntax are not always the same.

But they won't release the game until DOTA 2 releases. Maybe 2012, but who knows right?

Yeah you never know. Lets not forget DOTA2 is a RTS/RPG and not an FPS like HL2/Portal/TF2/L4D. DOTA is already well known but there would be a hardcore Valve fanbase that do not want anything to do with it. You could release both games simultaneously and still please the Hardcore fans and expand your gaming market into new areas.

A new Orange Box? Don't forget there is another game, Alien Swarm 2 that is in development as well
Plus: they said it would be called Half-Life 2: Episode Three. As far as I know nobody from Valve said anything different.
as far as I know nobody from Valve has said much at all where the next instalment of HL is concerned!
I really, really doubt that they'll call it HL3. Besides that, it might very well be long enough to be considered a separate game. Ep2 was much longer then Ep1, so if that trend continues, (it looks like it did) ep3 will be longer then ep2, making it roughly the length of a full game.
Half-Life 2 took six years to make. Next time they make a half-life game that takes six years, and updates the engine, gameplay and art style as radically as HL2 did, then they'll call it HL3.
Don't you see guys that every updated game by Valve Portal/TF/Half-Life/ Left 4 Dead... has the second part (2)? Left 4 Dead was relased in November 2008, then really quickly L4D2 come out in November 2009, just to has number 2 in the title :D
It's my idea when Portal 2 and DOTA 2 will be relased, then for sure we can expect Half-Life 3. I hope you understood me :)

So remember my NUMBER 2 idea!
It would bother me if they went straight to HL3, because it would mean one of two things.

A) There's no HL2 closure.

B) HL2 and HL3 meld together into one game. Personally, I would prefer a time lapse to occur much like between Half-life and Half-life 2 for the third installment.
Don't you see guys that every updated game by Valve Portal/TF/Half-Life/ Left 4 Dead... has the second part (2)? Left 4 Dead was relased in November 2008, then really quickly L4D2 come out in November 2009, just to has number 2 in the title :D
It's my idea when Portal 2 and DOTA 2 will be relased, then for sure we can expect Half-Life 3. I hope you understood me :)

So remember my NUMBER 2 idea!

That's because sequels tend to have the number after them.

Like Half Life 2.

By your logic, we should not expect Half Life 3, rather Half Life 2 Epsiode 2 Part 2.
You didn't understand my logic. It's still Half-Life 2 .... doesn't matter. Valve had to make some episodes or something to keep Half-Life series alive. There was same with Half-Life 1 then OP and BS :). It's just my point of view ;)

Valve made the episodes because they were disappointed with how long it took to make Half Life 2. They wanted to be able to get shorter releases out in a shorter time frame.

which they kind of failed at, at this point
I'd be okay with an episode 3 + HL3 package though