More Videos of Episode 2 and Left 4 Dead (Interview)


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Gamevideos has more videos for you today. You can watch Alyx and Gordon take on a group of Hunters in a two part gameplay video. Just click part 1 or part 2 to view them. [br]They also have an exclusive video preview with some new gameplay footage and a couple of blokes chatting about the game here. Be aware this video has some story elements in it and includes the first appearance of original Black Mesa scientist Dr Magnusson.[br]
Gamespot have a video interview with Mike Booth, president of Turtle Rock Studios who are developing Left 4 Dead. The video also includes some gameplay footage and narration. The 6 minute video is available here.
I can't wait to see more scenes involving him he is just a brilliant character even though I haven't played the game yet I already can see that he is going to be a great character.
Maximum awesomeness! I love Dr.Magnusson! I love Valve!
Graphics look good and the hunters sound wicked. Depending on the version of the game it still seems like the have the new blood effects in. Anyone else notice the first hunter video around 1:40 and on. Is the hunter staying mostly hidden because it's hurt or is there something messed up?
Not gonna watch. I'm saving myself for Episode two.
Gamesvideos takes aeons to load up :(

Just want to get to the part to hear what the new Dr sounds like.

Somebody nice youtube the third video for us.

EDIT: Greatz, watched the first video and there was a clipping error. I hate it when that happens.
Magnusson is hilarious. :LOL:

But the only thing I don't like is how the Hunters move. They just stand and strafe, and I think the AI was glitching up because the Hunter wouldn't get out of the doorway, unless it was supposed to do that, which really makes the open space so less necessary and boring.

And they really didn't do anything in the first place. Alyx was just running back and forth shooting the Hunter who probably should of ran towards us, or at least do something interesting. :|
They clearly ram players/Alyx in the Advisor vid. Pretty frequently too.
I hope Hunters and their darts do alot more damage than what the vid. suggest. It was like 3 hp. Wonder if they were playing in some "god" like mode.
I'm pretty sure they never put previews on hard. They should, though. Hopefully EP2 hard will be...hard, this time round.
It was pretty obvious they were playing it on a console :|
Haven't seen this video yet, i will try to resist. How spoiler-ish is it from 1-10?
I didn't see too many spoilers as in major plot points, but a few minor details were revealed.
Wow that video finally set forth my hype train, I can't wait to play through HL2 through HL2E2. Now it's confession time; I never played/bought episode one, I've been waiting for Orange Box to receive it as part of the bundle. On the upside I have a ton of Half-Life'ing ahead of me, woot.