Mount and Blade Warband unlocks today on steam

Glad I waited for the final version. It is much smoother and it loads alot faster.
guys in medievil armor with jetpacks?
Shit, just rip off TF2 and take the sword demoman and the archer sniper, add in a heavy ball-and-chain guy, turn the spy into a D&D rogue-like guy, and call it a game!

It'd be more of one than Mount & Blade. :upstare:
I'm pondering buying the retail copy of this.

Bought the original back in the early days when the developer sold it very cheaply(Back when it was like 0.6xx or 0.7xx.

Problem is I already own so many games, not sure if I should buy it or wait until later, because as it is now I just keep buying games faster than I play'em.
I was beta testing the multiplayer at the beginning for like a month, until I got distracted doing other things... kept getting beta update information though. Glad to see it finally released.

I wonder how the multiplayer is compared to how it was. It was really really fun, just needed tweaking.
Glad I waited for the final version. It is much smoother and it loads alot faster.

oddly enough I ran into some bugs last night with the retail version. nothing show stopping (flickering menus)
I played the demo today. Couldnt join a server though, guess its disabled for the demo. The SP is pretty much the same it seems, with a changed around world map, though I am glad to see they actually some some real quests now. But what did they do with the attack animations? It looks so weird, and theres some awful deformation on the shoulder when you go to swing from your right side.

I read that they're planning to update the models soon too, maybe it works better on them and thats why they changed it. Either way, I'm definitely waiting for a sale or price drop.
Mount & Blade Warband is 66% off right now on steam. Instead of 30 bucks, it's like 10.

Now's the time to buy if you want it. I've been waiting for this.
From what I saw of my roomie playing it, I would pay no more than $1 for this game.
From what I saw of my roomie playing it, I would pay no more than $1 for this game.

Mount & Blade was a ****ing awesome game.

If Mount & Blade simply improves upon it and doesn't ruin it... it's easily worth $50. I played the ****ing shit out of Mount & Blade, and bought it while it was in beta stage for like 12 bucks.
It improves on it. Warband is practically the same game only expanded campaign, etc.

Worth $30.
Mount & Blade Warband is 66% off right now on steam. Instead of 30 bucks, it's like 10.

Now's the time to buy if you want it. I've been waiting for this.

so have I....bought!!! thank you
I might buy it... someone give me a rundown in like ... 100 words or less to convince me. Also, how's the multiplayer? Third thing - Warband is stand-alone right?
Its an RPG with stats and shit. You run around on a world map that lets you attack other parties, visit towns/cities/other characters. You do misc quests for characters until you join a faction or find a dissenter to ally yourself with and work to make them king of a faction. Once you're in a faction you can participate in the wars your faction is in. Attacking enemy generals, besieging enemy cities and castles, razing and pillaging their smaller towns, etc. After you build up some level of honor and/or improve your relation with your king, he will grant you fiefdoms, like those cities/towns/castles you helped take. You get money from them, and can spend money improving them, you also can recruit better soldiers (they start off at a higher rank) from your holdings, if they like you.

You also get companions with whom you can level up as you see fit, and you recruit soldiers from towns that level up in a more general way. You can have a huge army, or a small raiding party. The size of your army matters, because if you're too few you won't be able to attack many people, and enemy armies will chase you. If you're too many, you move slow on the world map and people will run away from you, making it hard to catch them.

Theres a lot more shit to it as well, but I'm done typing.

ya everyone should buy this game

warband is exactly like Mount and Blade with better graphics, more features and multiplayer
Psht, I bought this game as soon as I made my last post in this thread. At full price even.
SUCKER!!! also ..I'm glad to see you (eventually) agreed with me but couldnt bring yourself to do so publically :arms:
Didn't feel like bumping the thread for it.
lies of convenience are still lies that they both make baby jesus cry
Its an RPG with stats and shit. You run around on a world map that lets you attack other parties, visit towns/cities/other characters. You do misc quests for characters until you join a faction or find a dissenter to ally yourself with and work to make them king of a faction. Once you're in a faction you can participate in the wars your faction is in. Attacking enemy generals, besieging enemy cities and castles, razing and pillaging their smaller towns, etc. After you build up some level of honor and/or improve your relation with your king, he will grant you fiefdoms, like those cities/towns/castles you helped take. You get money from them, and can spend money improving them, you also can recruit better soldiers (they start off at a higher rank) from your holdings, if they like you.

You also get companions with whom you can level up as you see fit, and you recruit soldiers from towns that level up in a more general way. You can have a huge army, or a small raiding party. The size of your army matters, because if you're too few you won't be able to attack many people, and enemy armies will chase you. If you're too many, you move slow on the world map and people will run away from you, making it hard to catch them.

Theres a lot more shit to it as well, but I'm done typing.

That was 226 words and you didn't even say whether or not multiplayer was any good or if warband is stand alone.
Oh no what if we can't convince Starbob to buy this game???? :( :( :(

Seriously dude, how about you do your own research? Here's a link to get you started.

The walkthrough videos explain how you get started and show you some gameplay. Beyond that, maybe look into those silly review things or something.

