Multiplayer options



Do you guys/gals think there will be any coop missions? What other kind of Multiplayer options/game types do you think they'll have? Can I hear some feed back? and I appologize if this has been discussed.
I doubt there will be co-op in the game, unless maybe it is LAN-only co-op.

I read an interview with a Halo develeoper who said it is difficult to synchronize the actions of 2 or more players in a co-op situation. Especially when they are playing in two different areas of the map.
Originally posted by chili pepper
I doubt there will be co-op in the game, unless maybe it is LAN-only co-op.

I read an interview with a Halo develeoper who said it is difficult to synchronize the actions of 2 or more players in a co-op situation. Especially when they are playing in two different areas of the map.

So how come it's been done in Sven co-op, a fan-made mod?
yea sven-coop :D

hello abomination :)

if you the 1 I knew from long ago... it is Mamuwarrior :p
Originally posted by Mamu
yea sven-coop :D

hello abomination :)

if you the 1 I knew from long ago... it is Mamuwarrior :p

Sorry, don't think that was me - I might not remember, though.

Anyway, Hi ;)
I think co-op is a definite possibility. Clearly some decent AI has been developed to provide a reasonable combative enemy. Bots have been doing it for years. So player working together against a computer-driven enemy is a possibility.

Also the camera technology is another move forward. Think of Aliens 2 where multiple cameras show viewpoints of each soldier. HL2 might have the capabilities to pull that off, providing framework towards a commander-view which TF2 was scheduled to have.

Considering Valve's push to improve gameplay more than visuals, they may have stretched to cover new ground in online gaming. What exactly that is, might be difficult to guess at.
Yes, co-op has been done with Sven, but server crashes are frequent when you play it. Its not easy to implemet co-op without a lot of technical problems, which is why FPS games tend not to have it.
Originally posted by chili pepper
Yes, co-op has been done with Sven, but server crashes are frequent when you play it. Its not easy to implemet co-op without a lot of technical problems, which is why FPS games tend not to have it.

Not true. Sven co-op servers run just like any other game server, and I should know, I've played SC in excess of 6 hours straight on the same one server before..
Lets hope they don't implement Co-op because then that would put the Sven team out of business.