Megaman Mod?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chellis
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The name should be pretty much explanatory. Probably an SP mod, but maybe an MP mod, it would be *based* off megaman(dont want to get foxed, so not exact same)...Any comments? and I am learning modeling, dont flame me for being some newb with just ideas...

as your only just learning your skill, i would sugest joining a team, as it is harder than seems to run a mod team...

Try just modelling things... try Character creation, as HL2 seems to lack character modellers at the moment...

And if you insist on making your own mod, you should sit down and plan out the mod...just a random idea will not really surfice when it comes to it, you will just end up with something that is completely random, and complete C**p and that probably will not work...

give people an idea of what you want, and then post them here, and see what people think, ok?
I meant this thread as only an idea, and I said the modeling part because I didnt want to sound like I was saying "make me a mod"...I wouldnt join a mod until I was sufficient in modeling, nor start my own...and I know plenty about modding, as I was a bf1942 coder.
well, personally i think that joining a team, can be the biggest influence on your skill available...

It makes you work harder.. your team mates are there to help you...the lead modeller should always be there to give you hints and help when need be, I know that i'm always there for my team mates when need be... thats why i always play medic in wolfenstien and Veitcong, i geuss.... and your better in a team, as if its not good, people will be honest with you and you won't get the so called "1337" people flaming you and stuff... although on these forums it RARELY ever happens