Mod - Aerial K9


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
The premise for this mod would be simple: You're in some sort of flight-enabled craft, and you shoot each other. I'd base some models off of the excellent aircraft diagrams in the "How Stuff Works: Technology of War" article under "In the Air" (scroll all the way down).
As for the title "Aerial K9", it implies dogfights. I think it would work well with the HL2 Source engine's vehicle support. However, it would not be a flight-sim game. It would be third-person to show off the shiny models.
I've never played BF1942, but I heard it was good. What's this about the game being similar?
jep u can fly different plains, drive different vehicles or wield some stationairy canons, aa, machineguns... WOII style
I think the battlefield engine is way better for handling large maps and planes etc... :)
I dont know, the Half-Life² engine seems to handle that pretty well to!
Originally posted by Fisheye
jep u can fly different plains, drive different vehicles or wield some stationairy canons, aa, machineguns... WOII style

hmmm never flown a Plain before....

* Stone gets out his tool kit

hmm now how do you get it started?!? :p
I used to work on a dog-fight flying mod for HL. It worked pretty well, and I dunno why it never got released. Anyways, if it can be done in HL1 it can be done in HL2 and be a lot prettier too. As you can see in the screenshots we were limited by HL map sizes even though we shrunk the models down a fair bit
That is actually a nice shot. I can see why the length/width/height limitations of Half-Life would make a dogfight mod difficult. Luckily, there are no such problems in HL2.
yeah.. it should be great. I never really played games where you can fly aircraft exept battlefield 1942 and I treyed flightunlimited 2(I think that is the name off the game)