Monitor emits high frequency, high pitch annoying sound

Jul 8, 2003
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MY Monitor emits high frequency, high pitch annoying sound. When I connect it with my Xbox 360, the sound goes away. But as it is connected to PC, the sound starts off.
My CRT does that when I turn it on. It's usually only on white pages too.

Just give it time to warm up.
Could be some sort of EM interference with your video card. Or synesthesia :P
Change your Refresh Rate on the monitor
I can hear a tube TV if its on anywhere in the house, from anywhere in the house, even if its muted. Its like I've got freakin dog hearing :|
Change your Refresh Rate on the monitor


Your CRT is going bad or you are using too high of a refresh rate for your resolution. Eighter way you need to change the refresh rate or your resolution to a lower one.
my crt gives a painful shock if you try to touch the screen ..also on start up it makes this horribly loud noise but that's typical for my crt which has some shadow masking something or other
hey, cool i can hear my tv too from far away when muted. in fact, i can hear my own monitor right now. my brother and my parents cant hear them at all. fellow dog