Anyway, you're probably a very busy man. Sorry if this is too many words for your flimsy attention span to bear. :)
Oh no what if we can't convince Starbob to buy this game???? :( :( :(

Seriously dude, how about you do your own research? Here's a link to get you started.

The walkthrough videos explain how you get started and show you some gameplay. Beyond that, maybe look into those silly review things or something.

Anyway, you're probably a very busy man. Sorry if this is too many words for your flimsy attention span to bear. :)

Once again Bad Hat forgets the definition of research. Actually I am quite busy though, thanks for acknowledging it.
Since when has "doing research" meant telling other people to do all the work for you and explain everything.

Warband is stand alone and I don't play multiplayer.

By the way, I charge $70/hr for doing people's research for them. You owe me $37.50. I take paypal or cashier's check.
Since when has "doing research" meant telling other people to do all the work for you and explain everything.

Warband is stand alone and I don't play multiplayer.

By the way, I charge $70/hr for doing people's research for them. You owe me $37.50. I take paypal or cashier's check.

Since when is it not research to seek the knowledge of people that have it? IS it not research to ask a Vietnam War veteran about the Vietnam War? But it's not research if I ask people that have played the game some minor details about it? What a tricky world we live in...

Anyways I got it and I'm pissed off that I'm supposed to bring these people cows but they ****ing vanish if they get more then 2 feet away from me... I have eight cows roaming around somewhere.
To quote myself:

how about you do your own research?
Minor point there.

There's a difference between researching something yourself and asking others to reproduce that research for you. This is the internet, the information is out there to be found with very very little effort (regardless of how busy you are... you can't be that busy if you're posting here). But I don't even have a problem with that, actually I was going to type up a short explanation for you at first, it's your attitude I didn't like. Suffice to say, coming across as though you expect everyone else to do your legwork with no thanks isn't the best way to get results.

Also, just because I know how annoying it is, there are fixes out there that make cows follow you instead of having to herd them, making those quests about 50 times more tolerable. Don't have a link handy, but you should be able to find something on the Tale Worlds forums.
I think that may even be an option now in the main game, to have cows follow you instead of you herding them. But yeah, cow quests are annoying unless you're just stealing them from enemy villages and slaughtering them for raw beef to sell at a city.
Fixing the cattle issue was easy and saved me a lot of hassle. It's weird that quests range from the near impossible to so easy you wonder why you even do them. I chased around THREE Forest Bandits for like 40 days before I could find and catch them. It was so frustrating when someone would be like "Yeah I saw them over here like 15 seconds ago" then you get there and it's like "Yeah they just went by 4 years ago."

It's pretty fun though. I had no idea it would be 100% sandbox. Is there any overriding quest outside of just being awesome and powerful at the end?
Quests where you have to chase guys are annoying as hell. Another tip: if you buy horses and just leave them in your inventory, it speeds up your army on the world map as though they're riding them. I'm not sure if there's an upper limit to how many horses actually effect this, or if better horses do more or what, but I always put a few regular horses in there and it seems to help.
Quests where you have to chase guys are annoying as hell. Another tip: if you buy horses and just leave them in your inventory, it speeds up your army on the world map as though they're riding them. I'm not sure if there's an upper limit to how many horses actually effect this, or if better horses do more or what, but I always put a few regular horses in there and it seems to help.

Lame... I just had an assload of horses in my inventory from these deserters and I sold them. Probably had 7 or so. I only recently tied myself to a king and got my ass kicked trying to raid a town.
Yeah, try not to swear allegiance too soon. Hire yourself out as a mercenary if you want to go to war.
Yeah, try not to swear allegiance too soon. Hire yourself out as a mercenary if you want to go to war.

That actually may have been what I did... I don't actually know what's going on since I have trouble keeping track of all of these names. I like to skip these courier missions even though they're really simple ways of making people like you, but I hate riding across the entire map to say hi and leave
Psht, those missions are for chumps. Whenever I start a new character, I decide who I want to pledge to right away, then go around on my own fighting shit looting/robbing towns that are at war with my future employer, making bank. Once I've added enough points to my leadership skill, I raise a decent party, get them trained up, join up with the faction, and start doing real jobs, like becoming marshal and leading the other generals in full scale war and laying waste to mine enemies.

Don't forget to look for companions. They're found in taverns in the big cities. They don't die and you can equip them yourself. They're essentially your own, immortal knights once they level up. Though obviously they can be knocked out, and they don't usually get along with one another, but its worth it to find a good crew that doesn't hate each other's guts.
Personally I always buy the establishment that bring in the most cash in every city, before pledging etc, in my most recent Warband game it let me bring in a neat 12,000 a week, more I think, prior to paying salaries etc.
That was just patched in kinda recently, so I had no idea what I was doing. I built a breadshop in my city, and it sucks because apparently its overrun with bread as it is.
That was just patched in kinda recently, so I had no idea what I was doing. I built a breadshop in my city, and it sucks because apparently its overrun with bread as it is.

Before you finalize your purchase, the Guild Master tells you how much he estimates you will make, I think the ones that made me the most cost like 4000 each or above, anyway, I found that their income fluctuated very little, at most it fluctuated with like a 100.