Michael Abrash - "Do What You Love"


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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The fourth entry of Michael Abrash's blog, Ramblings in Valve Time, answers a question many people have been asking him:

"What should I study in college/learn to do/work at to get hired at Valve/have a good career/have a good life?"

His, somewhat clichéd, answer is "do what you love".
There are no guarantees, especially in the short run, about where that will lead – but at least you’ll enjoy the trip, and it is likely to lead to exciting things. It is true, however, that it can take a while; consider my own long journey to being a full-time programmer.

In 1975, I was a freshman at Clark University with absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was a Geography major, but only because I had taken an intro course and done well enough so that a professor had decided to mentor me. I did my Geography homework and papers the way I did all my homework and papers – under pressure and generally at the last minute; classwork was just what I had to do to stay in college. Then, as part of my major, I took Dick Howard’s FORTRAN course, and something interesting happened.
You can read the rest of Michael's adventures in programming here.
it's incredible to see how monster were the computers on those times, great reading by the way.

also, theres a typo on the title on michael's name.