Minecraft Beta 1.7 Updates


Jun 29, 2011
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1. Adventure update, to flesh out the game a bit and make exploration and combat more rewarding.
2. New features in the terrain generator; things which will only appear in new worlds/new generated areas.
3. Shift+Click on items will work correctly.
4. The Clay bug will be fixed.
5. Labels for items will be added.
6. Shears, will be the only way to harvest wool from sheep without hurting them.
7. They also destroy wool and leaf blocks faster than by hand.
8. Using shears will be a legitimate way to obtain placeable leaf blocks.
9. TNT will only be activated by redstone or fire, so picking up TNT will be possible.
10. Wool particle colours fixed.
11. Multiplayer server list.
12. Pistons.
13. Sticky Pistons will be included as well. They will be made with slime balls.
14. Spike blocks, Jeb initially considered spike pistons then decided to make a spike block that can be pushed by the sticky piston.
15. Player List - Press tab in multiplayer and player list comes up.
16. New "scary" mob added.
17. New improved lighting — day/night cycles will not require chunk updates.[21] Lighting will be updated via a texture, whose coordinates are the block's sky light and block light levels.
18. Warmer light from torches.
19. New textures for cobblestone (and moss stone) blocks.
20. Torches placable on fences.
21. Possibly Experience Orbs. Has not been confirmed by Notch, but is a possible explanation for the twitter clues he's been leaving.
22. Other secret projects.
23. Huge Mushrooms.
24. Use for Slimeballs: Slimeballs have been confirmed to be used in the creation of Sticky Pistons.
25. Better Repeater and Redstone connection

Read 12 point!!!!
1.7 isn't going to be the Adventure Update anymore. It's been delayed to 1.8.
We are pretty much getting the pistons, the shears, some redstone tweaks, being able to place fences on top of each other and to place torches on fences as well.

I glad they did this. Now we have pistons to keep us busy while we wait for the adventure update.