Mr. Freeman's bifocals...



Hhmmm...I've been thinking...Gordon Freeman wears glasses, right? And Half Life 2 is a FPS, correct? Okay then, why not combine the two? Well, here's what I think...

When playing Half Life 2, you are seeing what Gordon Freeman sees-you are looking through his eyes. Such as his hands and the weapons he holds. So what if, when viewing in first-person, you look through his glasses? Great idea, huh?

The lenses would be on the screen and everything outside of the lenses would look blurry-just like real-life. They would act as sort of a viewing point when shooting and looking out and around. And particles, such as rain and snow, would stick and smear on his glasses. Small rain droplets would slowly glide and drip down the lenses. I mean, I wear glasses, too, and I think it would be an ingenious idea! I mean, the HL2 engine could definitely take advantage of this sort of thing. And when he comes from a very hot and humid place to a cold and windy place, the glasses would fog up and make it difficult to see-just like in real life. Valve should really think about adding this into the game before it is released. I mean, no other game has attempted this and I believe it would amaze everyone. And when Gordon gets hit in the face, the glasses would take damage and possibly fall off! The glasses could shatter and bend...all while peering through his eyes! And when the sun is shining bright or lights are showing, you could see glares and reflections on the glasses.

So, what do you guys think? Ingenious idea or pitiful attempt?
Sounds like an OK idea in another mod, but it would probably ruin the half-life SP experience. Maybe if your resolution was set high enough you'd be able to see outside the glasses.
Thsi was actually suggested sometime ago (well, someone said they should/could get foggy and need to be cleaned with an idle animation), most of us agreed it'd break the immersion
While it seems like a good idea, i think it would get very annoying if the view got misty every five minutes.
LOL...nice idea but it wuld annoy more than it wuld excite,do more bad then good,

Think it wuld just annoy people thats all, specially people that dnt wear specs.
The last thing I want to think about in battle is stepping on my glasses then have to go find a Lens Crafters in City 17.
I wouldnt like it, I want to see everything as clear as day, which is one of the reasons people are shelling out a bunch of money for high-end cards. They want everything to be crystal clear and run smoothly!
But then they wouldnt need a decent engine, just make everything blurry and say its supposed 2 look like that :)
It would add nothing to the game fact it would make the playability of the game much worse IMO. Not to mention the added, inappropriate humour to a serious game. could make for an amusing and graphically impressive mod, as I'm sure it is possible to achieve in Source.
If the specs are clean, then everything you see would be clear as day.
I think it would immerse you even more into the game.
mobA said:
If the specs are clean, then everything you see would be clear as day.
I think it would immerse you even more into the game.

Ok....but I don't think it's going to happen. But like I said, a mod may be made to achieve this effect.
Another example of why games and reality don't mix.
SMT said:
Another example of why games and reality don't mix.
How would know? This sort of thing has never been attempted by any game. And I think the HL2 engine would put it to great use.
Good thought, but bad idea for a game. But maybe if you did that, if you got shot in the face then they would break and you would have to play the rest of the game without them...

but oh wait, if you got shot in the face you would be dead in a "realistic" game.
Stuff like the fogging has been done before in Metroid Prime with Samus' helmet visor. You could even see Samus's face reflected in the visor if there was a bright explosion in front of her or something...very cool! The upcoming Star Wars squad based combat game (can't remember the name right now) has the same thing. It's a cool effect, but I really think it's only possible when you're seeing through a helmet visor rather than glasses.

Think about it...when you use glasses, you don't see the whole frame of the glasses in front of you, instead each eye's image is put together to give you the whole scene. Implementing this in the game would seem odd unless you could use a 3D system that allows different images going to each of the viewer's eyes. Placing the entire frame of the glasses over the screen would just look odd, not to mention it would block the very center of the screen where the nose piece is.
MindCrafter said:
What about those who actually wear glasses? Double up, no thanks.

lol, that's a better idea! include a pair of non-magnifying glasses to wear while playing the game. That would provide the effect much more realistically!
True true lol

If u want a game to be realistic he'd have to die within one shot to the face (or bullet proof specs!!11!!1)

And mind crafter i doubt u wuld get a 'double' spec vision from looking at it on a screen.
They should ship HL2 with a free set of 3D goggles and a Radeon X800 XT just so they can have that effect. :D
This idea would be good for a game such as halo, where you see through MC's helmet.
lans said:
This idea would be good for a game such as halo, where you see through MC's helmet.
Actually, in HALO 2, your helemt visor will crack and stuff.

