Mod Team Needed- (HL2 -New style of gameplay mod)


Jun 25, 2004
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Calling all talented modellers, skinners, concept artists, coders and web developers: Mod Team Needed: -

Most if not all modern multiplayers pit player against player or team against team.
This Source modification aims to be different, putting each player on one team, with one objective.

The scenario is this. You and your team are firefighters on duty. You get an emergency call reporting a blaze at a tower block down town. Your team sets off (driven via AI) and arrive at the scene. You have to make your way into the burning building to rescue civillians trapped in the burning building, and then successfully put out the blaze. Also the buildings can fall apart and you could get trapped and get burned alive!! (floor boards break etc)

What will make the mod interesting?

The burning building is different each round (as the mods map is something like City 17, with numerous modelled buildings of different size and shape).

The fires that start in these buildings spread from room to room, building to building, so the faster you get it under control the better. The rate the fire grows also depends on the number of players in the game. The more players, the bigger the fire, and the faster it grows. This should keep the game challenging and exciting.

The mod is still in its infancy and as such currently has a small team.

What We Need:

Currently the MOD is new. What we need are modellers, skinners, concept artists, coders and someone to manage the mod website.

We also need a name. Some possibilites for consideration are Barbecue:Source and Inferno:Source.

Something that stands out!

lol, "mod team needed" :p

The idea sounds good, but will it become boring after 2 or 3 times?
63SixThreeSix3 said:
lol, "mod team needed" :p

The idea sounds good, but will it become boring after 2 or 3 times?

Course not, we will be adding many anti-boring (fun) things into the game :)
i promise you :)
very original and I like the thought of pyros burning down houses and killing innocent civilians while the other team is trying to save it all ;)
If you wish to have these buildings fall apart you will have to make them out of mdl's. This is because once a brush is in place. When you move it, the lighting does not refresh. This is because hl2 works on textured lighting.

I could be wrong. But thats how I see it atm.

idea sounds good if you impliment it right

offtopic :: Ichii what is up with corp anarchy aint had update in ages ;(
thats gonna be hard. To make in burning building there is shit that get in ur way.. and victums following u may not know how to get out like u do.. juming at right place and shit like that.
not a bad idea

its a good idea, but im afraid the execution may be flawed because of a few reasons (I just think this could be a prooblem :))

Well if the different building is burning each time.. is it gonna be like falling apart? Cause youd have to have breakable floor bloards in every single building and stuff... and the map would somehow have to change its BSP design to reflect the building that is burning? (IE have it looking broken down, charred and... well on fire) :p its kinda hard to describe... I hope someone knows what I mean! :D