More interested in the house?


Mar 25, 2005
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I'm in a rut with my parents now, because I think they care more about thier ****ing house than they do my life. Let me explain...

About two weeks ago, my friend had set up a party at his house, a whole nine-yards. Well, I got up the next day, helped him clean his house up, (Which was, as you can imagine, pretty damn messy.) and drove home to sleep the rest of the day. When I woke up, and went to get something to eat, there was my dad, who said "Was the party good last night?" I tried fiegning ignorance and said "Huh?" But he brings up the fact that my friend's dad has just said that someone threw up in his house, his neighboors heard loud music, his liquor cabinet has been raided, ect. So I confessed, and instead of killing me like I thought he would, he just say's "Well, don't do it again, and never let me catch you in a car if your drunk." (I had hid the key's beforehand, don't worry, I'm not that stupid.:upstare: ) Now, as you can imagine, I was pretty damn happy to get off without even a slap to the wrist, and at the time, didn't think about the fact that I could easily have gotten killed, or killed someone else. But about a week later, I had two freinds over, and around 12 o' clock, we said "Hey, why not light something on fire?" So we get out a thick peice of wood, put it in my driveway, put a school book on top of it, put some gas on it, and watch it go. Pretty basic, right? Well, after all was said and done, I set the smoldering book in a corner of the driveway, not in the woods, where it could catch fire, or the trash, where the same could happen. Well, I leave that morning, and 5 hours later, I get a call to come back to the house. Guess what? My dad went mental over that. He could no longer trust me, I was now an idiot, and what I found the worst, is that he blatently said to my face. "Are you that idiotic? You could have burnt the house down!" Then he went off to make snide remarks all day about how my sister would never do something like that, and how great she was over me.

Now when I turned around and thought about it, I see that my dad only got mad over the fact that I had a remote chance that I could have burned down his precious house, despite that fact we had a running hose in hand. But when I was in a situation where I could have easily killed myself or others, he didn't seem to care at all. Anyone else ever had this happen?
I think you're an idiot...he is worried because you, him and your mum all live in the house and if it goes up, where the heck are you going to live. Stop playing with fire.
Youre an idot for drink driving.

You could have killed someone.

Your dad may be complaining about the wrong thing, but youre still a moron.
Be happy that nothing happened, and the police didnt catch you drink driving.

Jesus, youre mad at your dad for this?
Dag said:
I'm in a rut with my parents now, because I think they care more about thier ****ing house than they do my life. Let me explain...

About two weeks ago, my friend had set up a party at his house, a whole nine-yards. Well, I got up the next day, helped him clean his house up, (Which was, as you can imagine, pretty damn messy.) and drove home to sleep the rest of the day. When I woke up, and went to get something to eat, there was my dad, who said "Was the party good last night?" I tried fiegning ignorance and said "Huh?" But he brings up the fact that my friend's dad has just said that someone threw up in his house, his neighboors heard loud music, his liquor cabinet has been raided, ect. So I confessed, and instead of killing me like I thought he would, he just say's "Well, don't do it again, and never let me catch you in a car if your drunk." (I had hid the key's beforehand, don't worry, I'm not that stupid.:upstare: ) Now, as you can imagine, I was pretty damn happy to get off without even a slap to the wrist, and at the time, didn't think about the fact that I could easily have gotten killed, or killed someone else. But about a week later, I had two freinds over, and around 12 o' clock, we said "Hey, why not light something on fire?" So we get out a thick peice of wood, put it in my driveway, put a school book on top of it, put some gas on it, and watch it go. Pretty basic, right? Well, after all was said and done, I set the smoldering book in a corner of the driveway, not in the woods, where it could catch fire, or the trash, where the same could happen. Well, I leave that morning, and 5 hours later, I get a call to come back to the house. Guess what? My dad went mental over that. He could no longer trust me, I was now an idiot, and what I found the worst, is that he blatently said to my face. "Are you that idiotic? You could have burnt the house down!" Then he went off to make snide remarks all day about how my sister would never do something like that, and how great she was over me.

Now when I turned around and thought about it, I see that my dad only got mad over the fact that I had a remote chance that I could have burned down his precious house, despite that fact we had a running hose in hand. But when I was in a situation where I could have easily killed myself or others, he didn't seem to care at all. Anyone else ever had this happen?

let me get this straight're mad at your dad for something YOU did? he was worried about his family ...what if the house did catch fire and a family member was injured/killed? he had every reason to be mad at you were acting like an idiot. Your dad doesnt trust you ...and I dont blame him I wouldnt either

ok so now you've learned your lesson (hopefully) now it's time to win back his trust could start by cleaning the mess on the driveway

dag said:
I had hid the key's beforehand, don't worry, I'm not that stupid.