But BAD ANNOYING idea for HL2. What would you do when your glases break?

Old topic. Meh, but why did you say "Bifocals"?
you may want to see dirt etc on the glasses and have to clean them but in my opinion that would not be fun at all, and wouldnt be immersive, to be honest it would just piss me off.

you might as well ask for some inhale and exhale keys that you have to press alternately or otherwise risk falling unconscious :hmph: :E
bodhi said:
you might as well ask for some inhale and exhale keys that you have to press alternately or otherwise risk falling unconscious :hmph: :E

this could all be cool in the Sims : You
Well, I thought this would be a great immersion tool...but no one seems to agree with me. I just thought that it would be a first for a game and most people would be intrigued, instead of a constant annoyance.
mobA said:
I dunno...just something different than saying "Mr. Freeman's glasses". ya know?
Uhh, too bad glasses aren't the same as bifocals LOL. Hah.

Bifocals are where the top of the lense is for far vision, and the bottom is for close vision. Dir.

Let's not forget blinking, or your eyes dry out and everything turns red ahhhh!! MeLtInG!1!1!1!
vegeta897 said:
Uhh, too bad glasses aren't the same as bifocals LOL. Hah.

Bifocals are where the top of the lense is for far vision, and the bottom is for close vision. Dir.

Let's not forget blinking, or your eyes dry out and everything turns red ahhhh!! MeLtInG!1!1!1!
Yes, I realized that, but only after I posted the topic. :frown:

And as for the blinking...let's not get too realistic. That would just be unfun.
It's an intresting idea...but the bifocals will limit the visbility of the player.
Why would he be constantly wearing glasses if he was far sighted? Hyperopic people usually only need "reading" glasses, because usually nothing else is close enough to be out of focus (at least, nothing important enough to necessitate wearing glasses at all times). Thus, one would logically conclude that he is myopic.
I reckon he should have ciggies as well!
What better release of stress from being chased by the combine but a fag break!

Yeah you could press a button and he'd give the finger to all the combine and lean against the wall and puff away.
Coinciding with the players need for a smoke, I think this will be revolutionary in gaming!
Bicka said:
I reckon he should have ciggies as well!
What better release of stress from being chased by the combine but a fag break!

Yeah you could press a button and he'd give the finger to all the combine and lean against the wall and puff away.
Coinciding with the players need for a smoke, I think this will be revolutionary in gaming!
...aka Postal 2
why not put on your glasses.. then go play halflife ? that way you can choose
OCybrManO said:
Why would he be constantly wearing glasses if he was far sighted? Hyperopic people usually only need "reading" glasses, because usually nothing else is close enough to be out of focus (at least, nothing important enough to necessitate wearing glasses at all times). Thus, one would logically conclude that he is myopic.

He can't see stuff far away, that's why the textures look worse at great distances! :cheers: :cheers:
Didn't you know? Gordon has perfect 20/20 vision. He just wears glasses because glasses are what 'cool kids' wear. Ahaa
mobA said:
Hhmmm...I've been thinking...Gordon Freeman wears glasses, right? And Half Life 2 is a FPS, correct? Okay then, why not combine the two?
So, what do you guys think? Ingenious idea or pitiful attempt?
Well, no offense, but I'd go with the latter - it's a pointless detail and the game's immersive enough. Besides, I can already simulate the effect of wearing glasses well enough by putting mine on, thankyouverymuch.
And they're very similar to Gordon's, anyway.
It would appear that he's a dirty "Emo Kid"/yuppie. Says a lot about me... <sighs>
From someone who's worn glasses since age 4, the bluriness on the edges of vision is quite small, too small in fact to show in 4:3 aspect ratio: there, only a small line of bluriness on the top and bottom would make sense. Until games display peripheral vision on 16:9 monitors, you wouldn't realistically see much affect.

For his sake battling monsters, hopefully Freeman's farsighted.
Ive worn glasses and the outside doesn't get blurry, and the cleaning idea is just dumb. Why not have Gordon take a shite too, theres some immersive crap for ya.
Dalamari said:
Ive worn glasses and the outside doesn't get blurry, and the cleaning idea is just dumb. Why not have Gordon take a shite too, theres some immersive crap for ya.
When you move your eyes to the outside of the lenses(not through the lenses), it is blurry if you are me. Even when looking through your glasses lenses, you still see blurriness on the outsides of the lenses because you have peripheral vision.