you obviously learned nothing

if you were my son ...I'd take away the keys to the car and make you take the bus for the rest of the decade or till you learned responsibility ...sooner or later you're going to drink and drive again ...and this time you might not be so lucky
Dude...grow up a bit eh? Your just angry cos you eventually got your just deserts for being stupid at the party. Thought you got away with it? No it was just one more reason for him to lose trust in you. Things add up. Putting people's lives are risk is never a joking matter...hes not 'more interested in the house' hes more interested in your safety and his families. Learn from this...or god help you.
If you burnt down the house, you'd live on the streets. You'd be poor, you'd lose everything, and a family member could have been hurt. He was worried, you just took it in wrong. Also... it wasn't smart pouring gas on the Book and wood, then starting it on fire. Its the fumes that cause the explosion, not the gas. A spark comes from the book, fumes still there, and BOOM!
book-burning and drink driving ?
its a bad day for society
shadow6899 said:
i dont know what your all saying he never said he drove drunk... so wtf u guys talking about...

yes he did:

" I was pretty damn happy to get off without even a slap to the wrist, and at the time, didn't think about the fact that I could easily have gotten killed, or killed someone else."

shadow6899 said:
having a party is fine dag dont listen to all these sticklers.

if it's his own house sure ...until he's paying the mortgage he has to follow his parents rules

shadow6899 said:
Just dont **** shit up in the house and everything is straight. Who cares if u burn something in the ****in driveway, it's concreat (meh sp?) nothing is burning but the material made to be burnt.

the majority of driveways are paved with asphalt not concrete ...heat melts asphalt ..anything that burns on it will melt into it ...not that that makes a lick of difference because IT'S NOT HIS HOUSE TO BEGIN WITH
shadow6899 said:
so i dont see any harm that could of been done by burning a book on the pavement, im sorry but that will not burn ur house down, try as hard as you want it wont unless u put the thing IN the house or at least next to it.

his father was obviously upset by it ...if he wants to do whatever he wants without someone breathing down his neck all he has to do is move out and find his own apartment/house

shadow6899 said:
secondly he still didn't say he drank and drove, he said he spent the night their and helped his friend clean up,

reading comprehension:

" I was pretty damn happy to get off without even a slap to the wrist, and at the time, didn't think about the fact that I could easily have gotten killed, or killed someone else."

shadow6899 said:
and he even said he hid his keys so he wouldn't. Read first then make comments sterny ol boy... i think ur gettin old on me :/

you should follow your own advice: he was referring to hiding the keys when his dad confronted him so that his dad wouldnt take it away from him
so why was he afraid that he might have killed someone or himself?

so if he cant move out the logical thing to do would be to follow the rules till he can move out
Uh isn't this what blogs are for?

Besides that I agree with Stern. You did something stupid and deserve punishment in some way or form.
shadow6899 said:
your parents are legally responsible for you until 18 in the USA.

That's probably why his parents are so angry.

I didn't understand the bit about drunk driving. I assumed he hid the keys from himself so when he was drunk he couldn't drive...or something. Not clear though. I prefer paragraphed text.

Dag:"I got a piece of wood and book and set it alight and nearly burnt the house down."

Dad: "Your an idiot, you could have burnt the house down!!"

Dag: "What about me Dad!? I could have got hurt!!!"

We need a stupid forum.
shadow6899 said:
yes thats what i thought too. i dont think he deserves punishment, not at all. Maybe a little scolding but punishment? for going to a party i mean cmon...

o and dont be mad at me cappy D: i still <3 you even if we disagree.

I'm not mad at you

and he didnt get in trouble for going to the party ...he got in trouble for setting the driveway on fire and driving home drunk/under the influence

btw not sure how it is in dag's neck of the woods but there's a law against burning household refuse ..I think it's a $500 fine
CptStern said:
if you were my son ...I'd take away the keys to the car and make you take the bus for the rest of the decade or till you learned responsibility ...sooner or later you're going to drink and drive again ...and this time you might not be so lucky
I thought this was going to be about your parents building a house and neglecting caring about you in the process being too involved with that or something.

Honestly, this is your fault, and bluntly -just stop doing stupid things. Dag, partying and lighting stuff on fire is not 'your life'.
Setting fire to stuff near your house in a residential are = dumb.

Using petrol to do it = much worse.

Petrol doesn't just catch fire, its vapour EXPLODES. So yes, it would have been possible to burn the house, anything else in the area, and yourself and your friends. Plus its illegal. If I were your dad, I would be more worried about the rest of the family sleeping in the house than you outside being stupid.
haha. you come to the forums thinking you'll probably get sympathy and you get a "talking to". dag, i think you were lucky your father didn't get angry when you had your party. To do something like burning something in the front yard of your own house would understandably test your father's patience. It doesn't look like anything actually happened to you, so hush up and learn your lesson. No offense: you don't seem that bright so i'll explain things slowly. Don't. Burn. Things. at. Home. ok? got it? good.